mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 00:32:49 +00:00
Nabarun Gogoi
* Codegen create queries only for inherited contracts * Refactor recursive method to filter inherited contracts * Comment code and refactor --------- Co-authored-by: Dhruv Srivastava <dhruvdhs.ds@gmail.com>
458 lines
15 KiB
458 lines
15 KiB
// Copyright 2021 Vulcanize, Inc.
import fs from 'fs';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import path from 'path';
import yargs from 'yargs';
import { hideBin } from 'yargs/helpers';
import assert from 'assert';
import { Writable } from 'stream';
import yaml from 'js-yaml';
import os from 'os';
import { flatten } from '@poanet/solidity-flattener';
import { parse, visit } from '@solidity-parser/parser';
import { ASTNode } from '@solidity-parser/parser/dist/src/ast-types';
import { KIND_ACTIVE, KIND_LAZY } from '@cerc-io/util';
import { MODE_ETH_CALL, MODE_STORAGE, MODE_ALL, MODE_NONE, DEFAULT_PORT } from './utils/constants';
import { Visitor } from './visitor';
import { exportServer } from './server';
import { exportConfig } from './config';
import { generateArtifacts } from './artifacts';
import { exportPackage } from './package';
import { exportTSConfig } from './tsconfig';
import { exportReadme } from './readme';
import { exportJobRunner } from './job-runner';
import { exportWatchContract } from './watch-contract';
import { exportLint } from './lint';
import { registerHandlebarHelpers } from './utils/handlebar-helpers';
import { exportHooks } from './hooks';
import { exportFill } from './fill';
import { exportCheckpoint } from './checkpoint';
import { exportState } from './export-state';
import { importState } from './import-state';
import { exportInspectCID } from './inspect-cid';
import { getSubgraphConfig } from './utils/subgraph';
import { exportIndexBlock } from './index-block';
import { exportSubscriber } from './subscriber';
import { exportReset } from './reset';
import { filterInheritedContractNodes, writeFileToStream } from './utils/helpers';
const ASSET_DIR = path.resolve(__dirname, 'assets');
const main = async (): Promise<void> => {
const argv = await yargs(hideBin(process.argv))
.option('config-file', {
alias: 'c',
demandOption: true,
describe: 'Watcher generation config file path (yaml)',
type: 'string'
.option('continue-on-error', {
alias: 'e',
demandOption: false,
default: false,
describe: 'Continue generating watcher if unhandled types encountered',
type: 'boolean'
.option('overwrite', {
alias: 'o',
demandOption: false,
default: false,
describe: 'Overwrite previously generated watcher',
type: 'boolean'
const config = getConfig(path.resolve(argv['config-file']));
// Create an array of flattened contract strings.
const contracts: any[] = [];
for (const contract of config.contracts) {
const { path: inputFile, abiPath, name, kind } = contract;
const contractData: any = {
contractName: name,
contractKind: kind
if (abiPath) {
const abiString = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(abiPath)).toString();
contractData.contractAbi = JSON.parse(abiString);
if (inputFile) {
assert(typeof inputFile === 'string', 'Contract input file path should be a string');
if (inputFile.startsWith('http')) {
// Assume flattened file in case of URL.
const response = await fetch(inputFile);
contractData.contractString = await response.text();
} else {
contractData.contractString = config.flatten
? await flatten(path.resolve(inputFile))
: fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(inputFile)).toString();
// Generate artifacts from contract.
const inputFileName = path.basename(inputFile, '.sol');
const { abi, storageLayout } = await generateArtifacts(
contractData.contractAbi = abi;
contractData.contractStorageLayout = storageLayout;
const continueOnError = argv['continue-on-error'];
const overwriteExisting = argv.overwrite;
const visitor = new Visitor(continueOnError);
parseAndVisit(visitor, contracts, config.mode);
generateWatcher(visitor, contracts, config, overwriteExisting);
function parseAndVisit (visitor: Visitor, contracts: any[], mode: string) {
let functionDefinitionVisitor;
let stateVariableDeclarationVisitor;
// Visit function definitions only if mode is MODE_ETH_CALL | MODE_ALL.
if ([MODE_ALL, MODE_ETH_CALL].includes(mode)) {
functionDefinitionVisitor = visitor.functionDefinitionVisitor.bind(visitor);
// Visit state variable declarations only if mode is MODE_STORAGE | MODE_ALL.
if ([MODE_ALL, MODE_STORAGE].includes(mode)) {
stateVariableDeclarationVisitor = visitor.stateVariableDeclarationVisitor.bind(visitor);
for (const contract of contracts) {
visitor.setContract(contract.contractName, contract.contractKind);
if (contract.contractString) {
// Get the abstract syntax tree for the flattened contract.
const ast = parse(contract.contractString);
const contractNode = ast.children.find((node: ASTNode) =>
node.type === 'ContractDefinition' &&
node.name === contract.contractName
const nodes = filterInheritedContractNodes(ast, [contractNode]);
ast.children = Array.from(nodes).concat(contractNode);
visit(ast, {
StateVariableDeclaration: stateVariableDeclarationVisitor,
FunctionDefinition: functionDefinitionVisitor
function generateWatcher (visitor: Visitor, contracts: any[], config: any, overWriteExisting = false) {
// Prepare directory structure for the watcher.
let outputDir = '';
if (config.outputFolder) {
outputDir = path.resolve(config.outputFolder);
if (fs.existsSync(outputDir)) {
if (!overWriteExisting) {
throw new Error('Watcher already exists in output folder. Run with --overwrite flag to overwrite');
} else {
fs.mkdirSync(outputDir, { recursive: true });
const huskyDir = path.join(outputDir, '.husky');
if (!fs.existsSync(huskyDir)) fs.mkdirSync(huskyDir);
const environmentsFolder = path.join(outputDir, 'environments');
if (!fs.existsSync(environmentsFolder)) fs.mkdirSync(environmentsFolder);
const artifactsFolder = path.join(outputDir, 'src/artifacts');
if (!fs.existsSync(artifactsFolder)) fs.mkdirSync(artifactsFolder, { recursive: true });
const entitiesFolder = path.join(outputDir, 'src/entity');
if (!fs.existsSync(entitiesFolder)) fs.mkdirSync(entitiesFolder, { recursive: true });
const resetCmdsFolder = path.join(outputDir, 'src/cli/reset-cmds');
if (!fs.existsSync(resetCmdsFolder)) fs.mkdirSync(resetCmdsFolder, { recursive: true });
const checkpointCmdsFolder = path.join(outputDir, 'src/cli/checkpoint-cmds');
if (!fs.existsSync(checkpointCmdsFolder)) fs.mkdirSync(checkpointCmdsFolder, { recursive: true });
let outStream: Writable;
// Export artifacts for the contracts.
contracts.forEach((contract: any) => {
outStream = outputDir
? fs.createWriteStream(path.join(outputDir, 'src/artifacts/', `${contract.contractName}.json`))
: process.stdout;
outStream.write(JSON.stringify({ abi: contract.contractAbi, storageLayout: contract.contractStorageLayout }, null, 2));
// Register the handlebar helpers to be used in the templates.
outStream = outputDir
? fs.createWriteStream(path.join(outputDir, 'src/schema.gql'))
: process.stdout;
const schemaContent = visitor.exportSchema(outStream);
outStream = outputDir
? fs.createWriteStream(path.join(outputDir, 'src/resolvers.ts'))
: process.stdout;
outStream = outputDir
? fs.createWriteStream(path.join(outputDir, 'src/indexer.ts'))
: process.stdout;
visitor.exportIndexer(outStream, contracts);
outStream = outputDir
? fs.createWriteStream(path.join(outputDir, 'src/server.ts'))
: process.stdout;
outStream = outputDir
? fs.createWriteStream(path.join(outputDir, 'environments/local.toml'))
: process.stdout;
exportConfig(config.kind, config.port, path.basename(outputDir), outStream);
outStream = outputDir
? fs.createWriteStream(path.join(outputDir, 'src/database.ts'))
: process.stdout;
outStream = outputDir
? fs.createWriteStream(path.join(outputDir, 'package.json'))
: process.stdout;
exportPackage(path.basename(outputDir), outStream);
outStream = outputDir
? fs.createWriteStream(path.join(outputDir, 'tsconfig.json'))
: process.stdout;
const entityDir = outputDir
? path.join(outputDir, 'src/entity')
: '';
visitor.exportEntities(entityDir, config.subgraphPath);
outStream = outputDir
? fs.createWriteStream(path.join(outputDir, 'README.md'))
: process.stdout;
exportReadme(path.basename(outputDir), config.port, outStream);
outStream = outputDir
? fs.createWriteStream(path.join(outputDir, 'LICENSE'))
: process.stdout;
writeFileToStream(path.join(ASSET_DIR, 'LICENSE'), outStream);
outStream = outputDir
? fs.createWriteStream(path.join(outputDir, '.gitignore'))
: process.stdout;
writeFileToStream(path.join(ASSET_DIR, '.gitignore'), outStream);
outStream = outputDir
? fs.createWriteStream(path.join(outputDir, '.npmrc'))
: process.stdout;
writeFileToStream(path.join(ASSET_DIR, '.npmrc'), outStream);
const huskyPreCommitFilePath = path.join(outputDir, '.husky/pre-commit');
outStream = outputDir
? fs.createWriteStream(huskyPreCommitFilePath)
: process.stdout;
writeFileToStream(path.join(ASSET_DIR, 'pre-commit'), outStream);
if (fs.existsSync(huskyPreCommitFilePath)) {
// Set file permission to executable
fs.chmodSync(huskyPreCommitFilePath, '775');
outStream = outputDir
? fs.createWriteStream(path.join(outputDir, 'src/job-runner.ts'))
: process.stdout;
outStream = outputDir
? fs.createWriteStream(path.join(outputDir, 'src/cli/watch-contract.ts'))
: process.stdout;
const resetOutStream = fs.createWriteStream(path.join(outputDir, 'src/cli/reset.ts'));
const resetJQOutStream = fs.createWriteStream(path.join(outputDir, 'src/cli/reset-cmds/job-queue.ts'));
const resetWatcherOutStream = fs.createWriteStream(path.join(outputDir, 'src/cli/reset-cmds/watcher.ts'));
const resetStateOutStream = fs.createWriteStream(path.join(outputDir, 'src/cli/reset-cmds/state.ts'));
exportReset(resetOutStream, resetJQOutStream, resetWatcherOutStream, resetStateOutStream);
let checkpointOutStream, checkpointCreateOutStream, checkpointVerifyOutStream;
if (outputDir) {
checkpointOutStream = fs.createWriteStream(path.join(outputDir, 'src/cli/checkpoint.ts'));
checkpointCreateOutStream = fs.createWriteStream(path.join(outputDir, 'src/cli/checkpoint-cmds/create.ts'));
if (config.subgraphPath) {
checkpointVerifyOutStream = fs.createWriteStream(path.join(outputDir, 'src/cli/checkpoint-cmds/verify.ts'));
} else {
checkpointOutStream = process.stdout;
checkpointCreateOutStream = process.stdout;
if (config.subgraphPath) {
checkpointVerifyOutStream = process.stdout;
exportCheckpoint(checkpointOutStream, checkpointCreateOutStream, checkpointVerifyOutStream);
outStream = outputDir
? fs.createWriteStream(path.join(outputDir, 'src/hooks.ts'))
: process.stdout;
const fillOutStream = outputDir
? fs.createWriteStream(path.join(outputDir, 'src/fill.ts'))
: process.stdout;
outStream = outputDir
? fs.createWriteStream(path.join(outputDir, 'src/types.ts'))
: process.stdout;
let rcOutStream, ignoreOutStream;
if (outputDir) {
rcOutStream = fs.createWriteStream(path.join(outputDir, '.eslintrc.json'));
ignoreOutStream = fs.createWriteStream(path.join(outputDir, '.eslintignore'));
} else {
rcOutStream = process.stdout;
ignoreOutStream = process.stdout;
exportLint(rcOutStream, ignoreOutStream);
outStream = outputDir
? fs.createWriteStream(path.join(outputDir, 'src/client.ts'))
: process.stdout;
visitor.exportClient(outStream, schemaContent, path.join(outputDir, 'src/gql'));
outStream = outputDir
? fs.createWriteStream(path.join(outputDir, 'src/cli/export-state.ts'))
: process.stdout;
outStream = outputDir
? fs.createWriteStream(path.join(outputDir, 'src/cli/import-state.ts'))
: process.stdout;
outStream = outputDir
? fs.createWriteStream(path.join(outputDir, 'src/cli/inspect-cid.ts'))
: process.stdout;
outStream = outputDir
? fs.createWriteStream(path.join(outputDir, 'src/cli/index-block.ts'))
: process.stdout;
if (config.subgraphPath) {
outStream = outputDir
? fs.createWriteStream(path.join(outputDir, 'src/entity/Subscriber.ts'))
: process.stdout;
function getConfig (configFile: string): any {
assert(fs.existsSync(configFile), `Config file not found at ${configFile}`);
// Read config.
const inputConfig = yaml.load(fs.readFileSync(configFile, 'utf8')) as any;
// Run validations on config fields.
if (inputConfig.mode) {
assert([MODE_ETH_CALL, MODE_STORAGE, MODE_ALL, MODE_NONE].includes(inputConfig.mode), 'Invalid code generation mode');
if (inputConfig.kind) {
assert([KIND_ACTIVE, KIND_LAZY].includes(inputConfig.kind), 'Invalid watcher kind');
if (inputConfig.port) {
assert(typeof inputConfig.port === 'number', 'Invalid watcher server port');
// Resolve paths.
const contracts = inputConfig.contracts.map((contract: any) => {
contract.path = contract.path.replace(/^~/, os.homedir());
return contract;
let subgraphPath: any;
let subgraphConfig;
if (inputConfig.subgraphPath) {
// Resolve path.
subgraphPath = inputConfig.subgraphPath.replace(/^~/, os.homedir());
subgraphConfig = getSubgraphConfig(subgraphPath);
// Add contracts missing for dataSources and templates in subgraph config.
.concat(subgraphConfig.templates ?? [])
.forEach((dataSource: any) => {
if (!contracts.some((contract: any) => contract.kind === dataSource.name)) {
const abi = dataSource.mapping.abis.find((abi: any) => abi.name === dataSource.source.abi);
const abiPath = path.resolve(subgraphPath, abi.file);
name: dataSource.name,
kind: dataSource.name,
const inputFlatten = inputConfig.flatten;
const flatten = (inputFlatten === undefined || inputFlatten === null) ? true : inputFlatten;
return {
outputFolder: inputConfig.outputFolder,
mode: inputConfig.mode || MODE_ALL,
kind: inputConfig.kind || KIND_ACTIVE,
port: inputConfig.port || DEFAULT_PORT,
solc: inputConfig.solc,
main().catch(err => {