import assert from 'assert'; import 'reflect-metadata'; import yargs from 'yargs'; import { hideBin } from 'yargs/helpers'; import debug from 'debug'; import { Client as ERC20Client } from '@vulcanize/erc20-watcher'; import { Client as UniClient } from '@vulcanize/uni-watcher'; import { getConfig, JobQueue } from '@vulcanize/util'; import { getCache } from '@vulcanize/cache'; import { EthClient } from '@vulcanize/ipld-eth-client'; import { Indexer } from './indexer'; import { Database } from './database'; import { QUEUE_BLOCK_PROCESSING, QUEUE_EVENT_PROCESSING } from './events'; import { Event } from './entity/Event'; const log = debug('vulcanize:job-runner'); export const main = async (): Promise => { const argv = await yargs(hideBin(process.argv)) .option('f', { alias: 'config-file', demandOption: true, describe: 'configuration file path (toml)', type: 'string' }) .argv; const config = await getConfig(argv.f); assert(config.server, 'Missing server config'); const { upstream, database: dbConfig, jobQueue: jobQueueConfig } = config; assert(dbConfig, 'Missing database config'); const db = new Database(dbConfig); await db.init(); assert(upstream, 'Missing upstream config'); const { uniWatcher: { gqlEndpoint, gqlSubscriptionEndpoint }, tokenWatcher, cache: cacheConfig, ethServer: { gqlApiEndpoint, gqlPostgraphileEndpoint } } = upstream; assert(gqlEndpoint, 'Missing upstream uniWatcher.gqlEndpoint'); assert(gqlSubscriptionEndpoint, 'Missing upstream uniWatcher.gqlSubscriptionEndpoint'); const cache = await getCache(cacheConfig); const ethClient = new EthClient({ gqlEndpoint: gqlApiEndpoint, gqlSubscriptionEndpoint: gqlPostgraphileEndpoint, cache }); const uniClient = new UniClient({ gqlEndpoint, gqlSubscriptionEndpoint }); const erc20Client = new ERC20Client(tokenWatcher); const indexer = new Indexer(db, uniClient, erc20Client, ethClient); assert(jobQueueConfig, 'Missing job queue config'); const { dbConnectionString, maxCompletionLag } = jobQueueConfig; assert(dbConnectionString, 'Missing job queue db connection string'); const jobQueue = new JobQueue({ dbConnectionString, maxCompletionLag }); await jobQueue.start(); await jobQueue.subscribe(QUEUE_BLOCK_PROCESSING, async (job) => { const { data: { block, priority } } = job; log(`Processing block hash ${block.hash} number ${block.number}`); // Check if parent block has been processed yet, if not, push a high priority job to process that first and abort. // However, don't go beyond the `latestCanonicalBlockHash` from SyncStatus as we have to assume the reorg can't be that deep. let syncStatus = await indexer.getSyncStatus(); if (!syncStatus) { syncStatus = await indexer.updateSyncStatus(block.hash, block.number); } if (block.hash !== syncStatus.latestCanonicalBlockHash) { const parent = await indexer.getBlockProgress(block.parentHash); if (!parent) { const { number: parentBlockNumber, parent: { hash: grandparentHash }, timestamp: parentTimestamp } = await indexer.getBlock(block.parentHash); // Create a higher priority job to index parent block and then abort. // We don't have to worry about aborting as this job will get retried later. const newPriority = (priority || 0) + 1; await jobQueue.pushJob(QUEUE_BLOCK_PROCESSING, { block: { hash: block.parentHash, number: parentBlockNumber, parentHash: grandparentHash, timestamp: parentTimestamp }, priority: newPriority }, { priority: newPriority }); const message = `Parent block number ${parentBlockNumber} hash ${block.parentHash} of block number ${block.number} hash ${block.hash} not fetched yet, aborting`; log(message); throw new Error(message); } if (block.parentHash !== syncStatus.latestCanonicalBlockHash && !parent.isComplete) { // Parent block indexing needs to finish before this block can be indexed. const message = `Indexing incomplete for parent block number ${parent.blockNumber} hash ${block.parentHash} of block number ${block.number} hash ${block.hash}, aborting`; log(message); throw new Error(message); } } // Check if block is being already processed. const blockProgress = await indexer.getBlockProgress(block.hash); if (!blockProgress) { const events = await indexer.getOrFetchBlockEvents(block); for (let ei = 0; ei < events.length; ei++) { const { id } = events[ei]; await jobQueue.pushJob(QUEUE_EVENT_PROCESSING, { id }); } } await jobQueue.markComplete(job); }); await jobQueue.subscribe(QUEUE_EVENT_PROCESSING, async (job) => { const { data: { id } } = job; log(`Processing event ${id}`); const dbEvent = await db.getEvent(id); assert(dbEvent); const event: Event = dbEvent; // Confirm that the parent block has been completely processed. // We don't have to worry about aborting as this job will get retried later. const parent = await indexer.getBlockProgress(event.block.parentHash); if (!parent || !parent.isComplete) { const message = `Abort processing of event ${id} as parent block not processed yet`; throw new Error(message); } const blockProgress = await indexer.getBlockProgress(event.block.blockHash); assert(blockProgress); const events = await indexer.getBlockEvents(event.block.blockHash); const eventIndex = events.findIndex(e => ===; assert(eventIndex !== -1); // Check if previous event in block has been processed exactly before this and abort if not. if (eventIndex > 0) { // Skip the first event in the block. const prevIndex = eventIndex - 1; const prevEvent = events[prevIndex]; if (prevEvent.index !== blockProgress.lastProcessedEventIndex) { throw new Error(`Events received out of order for block number ${event.block.blockNumber} hash ${event.block.blockHash},` + ` prev event index ${prevEvent.index}, got event index ${event.index} and lastProcessedEventIndex ${blockProgress.lastProcessedEventIndex}, aborting`); } } // Check if event is processed. if (!dbEvent.block.isComplete && event.index !== blockProgress.lastProcessedEventIndex) { await indexer.processEvent(dbEvent); } await jobQueue.markComplete(job); }); }; main().then(() => { log('Starting job runner...'); }).catch(err => { log(err); }); process.on('uncaughtException', err => { log('uncaughtException', err); });