nikugogoi 00a9c247f5
Compare CLI enhancements for verifying uniswap-watcher entities (#188)
* Update compare CLI to verify only updated entities

* Show time difference between GQL requests
2022-10-04 11:18:55 +05:30

82 lines
1.7 KiB

// Copyright 2021 Vulcanize, Inc.
import yargs from 'yargs';
import 'reflect-metadata';
import debug from 'debug';
import { compareQuery, Config, getClients, getConfig } from './utils';
const log = debug('vulcanize:compare-entity');
export const main = async (): Promise<void> => {
const argv = await yargs.parserConfiguration({
'parse-numbers': false
configFile: {
alias: 'cf',
type: 'string',
demandOption: true,
describe: 'Configuration file path (toml)'
queryDir: {
alias: 'qf',
type: 'string',
describe: 'Path to queries directory'
blockHash: {
alias: 'b',
type: 'string',
describe: 'Block hash'
blockNumber: {
type: 'number',
describe: 'Block number'
queryName: {
alias: 'q',
type: 'string',
demandOption: true,
describe: 'Query name'
entityId: {
alias: 'i',
type: 'string',
describe: 'Id of the entity to be queried'
rawJson: {
alias: 'j',
type: 'boolean',
describe: 'Whether to print out raw diff object',
default: false
timeDiff: {
type: 'boolean',
describe: 'Compare time taken between GQL queries',
default: false
const config: Config = await getConfig(argv.configFile);
const queryName = argv.queryName;
const id = argv.entityId;
const block = {
number: argv.blockNumber,
hash: argv.blockHash
const clients = await getClients(config, argv.timeDiff, argv.queryDir);
const { diff } = await compareQuery(clients, queryName, { id, block }, argv.rawJson, argv.timeDiff);
if (diff) {