# MobyMask v2 Watcher First try the [mobymask demo in stack orchestrator](https://github.com/cerc-io/stack-orchestrator/tree/main/app/data/stacks/mobymask) to quickly get started. Advanced users can see [here](/docs/README.md) for instructions on setting up a local environment by hand. ## Setup Run the following command to install required packages: ```bash yarn && yarn build ``` If the watcher is "lazy", run the server: ```bash yarn server ``` GQL console: http://localhost:3010/graphql If the watcher is "active", run the job-runner: ```bash yarn job-runner ``` then the server: ```bash yarn server ``` Next, clone the MobyMask repo and checkout this branch: ```bash git clone https://github.com/cerc-io/MobyMask && cd MobyMask git checkout use-laconic-watcher-as-hosted-index ``` Install the packages: ```bash yarn ``` Deploy the contract: ```bash cd packages/hardhat yarn deploy # deploying "PhisherRegistry" (tx: 0xaebeb2e883ece1f679304ec46f5dc61ca74f9e168427268a7dfa8802195b8de0)...: deployed at 0xMobyAddress with 2306221 gas # $ hardhat run scripts/publish.js # ✅ Published contracts to the subgraph package. # Done in 14.28s. ``` Export the address of the deployed contract to a shell variable for later use: ```bash export MOBY_ADDRESS="0xMobyAddress" ``` Run the following GQL mutation in watcher GraphQL endpoint ```graphql mutation { watchContract( address: "MOBY_ADDRESS" kind: "PhisherRegistry" checkpoint: true ) } ``` Get the latest block ```graphql query { latestBlock { hash number } } ``` Run the following GQL query in GraphQL endpoint ```graphql query { isPhisher( blockHash: "LATEST_BLOCK_HASH" contractAddress: "MOBY_ADDRESS" key0: "TWT:phishername" ) { value proof { data } } isMember( blockHash: "LATEST_BLOCK_HASH" contractAddress: "MOBY_ADDRESS" key0: "TWT:membername" ) { value proof { data } } } ``` Run the following GQL subscription in generated watcher GraphQL endpoint: ```graphql subscription { onEvent { event { __typename ... on PhisherStatusUpdatedEvent { entity isPhisher }, ... on MemberStatusUpdatedEvent { entity isMember } }, block { number hash } } } ``` Update isPhiser and isMember lists with names ```bash yarn claimPhisher --contract $MOBY_ADDRESS --name phisherName ``` ```bash yarn claimMember --contract $MOBY_ADDRESS --name memberName ``` - The events should be visible in the subscription at GQL endpoint. Note down the event blockHash from result. - The isMember and isPhisher lists should be indexed. Check the database (mobymask-v2-watcher) tables `is_phisher` and `is_member`, there should be entries at the event blockHash and the value should be true. The data is indexed in `handleEvent` method in the [hooks file](./src/hooks.ts). Update the the previous query with event blockHash and check isPhisher and isMember in GraphQL playground ```graphql query { isPhisher( blockHash: "EVENT_BLOCK_HASH" contractAddress: "MOBY_ADDRESS", key0: "TWT:phishername" ) { value proof { data } } isMember( blockHash: "EVENT_BLOCK_HASH" contractAddress: "MOBY_ADDRESS", key0: "TWT:membername" ) { value proof { data } } } ``` The data is fetched from watcher database as it is already indexed. ## Additional Commands To watch a contract, run: ```bash yarn watch:contract --address --kind --checkpoint --starting-block [block-number] ``` where: - `address`: Address or identifier of the contract to be watched. - `kind`: Kind of the contract. - `checkpoint`: Turn checkpointing on (`true` | `false`). - `starting-block`: Starting block for the contract (default: `1`). Examples: Watch a contract with its address and checkpointing on: ```bash yarn watch:contract --address 0x1F78641644feB8b64642e833cE4AFE93DD6e7833 --kind ERC20 --checkpoint true ``` Watch a contract with its identifier and checkpointing on: ```bash yarn watch:contract --address MyProtocol --kind protocol --checkpoint true ``` To fill a block range: ```bash yarn fill --start-block --end-block ``` * `start-block`: Block number to start filling from. * `end-block`: Block number till which to fill. To create a checkpoint for a contract: ```bash yarn checkpoint create --address --block-hash [block-hash] ``` * `address`: Address or identifier of the contract for which to create a checkpoint. * `block-hash`: Hash of a block (in the pruned region) at which to create the checkpoint (default: latest canonical block hash). To reset the watcher to a previous block number: ```bash yarn reset watcher --block-number ``` Reset job-queue: ```bash yarn reset job-queue ``` Reset state: ```bash yarn reset state --block-number ``` * `block-number`: Block number to which to reset the watcher. To export and import the watcher state: In the source watcher, export watcher state: ```bash yarn export-state --export-file [export-file-path] --block-number [snapshot-block-height] ``` * `export-file`: Path of file to which to export the watcher data. * `block-number`: Block height at which to take snapshot for export. In the target watcher, run job-runner: ```bash yarn job-runner ``` Import watcher state: ```bash yarn import-state --import-file ``` * `import-file`: Path of file from which to import the watcher data. Run server: ```bash yarn server ``` To inspect a CID: ```bash yarn inspect-cid --cid ``` * `cid`: CID to be inspected.