// // Copyright 2021 Vulcanize, Inc. // import assert from 'assert'; import debug from 'debug'; import { DeepPartial, FindConditions, FindManyOptions, QueryRunner } from 'typeorm'; import JSONbig from 'json-bigint'; import { providers, utils, BigNumber } from 'ethers'; import { Client as UniClient } from '@vulcanize/uni-watcher'; import { Client as ERC20Client } from '@vulcanize/erc20-watcher'; import { EthClient } from '@vulcanize/ipld-eth-client'; import { IndexerInterface, Indexer as BaseIndexer, QueryOptions, OrderDirection, BlockHeight, Relation, GraphDecimal, JobQueue, Where } from '@vulcanize/util'; import { findEthPerToken, getEthPriceInUSD, getTrackedAmountUSD, sqrtPriceX96ToTokenPrices, WHITELIST_TOKENS } from './utils/pricing'; import { updatePoolDayData, updatePoolHourData, updateTickDayData, updateTokenDayData, updateTokenHourData, updateUniswapDayData } from './utils/interval-updates'; import { Token } from './entity/Token'; import { convertTokenToDecimal, loadTransaction, safeDiv } from './utils'; import { createTick, feeTierToTickSpacing } from './utils/tick'; import { Position } from './entity/Position'; import { Database } from './database'; import { Event } from './entity/Event'; import { ResultEvent, Block, Transaction, PoolCreatedEvent, InitializeEvent, MintEvent, BurnEvent, SwapEvent, IncreaseLiquidityEvent, DecreaseLiquidityEvent, CollectEvent, TransferEvent } from './events'; import { Factory } from './entity/Factory'; import { Bundle } from './entity/Bundle'; import { Pool } from './entity/Pool'; import { Mint } from './entity/Mint'; import { Burn } from './entity/Burn'; import { Swap } from './entity/Swap'; import { PositionSnapshot } from './entity/PositionSnapshot'; import { SyncStatus } from './entity/SyncStatus'; import { BlockProgress } from './entity/BlockProgress'; import { Tick } from './entity/Tick'; const SYNC_DELTA = 5; const log = debug('vulcanize:indexer'); export { OrderDirection, BlockHeight }; export class Indexer implements IndexerInterface { _db: Database _uniClient: UniClient _erc20Client: ERC20Client _ethClient: EthClient _postgraphileClient: EthClient _baseIndexer: BaseIndexer _isDemo: boolean constructor (db: Database, uniClient: UniClient, erc20Client: ERC20Client, ethClient: EthClient, postgraphileClient: EthClient, ethProvider: providers.BaseProvider, jobQueue: JobQueue, mode: string) { assert(db); assert(uniClient); assert(erc20Client); assert(postgraphileClient); this._db = db; this._uniClient = uniClient; this._erc20Client = erc20Client; this._ethClient = ethClient; this._postgraphileClient = postgraphileClient; this._baseIndexer = new BaseIndexer(this._db, this._ethClient, this._postgraphileClient, ethProvider, jobQueue); this._isDemo = mode === 'demo'; } getResultEvent (event: Event): ResultEvent { const block = event.block; const eventFields = JSON.parse(event.eventInfo); const { tx, eventIndex } = JSON.parse(event.extraInfo); return { block: { hash: block.blockHash, number: block.blockNumber, timestamp: block.blockTimestamp, parentHash: block.parentHash }, tx, contract: event.contract, eventIndex, event: { __typename: event.eventName, ...eventFields }, proof: JSON.parse(event.proof) }; } async processEvent (dbEvent: Event): Promise { console.time('time:indexer#processEvent-mapping_code'); const resultEvent = this.getResultEvent(dbEvent); // TODO: Process proof (proof.data) in event. const { contract, tx, block, event } = resultEvent; const { __typename: eventName } = event; switch (eventName) { case 'PoolCreatedEvent': log('Factory PoolCreated event', contract); await this._handlePoolCreated(block, contract, tx, event as PoolCreatedEvent); break; case 'InitializeEvent': log('Pool Initialize event', contract); await this._handleInitialize(block, contract, tx, event as InitializeEvent); break; case 'MintEvent': log('Pool Mint event', contract); await this._handleMint(block, contract, tx, event as MintEvent); break; case 'BurnEvent': log('Pool Burn event', contract); await this._handleBurn(block, contract, tx, event as BurnEvent); break; case 'SwapEvent': log('Pool Swap event', contract); await this._handleSwap(block, contract, tx, event as SwapEvent); break; case 'IncreaseLiquidityEvent': log('NFPM IncreaseLiquidity event', contract); await this._handleIncreaseLiquidity(block, contract, tx, event as IncreaseLiquidityEvent); break; case 'DecreaseLiquidityEvent': log('NFPM DecreaseLiquidity event', contract); await this._handleDecreaseLiquidity(block, contract, tx, event as DecreaseLiquidityEvent); break; case 'CollectEvent': log('NFPM Collect event', contract); await this._handleCollect(block, contract, tx, event as CollectEvent); break; case 'TransferEvent': log('NFPM Transfer event', contract); await this._handleTransfer(block, contract, tx, event as TransferEvent); break; default: log('Event not handled', eventName); break; } log('Event processing completed for', eventName); console.timeEnd('time:indexer#processEvent-mapping_code'); } async getBlockEntities (where: { [key: string]: any } = {}, queryOptions: QueryOptions): Promise { if (where.timestamp_gt) { where.blockTimestamp_gt = where.timestamp_gt; delete where.timestamp_gt; } if (where.timestamp_lt) { where.blockTimestamp_lt = where.timestamp_lt; delete where.timestamp_lt; } if (queryOptions.orderBy === 'timestamp') { queryOptions.orderBy = 'blockTimestamp'; } const blocks = await this.getEntities(BlockProgress, {}, where, queryOptions); return blocks.map(block => ({ timestamp: block.blockTimestamp, number: block.blockNumber, hash: block.blockHash })); } async getIndexingStatus (): Promise { const syncStatus = await this.getSyncStatus(); assert(syncStatus); const synced = (syncStatus.chainHeadBlockNumber - syncStatus.latestIndexedBlockNumber) <= SYNC_DELTA; return { synced, health: 'healthy', chains: [ { chainHeadBlock: { number: syncStatus.chainHeadBlockNumber, hash: syncStatus.chainHeadBlockHash }, latestBlock: { number: syncStatus.latestIndexedBlockNumber, hash: syncStatus.latestIndexedBlockHash } } ] }; } async saveEventEntity (dbEvent: Event): Promise { return this._baseIndexer.saveEventEntity(dbEvent); } async markBlocksAsPruned (blocks: BlockProgress[]): Promise { return this._baseIndexer.markBlocksAsPruned(blocks); } async getBundle (id: string, block: BlockHeight): Promise { const dbTx = await this._db.createTransactionRunner(); let res; try { res = await this._db.getBundle(dbTx, { id, blockHash: block.hash, blockNumber: block.number }); await dbTx.commitTransaction(); } catch (error) { await dbTx.rollbackTransaction(); throw error; } finally { await dbTx.release(); } return res; } async getPool (id: string, block: BlockHeight): Promise { const dbTx = await this._db.createTransactionRunner(); let res; try { res = await this._db.getPool(dbTx, { id, blockHash: block.hash, blockNumber: block.number }); await dbTx.commitTransaction(); } catch (error) { await dbTx.rollbackTransaction(); throw error; } finally { await dbTx.release(); } return res; } async getToken (id: string, block: BlockHeight): Promise { const dbTx = await this._db.createTransactionRunner(); let res; try { res = await this._db.getToken(dbTx, { id, blockHash: block.hash, blockNumber: block.number }); await dbTx.commitTransaction(); } catch (error) { await dbTx.rollbackTransaction(); throw error; } finally { await dbTx.release(); } return res; } async getEntities (entity: new () => Entity, block: BlockHeight, where: { [key: string]: any } = {}, queryOptions: QueryOptions, relations?: Relation[]): Promise { const dbTx = await this._db.createTransactionRunner(); let res; try { where = Object.entries(where).reduce((acc: { [key: string]: any }, [fieldWithSuffix, value]) => { const [field, ...suffix] = fieldWithSuffix.split('_'); if (!acc[field]) { acc[field] = []; } const filter = { value, not: false, operator: 'equals' }; let operator = suffix.shift(); if (operator === 'not') { filter.not = true; operator = suffix.shift(); } if (operator) { filter.operator = operator; } acc[field].push(filter); return acc; }, {}); res = await this._db.getModelEntities(dbTx, entity, block, where, queryOptions, relations); dbTx.commitTransaction(); } catch (error) { await dbTx.rollbackTransaction(); throw error; } finally { await dbTx.release(); } return res; } async getAncestorAtDepth (blockHash: string, depth: number): Promise { return this._baseIndexer.getAncestorAtDepth(blockHash, depth); } async fetchBlockEvents (block: DeepPartial): Promise { return this._baseIndexer.fetchBlockEvents(block, this._fetchAndSaveEvents.bind(this)); } async getBlockEvents (blockHash: string, where: Where, queryOptions: QueryOptions): Promise> { return this._baseIndexer.getBlockEvents(blockHash, where, queryOptions); } async removeUnknownEvents (block: BlockProgress): Promise { return this._baseIndexer.removeUnknownEvents(Event, block); } async updateSyncStatusIndexedBlock (blockHash: string, blockNumber: number, force = false): Promise { return this._baseIndexer.updateSyncStatusIndexedBlock(blockHash, blockNumber, force); } async updateSyncStatusChainHead (blockHash: string, blockNumber: number): Promise { return this._baseIndexer.updateSyncStatusChainHead(blockHash, blockNumber); } async updateSyncStatusCanonicalBlock (blockHash: string, blockNumber: number, force = false): Promise { return this._baseIndexer.updateSyncStatusCanonicalBlock(blockHash, blockNumber, force); } async getSyncStatus (): Promise { return this._baseIndexer.getSyncStatus(); } async getBlocks (blockFilter: { blockHash?: string, blockNumber?: number }): Promise { return this._baseIndexer.getBlocks(blockFilter); } async getEvent (id: string): Promise { return this._baseIndexer.getEvent(id); } async getBlockProgress (blockHash: string): Promise { return this._baseIndexer.getBlockProgress(blockHash); } async getBlockProgressEntities (where: FindConditions, options: FindManyOptions): Promise { return this._baseIndexer.getBlockProgressEntities(where, options); } async getBlocksAtHeight (height: number, isPruned: boolean): Promise { return this._baseIndexer.getBlocksAtHeight(height, isPruned); } async updateBlockProgress (block: BlockProgress, lastProcessedEventIndex: number): Promise { return this._baseIndexer.updateBlockProgress(block, lastProcessedEventIndex); } async _fetchAndSaveEvents (block: DeepPartial): Promise { assert(block.blockHash); console.time('time:indexer#_fetchAndSaveEvents-uni_watcher'); const events = await this._uniClient.getEvents(block.blockHash); console.timeEnd('time:indexer#_fetchAndSaveEvents-uni_watcher'); const dbEvents: Array> = []; for (let i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { const { tx, contract, eventIndex, event, proof } = events[i]; const { __typename: eventName, ...eventInfo } = event; const extraInfo = { tx, eventIndex }; dbEvents.push({ index: i, txHash: tx.hash, contract, eventName, eventInfo: JSONbig.stringify(eventInfo), extraInfo: JSONbig.stringify(extraInfo), proof: JSONbig.stringify(proof) }); } const dbTx = await this._db.createTransactionRunner(); try { const blockProgress = await this._db.saveEvents(dbTx, block, dbEvents); await dbTx.commitTransaction(); return blockProgress; } catch (error) { await dbTx.rollbackTransaction(); throw error; } finally { await dbTx.release(); } } async _handlePoolCreated (block: Block, contractAddress: string, tx: Transaction, poolCreatedEvent: PoolCreatedEvent): Promise { const { token0: token0Address, token1: token1Address, fee, pool: poolAddress } = poolCreatedEvent; // Temp fix from Subgraph mapping code. if (utils.getAddress(poolAddress) === utils.getAddress('0x8fe8d9bb8eeba3ed688069c3d6b556c9ca258248')) { return; } // Get Tokens. let [token0, token1] = await Promise.all([ this._db.getTokenNoTx({ blockHash: block.hash, id: token0Address }), this._db.getTokenNoTx({ blockHash: block.hash, id: token1Address }) ]); // Create Tokens if not present. if (!token0) { token0 = await this._initToken(block, token0Address); } if (!token1) { token1 = await this._initToken(block, token1Address); } // Bail if we couldn't figure out the decimals. if (token0.decimals === null || token1.decimals === null) { log('mybug the decimal on token was null'); return; } // Save entities to DB. const dbTx = await this._db.createTransactionRunner(); try { // Load factory. let factory = await this._db.getFactory(dbTx, { blockHash: block.hash, id: contractAddress }); if (!factory) { factory = new Factory(); factory.id = contractAddress; factory = await this._db.saveFactory(dbTx, factory, block); // Create new bundle for tracking eth price. const bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.id = '1'; await this._db.saveBundle(dbTx, bundle, block); } // Update Factory. factory.poolCount = BigInt(factory.poolCount) + BigInt(1); let pool = new Pool(); pool.id = poolAddress; token0 = await this._db.saveToken(dbTx, token0, block); token1 = await this._db.saveToken(dbTx, token1, block); token0 = await this._db.getToken(dbTx, token0); token1 = await this._db.getToken(dbTx, token1); assert(token0); assert(token1); pool.token0 = token0; pool.token1 = token1; pool.feeTier = BigInt(fee); // Skipping adding createdAtTimestamp field as it is not queried in frontend subgraph. pool = await this._db.savePool(dbTx, pool, block); // Update white listed pools. if (WHITELIST_TOKENS.includes(token0.id) || this._isDemo) { token1.whitelistPools.push(pool); } if (WHITELIST_TOKENS.includes(token1.id) || this._isDemo) { token0.whitelistPools.push(pool); } token0 = await this._db.saveToken(dbTx, token0, block); token1 = await this._db.saveToken(dbTx, token1, block); pool.token0 = token0; pool.token1 = token1; await this._db.savePool(dbTx, pool, block); await this._db.saveFactory(dbTx, factory, block); await dbTx.commitTransaction(); } catch (error) { await dbTx.rollbackTransaction(); throw error; } finally { await dbTx.release(); } } /** * Create new Token. * @param tokenAddress */ async _initToken (block: Block, tokenAddress: string): Promise { const token = new Token(); token.id = tokenAddress; console.time('time:indexer#_initToken-eth_call_for_token'); const symbolPromise = this._erc20Client.getSymbol(block.hash, tokenAddress); const namePromise = this._erc20Client.getName(block.hash, tokenAddress); const totalSupplyPromise = this._erc20Client.getTotalSupply(block.hash, tokenAddress); const decimalsPromise = this._erc20Client.getDecimals(block.hash, tokenAddress); const [ { value: symbol }, { value: name }, { value: totalSupply }, { value: decimals } ] = await Promise.all([symbolPromise, namePromise, totalSupplyPromise, decimalsPromise]); console.timeEnd('time:indexer#_initToken-eth_call_for_token'); token.symbol = symbol; token.name = name; token.totalSupply = totalSupply; token.decimals = decimals; return token; } async _handleInitialize (block: Block, contractAddress: string, tx: Transaction, initializeEvent: InitializeEvent): Promise { const { sqrtPriceX96, tick } = initializeEvent; const dbTx = await this._db.createTransactionRunner(); try { const pool = await this._db.getPool(dbTx, { id: contractAddress, blockHash: block.hash }); assert(pool, `Pool ${contractAddress} not found.`); // Update Pool. pool.sqrtPrice = BigInt(sqrtPriceX96); pool.tick = BigInt(tick); // Update ETH price now that prices could have changed. const bundle = await this._db.getBundle(dbTx, { id: '1', blockHash: block.hash }); assert(bundle); bundle.ethPriceUSD = await getEthPriceInUSD(this._db, dbTx, block, this._isDemo); // Update token prices. const [token0, token1] = await Promise.all([ this._db.getToken(dbTx, { id: pool.token0.id, blockHash: block.hash }), this._db.getToken(dbTx, { id: pool.token1.id, blockHash: block.hash }) ]); assert(token0 && token1, 'Pool tokens not found.'); token0.derivedETH = await findEthPerToken(this._db, dbTx, token0, this._isDemo); token1.derivedETH = await findEthPerToken(this._db, dbTx, token1, this._isDemo); pool.token0 = token0; pool.token1 = token1; await this._db.savePool(dbTx, pool, block); await this._db.saveBundle(dbTx, bundle, block); await updatePoolDayData(this._db, dbTx, { contractAddress, block }); await updatePoolHourData(this._db, dbTx, { contractAddress, block }); await Promise.all([ this._db.saveToken(dbTx, token0, block), this._db.saveToken(dbTx, token1, block) ]); await dbTx.commitTransaction(); } catch (error) { await dbTx.rollbackTransaction(); throw error; } finally { await dbTx.release(); } } async _handleMint (block: Block, contractAddress: string, tx: Transaction, mintEvent: MintEvent): Promise { const dbTx = await this._db.createTransactionRunner(); try { const bundle = await this._db.getBundle(dbTx, { id: '1', blockHash: block.hash }); assert(bundle); const poolAddress = contractAddress; let pool = await this._db.getPool(dbTx, { id: poolAddress, blockHash: block.hash }); assert(pool); // TODO: In subgraph factory is fetched by hardcoded factory address. // Currently fetching first factory in database as only one exists. const [factory] = await this._db.getModelEntities(dbTx, Factory, { hash: block.hash }, {}, { limit: 1 }); let token0 = await this._db.getToken(dbTx, pool.token0); let token1 = await this._db.getToken(dbTx, pool.token1); assert(token0); assert(token1); const amount0 = convertTokenToDecimal(BigInt(mintEvent.amount0), BigInt(token0.decimals)); const amount1 = convertTokenToDecimal(BigInt(mintEvent.amount1), BigInt(token1.decimals)); const amountUSD = amount0 .times(token0.derivedETH.times(bundle.ethPriceUSD)) .plus(amount1.times(token1.derivedETH.times(bundle.ethPriceUSD))); // Reset tvl aggregates until new amounts calculated. factory.totalValueLockedETH = factory.totalValueLockedETH.minus(pool.totalValueLockedETH); // Update globals. factory.txCount = BigInt(factory.txCount) + BigInt(1); // Update token0 data. token0.txCount = BigInt(token0.txCount) + BigInt(1); token0.totalValueLocked = token0.totalValueLocked.plus(amount0); token0.totalValueLockedUSD = token0.totalValueLocked.times(token0.derivedETH.times(bundle.ethPriceUSD)); // Update token1 data. token1.txCount = BigInt(token1.txCount) + BigInt(1); token1.totalValueLocked = token1.totalValueLocked.plus(amount1); token1.totalValueLockedUSD = token1.totalValueLocked.times(token1.derivedETH.times(bundle.ethPriceUSD)); // Pool data. pool.txCount = BigInt(pool.txCount) + BigInt(1); // Pools liquidity tracks the currently active liquidity given pools current tick. // We only want to update it on mint if the new position includes the current tick. if (pool.tick !== null) { if ( BigInt(mintEvent.tickLower) <= BigInt(pool.tick) && BigInt(mintEvent.tickUpper) > BigInt(pool.tick) ) { pool.liquidity = BigInt(pool.liquidity) + BigInt(mintEvent.amount); } } pool.totalValueLockedToken0 = pool.totalValueLockedToken0.plus(amount0); pool.totalValueLockedToken1 = pool.totalValueLockedToken1.plus(amount1); pool.totalValueLockedETH = pool.totalValueLockedToken0.times(token0.derivedETH) .plus(pool.totalValueLockedToken1.times(token1.derivedETH)); pool.totalValueLockedUSD = pool.totalValueLockedETH.times(bundle.ethPriceUSD); // Reset aggregates with new amounts. factory.totalValueLockedETH = factory.totalValueLockedETH.plus(pool.totalValueLockedETH); factory.totalValueLockedUSD = factory.totalValueLockedETH.times(bundle.ethPriceUSD); const transaction = await loadTransaction(this._db, dbTx, { block, tx }); const mint = new Mint(); mint.id = transaction.id + '#' + pool.txCount.toString(); mint.transaction = transaction; mint.timestamp = transaction.timestamp; mint.pool = pool; mint.token0 = pool.token0; mint.token1 = pool.token1; mint.owner = mintEvent.owner; mint.sender = mintEvent.sender; mint.origin = tx.from; mint.amount = BigInt(mintEvent.amount); mint.amount0 = amount0; mint.amount1 = amount1; mint.amountUSD = amountUSD; mint.tickLower = BigInt(mintEvent.tickLower); mint.tickUpper = BigInt(mintEvent.tickUpper); // Tick entities. const lowerTickIdx = mintEvent.tickLower; const upperTickIdx = mintEvent.tickUpper; const lowerTickId = poolAddress + '#' + mintEvent.tickLower.toString(); const upperTickId = poolAddress + '#' + mintEvent.tickUpper.toString(); let lowerTick = await this._db.getTick(dbTx, { id: lowerTickId, blockHash: block.hash }); let upperTick = await this._db.getTick(dbTx, { id: upperTickId, blockHash: block.hash }); if (!lowerTick) { lowerTick = await createTick(this._db, dbTx, lowerTickId, BigInt(lowerTickIdx), pool, block); } if (!upperTick) { upperTick = await createTick(this._db, dbTx, upperTickId, BigInt(upperTickIdx), pool, block); } const amount = BigInt(mintEvent.amount); lowerTick.liquidityGross = BigInt(lowerTick.liquidityGross) + amount; lowerTick.liquidityNet = BigInt(lowerTick.liquidityNet) + amount; upperTick.liquidityGross = BigInt(upperTick.liquidityGross) + amount; upperTick.liquidityNet = BigInt(upperTick.liquidityNet) + amount; // TODO: Update Tick's volume, fees, and liquidity provider count. // Computing these on the tick level requires reimplementing some of the swapping code from v3-core. await updateUniswapDayData(this._db, dbTx, { block, contractAddress }); await updateTokenDayData(this._db, dbTx, token0, { block }); await updateTokenDayData(this._db, dbTx, token1, { block }); await updateTokenHourData(this._db, dbTx, token0, { block }); await updateTokenHourData(this._db, dbTx, token1, { block }); await updatePoolDayData(this._db, dbTx, { block, contractAddress }); await updatePoolHourData(this._db, dbTx, { block, contractAddress }); [token0, token1] = await Promise.all([ this._db.saveToken(dbTx, token0, block), this._db.saveToken(dbTx, token1, block) ]); pool.token0 = token0; pool.token1 = token1; pool = await this._db.savePool(dbTx, pool, block); await this._db.saveFactory(dbTx, factory, block); mint.pool = pool; mint.token0 = token0; mint.token1 = token1; await this._db.saveMint(dbTx, mint, block); lowerTick.pool = pool; upperTick.pool = pool; await Promise.all([ await this._db.saveTick(dbTx, lowerTick, block), await this._db.saveTick(dbTx, upperTick, block) ]); // Update inner tick vars and save the ticks. await this._updateTickFeeVarsAndSave(dbTx, lowerTick, block); await this._updateTickFeeVarsAndSave(dbTx, upperTick, block); await dbTx.commitTransaction(); } catch (error) { await dbTx.rollbackTransaction(); throw error; } finally { await dbTx.release(); } } async _handleBurn (block: Block, contractAddress: string, tx: Transaction, burnEvent: BurnEvent): Promise { const dbTx = await this._db.createTransactionRunner(); try { const bundle = await this._db.getBundle(dbTx, { id: '1', blockHash: block.hash }); assert(bundle); const poolAddress = contractAddress; let pool = await this._db.getPool(dbTx, { id: poolAddress, blockHash: block.hash }); assert(pool); // TODO: In subgraph factory is fetched by hardcoded factory address. // Currently fetching first factory in database as only one exists. const [factory] = await this._db.getModelEntities(dbTx, Factory, { hash: block.hash }, {}, { limit: 1 }); let token0 = await this._db.getToken(dbTx, pool.token0); let token1 = await this._db.getToken(dbTx, pool.token1); assert(token0); assert(token1); const amount0 = convertTokenToDecimal(BigInt(burnEvent.amount0), BigInt(token0.decimals)); const amount1 = convertTokenToDecimal(BigInt(burnEvent.amount1), BigInt(token1.decimals)); const amountUSD = amount0 .times(token0.derivedETH.times(bundle.ethPriceUSD)) .plus(amount1.times(token1.derivedETH.times(bundle.ethPriceUSD))); // Reset tvl aggregates until new amounts calculated. factory.totalValueLockedETH = factory.totalValueLockedETH.minus(pool.totalValueLockedETH); // Update globals. factory.txCount = BigInt(factory.txCount) + BigInt(1); // Update token0 data. token0.txCount = BigInt(token0.txCount) + BigInt(1); token0.totalValueLocked = token0.totalValueLocked.minus(amount0); token0.totalValueLockedUSD = token0.totalValueLocked.times(token0.derivedETH.times(bundle.ethPriceUSD)); // Update token1 data. token1.txCount = BigInt(token1.txCount) + BigInt(1); token1.totalValueLocked = token1.totalValueLocked.minus(amount1); token1.totalValueLockedUSD = token1.totalValueLocked.times(token1.derivedETH.times(bundle.ethPriceUSD)); // Pool data. pool.txCount = BigInt(pool.txCount) + BigInt(1); // Pools liquidity tracks the currently active liquidity given pools current tick. // We only want to update it on burn if the position being burnt includes the current tick. if (pool.tick !== null) { if ( BigInt(burnEvent.tickLower) <= BigInt(pool.tick) && BigInt(burnEvent.tickUpper) > BigInt(pool.tick) ) { pool.liquidity = BigInt(pool.liquidity) - BigInt(burnEvent.amount); } } pool.totalValueLockedToken0 = pool.totalValueLockedToken0.minus(amount0); pool.totalValueLockedToken1 = pool.totalValueLockedToken1.minus(amount1); pool.totalValueLockedETH = pool.totalValueLockedToken0 .times(token0.derivedETH) .plus(pool.totalValueLockedToken1.times(token1.derivedETH)); pool.totalValueLockedUSD = pool.totalValueLockedETH.times(bundle.ethPriceUSD); // Reset aggregates with new amounts. factory.totalValueLockedETH = factory.totalValueLockedETH.plus(pool.totalValueLockedETH); factory.totalValueLockedUSD = factory.totalValueLockedETH.times(bundle.ethPriceUSD); // Burn entity. const transaction = await loadTransaction(this._db, dbTx, { block, tx }); const burn = new Burn(); burn.id = transaction.id + '#' + pool.txCount.toString(); burn.transaction = transaction; burn.timestamp = transaction.timestamp; burn.pool = pool; burn.token0 = pool.token0; burn.token1 = pool.token1; burn.owner = burnEvent.owner; burn.origin = tx.from; burn.amount = BigInt(burnEvent.amount); burn.amount0 = amount0; burn.amount1 = amount1; burn.amountUSD = amountUSD; burn.tickLower = BigInt(burnEvent.tickLower); burn.tickUpper = BigInt(burnEvent.tickUpper); // Tick entities. const lowerTickId = poolAddress + '#' + (burnEvent.tickLower).toString(); const upperTickId = poolAddress + '#' + (burnEvent.tickUpper).toString(); const lowerTick = await this._db.getTick(dbTx, { id: lowerTickId, blockHash: block.hash }); const upperTick = await this._db.getTick(dbTx, { id: upperTickId, blockHash: block.hash }); assert(lowerTick && upperTick); const amount = BigInt(burnEvent.amount); lowerTick.liquidityGross = BigInt(lowerTick.liquidityGross) - amount; lowerTick.liquidityNet = BigInt(lowerTick.liquidityNet) - amount; upperTick.liquidityGross = BigInt(upperTick.liquidityGross) - amount; upperTick.liquidityNet = BigInt(upperTick.liquidityNet) + amount; await updateUniswapDayData(this._db, dbTx, { block, contractAddress }); await updateTokenDayData(this._db, dbTx, token0, { block }); await updateTokenDayData(this._db, dbTx, token0, { block }); await updateTokenHourData(this._db, dbTx, token0, { block }); await updateTokenHourData(this._db, dbTx, token0, { block }); await updatePoolDayData(this._db, dbTx, { block, contractAddress }); await updatePoolHourData(this._db, dbTx, { block, contractAddress }); await this._updateTickFeeVarsAndSave(dbTx, lowerTick, block); await this._updateTickFeeVarsAndSave(dbTx, upperTick, block); [token0, token1] = await Promise.all([ this._db.saveToken(dbTx, token0, block), this._db.saveToken(dbTx, token1, block) ]); pool.token0 = token0; pool.token1 = token1; pool = await this._db.savePool(dbTx, pool, block); await this._db.saveFactory(dbTx, factory, block); // Skipping update Tick fee and Tick day data as they are not queried. lowerTick.pool = pool; upperTick.pool = pool; await Promise.all([ await this._db.saveTick(dbTx, lowerTick, block), await this._db.saveTick(dbTx, upperTick, block) ]); burn.pool = pool; burn.token0 = token0; burn.token1 = token1; await this._db.saveBurn(dbTx, burn, block); await dbTx.commitTransaction(); } catch (error) { await dbTx.rollbackTransaction(); throw error; } finally { await dbTx.release(); } } async _handleSwap (block: Block, contractAddress: string, tx: Transaction, swapEvent: SwapEvent): Promise { const dbTx = await this._db.createTransactionRunner(); try { let bundle = await this._db.getBundle(dbTx, { id: '1', blockHash: block.hash }); assert(bundle); // TODO: In subgraph factory is fetched by hardcoded factory address. // Currently fetching first factory in database as only one exists. const [factory] = await this._db.getModelEntities(dbTx, Factory, { hash: block.hash }, {}, { limit: 1 }); let pool = await this._db.getPool(dbTx, { id: contractAddress, blockHash: block.hash }); assert(pool); // Hot fix for bad pricing. if (pool.id === '0x9663f2ca0454accad3e094448ea6f77443880454') { return; } let [token0, token1] = await Promise.all([ this._db.getToken(dbTx, { id: pool.token0.id, blockHash: block.hash }), this._db.getToken(dbTx, { id: pool.token1.id, blockHash: block.hash }) ]); assert(token0 && token1, 'Pool tokens not found.'); const oldTick = pool.tick; assert(oldTick); // Amounts - 0/1 are token deltas. Can be positive or negative. const amount0 = convertTokenToDecimal(BigInt(swapEvent.amount0), BigInt(token0.decimals)); const amount1 = convertTokenToDecimal(BigInt(swapEvent.amount1), BigInt(token1.decimals)); // Need absolute amounts for volume. let amount0Abs = amount0; let amount1Abs = amount1; if (amount0.lt(new GraphDecimal(0))) { amount0Abs = amount0.times(new GraphDecimal('-1')); } if (amount1.lt(new GraphDecimal(0))) { amount1Abs = amount1.times(new GraphDecimal('-1')); } const amount0ETH = amount0Abs.times(token0.derivedETH); const amount1ETH = amount1Abs.times(token1.derivedETH); const amount0USD = amount0ETH.times(bundle.ethPriceUSD); const amount1USD = amount1ETH.times(bundle.ethPriceUSD); // Get amount that should be tracked only - div 2 because cant count both input and output as volume. const trackedAmountUSD = await getTrackedAmountUSD(this._db, dbTx, amount0Abs, token0, amount1Abs, token1, this._isDemo); const amountTotalUSDTracked = trackedAmountUSD.div(new GraphDecimal('2')); const amountTotalETHTracked = safeDiv(amountTotalUSDTracked, bundle.ethPriceUSD); const amountTotalUSDUntracked = amount0USD.plus(amount1USD).div(new GraphDecimal('2')); const feesETH = amountTotalETHTracked.times(pool.feeTier.toString()).div(new GraphDecimal('1000000')); const feesUSD = amountTotalUSDTracked.times(pool.feeTier.toString()).div(new GraphDecimal('1000000')); // Global updates. factory.txCount = BigInt(factory.txCount) + BigInt(1); factory.totalVolumeETH = factory.totalVolumeETH.plus(amountTotalETHTracked); factory.totalVolumeUSD = factory.totalVolumeUSD.plus(amountTotalUSDTracked); factory.untrackedVolumeUSD = factory.untrackedVolumeUSD.plus(amountTotalUSDUntracked); factory.totalFeesETH = factory.totalFeesETH.plus(feesETH); factory.totalFeesUSD = factory.totalFeesUSD.plus(feesUSD); // Reset aggregate tvl before individual pool tvl updates. const currentPoolTvlETH = pool.totalValueLockedETH; factory.totalValueLockedETH = factory.totalValueLockedETH.minus(currentPoolTvlETH); // pool volume pool.volumeToken0 = pool.volumeToken0.plus(amount0Abs); pool.volumeToken1 = pool.volumeToken1.plus(amount1Abs); pool.volumeUSD = pool.volumeUSD.plus(amountTotalUSDTracked); pool.untrackedVolumeUSD = pool.untrackedVolumeUSD.plus(amountTotalUSDUntracked); pool.feesUSD = pool.feesUSD.plus(feesUSD); pool.txCount = BigInt(pool.txCount) + BigInt(1); // Update the pool with the new active liquidity, price, and tick. pool.liquidity = BigInt(swapEvent.liquidity); pool.tick = BigInt(swapEvent.tick); pool.sqrtPrice = BigInt(swapEvent.sqrtPriceX96); pool.totalValueLockedToken0 = pool.totalValueLockedToken0.plus(amount0); pool.totalValueLockedToken1 = pool.totalValueLockedToken1.plus(amount1); // Update token0 data. token0.volume = token0.volume.plus(amount0Abs); token0.totalValueLocked = token0.totalValueLocked.plus(amount0); token0.volumeUSD = token0.volumeUSD.plus(amountTotalUSDTracked); token0.untrackedVolumeUSD = token0.untrackedVolumeUSD.plus(amountTotalUSDUntracked); token0.feesUSD = token0.feesUSD.plus(feesUSD); token0.txCount = BigInt(token0.txCount) + BigInt(1); // Update token1 data. token1.volume = token1.volume.plus(amount1Abs); token1.totalValueLocked = token1.totalValueLocked.plus(amount1); token1.volumeUSD = token1.volumeUSD.plus(amountTotalUSDTracked); token1.untrackedVolumeUSD = token1.untrackedVolumeUSD.plus(amountTotalUSDUntracked); token1.feesUSD = token1.feesUSD.plus(feesUSD); token1.txCount = BigInt(token1.txCount) + BigInt(1); // Updated pool rates. const prices = sqrtPriceX96ToTokenPrices(pool.sqrtPrice, token0 as Token, token1 as Token); pool.token0Price = prices[0]; pool.token1Price = prices[1]; // Update USD pricing. bundle.ethPriceUSD = await getEthPriceInUSD(this._db, dbTx, block, this._isDemo); bundle = await this._db.saveBundle(dbTx, bundle, block); token0.derivedETH = await findEthPerToken(this._db, dbTx, token0, this._isDemo); token1.derivedETH = await findEthPerToken(this._db, dbTx, token1, this._isDemo); /** * Things afffected by new USD rates. */ pool.totalValueLockedETH = pool.totalValueLockedToken0 .times(token0.derivedETH) .plus(pool.totalValueLockedToken1.times(token1.derivedETH)); pool.totalValueLockedUSD = pool.totalValueLockedETH.times(bundle.ethPriceUSD); factory.totalValueLockedETH = factory.totalValueLockedETH.plus(pool.totalValueLockedETH); factory.totalValueLockedUSD = factory.totalValueLockedETH.times(bundle.ethPriceUSD); token0.totalValueLockedUSD = token0.totalValueLocked.times(token0.derivedETH).times(bundle.ethPriceUSD); token1.totalValueLockedUSD = token1.totalValueLocked.times(token1.derivedETH).times(bundle.ethPriceUSD); // Create Swap event const transaction = await loadTransaction(this._db, dbTx, { block, tx }); const swap = new Swap(); swap.id = transaction.id + '#' + pool.txCount.toString(); swap.transaction = transaction; swap.timestamp = transaction.timestamp; swap.pool = pool; swap.token0 = pool.token0; swap.token1 = pool.token1; swap.sender = swapEvent.sender; swap.origin = tx.from; swap.recipient = swapEvent.recipient; swap.amount0 = amount0; swap.amount1 = amount1; swap.amountUSD = amountTotalUSDTracked; swap.tick = BigInt(swapEvent.tick); swap.sqrtPriceX96 = BigInt(swapEvent.sqrtPriceX96); // Skipping update pool fee growth as they are not queried. // Interval data. const uniswapDayData = await updateUniswapDayData(this._db, dbTx, { block, contractAddress }); const poolDayData = await updatePoolDayData(this._db, dbTx, { block, contractAddress }); const poolHourData = await updatePoolHourData(this._db, dbTx, { block, contractAddress }); const token0DayData = await updateTokenDayData(this._db, dbTx, token0, { block }); const token1DayData = await updateTokenDayData(this._db, dbTx, token0, { block }); const token0HourData = await updateTokenHourData(this._db, dbTx, token0, { block }); const token1HourData = await updateTokenHourData(this._db, dbTx, token0, { block }); // Update volume metrics. uniswapDayData.volumeETH = uniswapDayData.volumeETH.plus(amountTotalETHTracked); uniswapDayData.volumeUSD = uniswapDayData.volumeUSD.plus(amountTotalUSDTracked); uniswapDayData.feesUSD = uniswapDayData.feesUSD.plus(feesUSD); poolDayData.volumeUSD = poolDayData.volumeUSD.plus(amountTotalUSDTracked); poolDayData.volumeToken0 = poolDayData.volumeToken0.plus(amount0Abs); poolDayData.volumeToken1 = poolDayData.volumeToken1.plus(amount1Abs); poolDayData.feesUSD = poolDayData.feesUSD.plus(feesUSD); poolHourData.volumeUSD = poolHourData.volumeUSD.plus(amountTotalUSDTracked); poolHourData.volumeToken0 = poolHourData.volumeToken0.plus(amount0Abs); poolHourData.volumeToken1 = poolHourData.volumeToken1.plus(amount1Abs); poolHourData.feesUSD = poolHourData.feesUSD.plus(feesUSD); token0DayData.volume = token0DayData.volume.plus(amount0Abs); token0DayData.volumeUSD = token0DayData.volumeUSD.plus(amountTotalUSDTracked); token0DayData.untrackedVolumeUSD = token0DayData.untrackedVolumeUSD.plus(amountTotalUSDTracked); token0DayData.feesUSD = token0DayData.feesUSD.plus(feesUSD); token0HourData.volume = token0HourData.volume.plus(amount0Abs); token0HourData.volumeUSD = token0HourData.volumeUSD.plus(amountTotalUSDTracked); token0HourData.untrackedVolumeUSD = token0HourData.untrackedVolumeUSD.plus(amountTotalUSDTracked); token0HourData.feesUSD = token0HourData.feesUSD.plus(feesUSD); token1DayData.volume = token1DayData.volume.plus(amount1Abs); token1DayData.volumeUSD = token1DayData.volumeUSD.plus(amountTotalUSDTracked); token1DayData.untrackedVolumeUSD = token1DayData.untrackedVolumeUSD.plus(amountTotalUSDTracked); token1DayData.feesUSD = token1DayData.feesUSD.plus(feesUSD); token1HourData.volume = token1HourData.volume.plus(amount1Abs); token1HourData.volumeUSD = token1HourData.volumeUSD.plus(amountTotalUSDTracked); token1HourData.untrackedVolumeUSD = token1HourData.untrackedVolumeUSD.plus(amountTotalUSDTracked); token1HourData.feesUSD = token1HourData.feesUSD.plus(feesUSD); await this._db.saveFactory(dbTx, factory, block); [token0, token1] = await Promise.all([ this._db.saveToken(dbTx, token0, block), this._db.saveToken(dbTx, token1, block) ]); pool.token0 = token0; pool.token1 = token1; pool = await this._db.savePool(dbTx, pool, block); swap.token0 = token0; swap.token1 = token1; swap.pool = pool; await this._db.saveSwap(dbTx, swap, block); token0DayData.token = token0; token1DayData.token = token1; await this._db.saveTokenDayData(dbTx, token0DayData, block); await this._db.saveTokenDayData(dbTx, token1DayData, block); await this._db.saveUniswapDayData(dbTx, uniswapDayData, block); poolDayData.pool = pool; await this._db.savePoolDayData(dbTx, poolDayData, block); // Update inner vars of current or crossed ticks. const newTick = pool.tick; assert(newTick); const tickSpacing = feeTierToTickSpacing(pool.feeTier); const modulo = newTick % tickSpacing; if (modulo === BigInt(0)) { // Current tick is initialized and needs to be updated. this._loadTickUpdateFeeVarsAndSave(dbTx, Number(newTick), block, contractAddress); } const numIters = BigInt( BigNumber.from(oldTick - newTick) .abs() .div(tickSpacing) .toString() ); if (numIters > BigInt(100)) { // In case more than 100 ticks need to be updated ignore the update in // order to avoid timeouts. From testing this behavior occurs only upon // pool initialization. This should not be a big issue as the ticks get // updated later. For early users this error also disappears when calling // collect. } else if (newTick > oldTick) { const firstInitialized = oldTick + tickSpacing - modulo; for (let i = firstInitialized; i < newTick; i = i + tickSpacing) { this._loadTickUpdateFeeVarsAndSave(dbTx, Number(i), block, contractAddress); } } else if (newTick < oldTick) { const firstInitialized = oldTick - modulo; for (let i = firstInitialized; i >= newTick; i = i - tickSpacing) { this._loadTickUpdateFeeVarsAndSave(dbTx, Number(i), block, contractAddress); } } await dbTx.commitTransaction(); } catch (error) { await dbTx.rollbackTransaction(); throw error; } finally { await dbTx.release(); } } async _handleIncreaseLiquidity (block: Block, contractAddress: string, tx: Transaction, event: IncreaseLiquidityEvent): Promise { let position = await this._getPosition(block, contractAddress, tx, BigInt(event.tokenId)); // position was not able to be fetched. if (position === null) { return; } // Temp fix from Subgraph mapping code. if (utils.getAddress(position.pool.id) === utils.getAddress('0x8fe8d9bb8eeba3ed688069c3d6b556c9ca258248')) { return; } await this._updateFeeVars(position, block, contractAddress, BigInt(event.tokenId)); const dbTx = await this._db.createTransactionRunner(); try { if (!position.transaction) { const transaction = await loadTransaction(this._db, dbTx, { block, tx }); position.transaction = transaction; position = await this._db.savePosition(dbTx, position, block); } const token0 = position.token0; const token1 = position.token1; const amount0 = convertTokenToDecimal(BigInt(event.amount0), BigInt(token0.decimals)); const amount1 = convertTokenToDecimal(BigInt(event.amount1), BigInt(token1.decimals)); position.liquidity = BigInt(position.liquidity) + BigInt(event.liquidity); position.depositedToken0 = position.depositedToken0.plus(amount0); position.depositedToken1 = position.depositedToken1.plus(amount1); await this._db.savePosition(dbTx, position, block); await this._savePositionSnapshot(dbTx, position, block, tx); await dbTx.commitTransaction(); } catch (error) { await dbTx.rollbackTransaction(); throw error; } finally { await dbTx.release(); } } async _handleDecreaseLiquidity (block: Block, contractAddress: string, tx: Transaction, event: DecreaseLiquidityEvent): Promise { let position = await this._getPosition(block, contractAddress, tx, BigInt(event.tokenId)); // Position was not able to be fetched. if (position == null) { return; } // Temp fix from Subgraph mapping code. if (utils.getAddress(position.pool.id) === utils.getAddress('0x8fe8d9bb8eeba3ed688069c3d6b556c9ca258248')) { return; } position = await this._updateFeeVars(position, block, contractAddress, BigInt(event.tokenId)); const dbTx = await this._db.createTransactionRunner(); try { if (!position.transaction) { const transaction = await loadTransaction(this._db, dbTx, { block, tx }); position.transaction = transaction; position = await this._db.savePosition(dbTx, position, block); } const token0 = position.token0; const token1 = position.token1; const amount0 = convertTokenToDecimal(BigInt(event.amount0), BigInt(token0.decimals)); const amount1 = convertTokenToDecimal(BigInt(event.amount1), BigInt(token1.decimals)); position.liquidity = BigInt(position.liquidity) - BigInt(event.liquidity); position.depositedToken0 = position.depositedToken0.plus(amount0); position.depositedToken1 = position.depositedToken1.plus(amount1); await this._db.savePosition(dbTx, position, block); await this._savePositionSnapshot(dbTx, position, block, tx); await dbTx.commitTransaction(); } catch (error) { await dbTx.rollbackTransaction(); throw error; } finally { await dbTx.release(); } } async _handleCollect (block: Block, contractAddress: string, tx: Transaction, event: CollectEvent): Promise { let position = await this._getPosition(block, contractAddress, tx, BigInt(event.tokenId)); // Position was not able to be fetched. if (position == null) { return; } if (utils.getAddress(position.pool.id) === utils.getAddress('0x8fe8d9bb8eeba3ed688069c3d6b556c9ca258248')) { return; } position = await this._updateFeeVars(position, block, contractAddress, BigInt(event.tokenId)); const dbTx = await this._db.createTransactionRunner(); try { if (!position.transaction) { const transaction = await loadTransaction(this._db, dbTx, { block, tx }); position.transaction = transaction; position = await this._db.savePosition(dbTx, position, block); } await this._db.savePosition(dbTx, position, block); await this._savePositionSnapshot(dbTx, position, block, tx); await dbTx.commitTransaction(); } catch (error) { await dbTx.rollbackTransaction(); throw error; } finally { await dbTx.release(); } } async _handleTransfer (block: Block, contractAddress: string, tx: Transaction, event: TransferEvent): Promise { let position = await this._getPosition(block, contractAddress, tx, BigInt(event.tokenId)); // Position was not able to be fetched. if (position === null) { return; } const dbTx = await this._db.createTransactionRunner(); try { if (!position.transaction) { const transaction = await loadTransaction(this._db, dbTx, { block, tx }); position.transaction = transaction; position = await this._db.savePosition(dbTx, position, block); } position.owner = event.to; await this._db.savePosition(dbTx, position, block); await this._savePositionSnapshot(dbTx, position, block, tx); await dbTx.commitTransaction(); } catch (error) { await dbTx.rollbackTransaction(); throw error; } finally { await dbTx.release(); } } async _updateTickFeeVarsAndSave (dbTx: QueryRunner, tick: Tick, block: Block): Promise { // Skipping update feeGrowthOutside0X128 and feeGrowthOutside1X128 data as they are not queried. await updateTickDayData(this._db, dbTx, tick, { block }); } async _loadTickUpdateFeeVarsAndSave (dbTx:QueryRunner, tickId: number, block: Block, contractAddress: string): Promise { const poolAddress = contractAddress; const tick = await this._db.getTick( dbTx, { id: poolAddress.concat('#').concat(tickId.toString()), blockHash: block.hash } ); if (tick) { await this._updateTickFeeVarsAndSave(dbTx, tick, block); } } async _getPosition (block: Block, contractAddress: string, tx: Transaction, tokenId: bigint): Promise { const { hash: blockHash } = block; let position = await this._db.getPosition({ id: tokenId.toString(), blockHash }); if (!position) { let positionResult; try { console.time('time:indexer#_getPosition-eth_call_for_positions'); ({ value: positionResult } = await this._uniClient.positions(blockHash, contractAddress, tokenId)); console.timeEnd('time:indexer#_getPosition-eth_call_for_positions'); } catch (error: any) { // The contract call reverts in situations where the position is minted and deleted in the same block. // From my investigation this happens in calls from BancorSwap. // (e.g. 0xf7867fa19aa65298fadb8d4f72d0daed5e836f3ba01f0b9b9631cdc6c36bed40) if (error.message !== utils.Logger.errors.CALL_EXCEPTION) { log('nfpm positions eth_call failed'); throw error; } } if (positionResult) { // TODO: In subgraph factory is fetched by hardcoded factory address. // Currently fetching first factory in database as only one exists. const [factory] = await this._db.getModelEntitiesNoTx(Factory, { hash: blockHash }, {}, { limit: 1 }); console.time('time:indexer#_getPosition-eth_call_for_getPool'); const { value: poolAddress } = await this._uniClient.callGetPool(blockHash, factory.id, positionResult.token0, positionResult.token1, positionResult.fee); console.timeEnd('time:indexer#_getPosition-eth_call_for_getPool'); position = new Position(); position.id = tokenId.toString(); const pool = await this._db.getPoolNoTx({ id: poolAddress, blockHash }); assert(pool); position.pool = pool; const [token0, token1] = await Promise.all([ this._db.getTokenNoTx({ id: positionResult.token0, blockHash }), this._db.getTokenNoTx({ id: positionResult.token1, blockHash }) ]); assert(token0 && token1); position.token0 = token0; position.token1 = token1; const [tickLower, tickUpper] = await Promise.all([ this._db.getTickNoTx({ id: poolAddress.concat('#').concat(positionResult.tickLower.toString()), blockHash }), this._db.getTickNoTx({ id: poolAddress.concat('#').concat(positionResult.tickUpper.toString()), blockHash }) ]); assert(tickLower && tickUpper); position.tickLower = tickLower; position.tickUpper = tickUpper; position.feeGrowthInside0LastX128 = BigInt(positionResult.feeGrowthInside0LastX128.toString()); position.feeGrowthInside1LastX128 = BigInt(positionResult.feeGrowthInside1LastX128.toString()); } } return position || null; } async _updateFeeVars (position: Position, block: Block, contractAddress: string, tokenId: bigint): Promise { try { console.time('time:indexer#_updateFeeVars-eth_call_for_positions'); const { value: positionResult } = await this._uniClient.positions(block.hash, contractAddress, tokenId); console.timeEnd('time:indexer#_updateFeeVars-eth_call_for_positions'); if (positionResult) { position.feeGrowthInside0LastX128 = BigInt(positionResult.feeGrowthInside0LastX128.toString()); position.feeGrowthInside1LastX128 = BigInt(positionResult.feeGrowthInside1LastX128.toString()); } } catch (error) { log('nfpm positions eth_call failed'); log(error); } return position; } async _savePositionSnapshot (dbTx: QueryRunner, position: Position, block: Block, tx: Transaction): Promise { const positionSnapshot = new PositionSnapshot(); positionSnapshot.id = position.id.concat('#').concat(block.number.toString()); positionSnapshot.blockNumber = block.number; positionSnapshot.owner = position.owner; positionSnapshot.pool = position.pool; positionSnapshot.position = position; positionSnapshot.timestamp = BigInt(block.timestamp); positionSnapshot.liquidity = position.liquidity; positionSnapshot.depositedToken0 = position.depositedToken0; positionSnapshot.depositedToken1 = position.depositedToken1; positionSnapshot.withdrawnToken0 = position.withdrawnToken0; positionSnapshot.withdrawnToken1 = position.withdrawnToken1; positionSnapshot.collectedFeesToken0 = position.collectedFeesToken0; positionSnapshot.collectedFeesToken1 = position.collectedFeesToken1; positionSnapshot.transaction = await loadTransaction(this._db, dbTx, { block, tx }); positionSnapshot.feeGrowthInside0LastX128 = position.feeGrowthInside0LastX128; positionSnapshot.feeGrowthInside1LastX128 = position.feeGrowthInside1LastX128; await this._db.savePositionSnapshot(dbTx, positionSnapshot, block); } }