import { gql } from '@apollo/client/core'; export default gql` # # ERC20 GQL schema # # See: # ABI: # # Types # Support uint256 values. scalar BigInt # Proof for returned data. Serialized blob for now. # Will be converted into a well defined structure later. type Proof { data: String! } # Result type, with proof, for string method return values. type ResultString { value: String # Proof from state/storage trie. proof: Proof } # Result type, with proof, for uint256 method return values. type ResultUInt256 { value: BigInt! # Proof from state/storage trie. proof: Proof } # Transfer Event type TransferEvent { from: String! to: String! value: BigInt! } # Approval Event type ApprovalEvent { owner: String! spender: String! value: BigInt! } # All possible event types fired by an ERC20 contract. union TokenEvent = TransferEvent | ApprovalEvent # Result type, with proof, for event return values. type ResultEvent { event: TokenEvent! # Proof from receipts trie. proof: Proof } # Watched event, include additional context over and above the event data. type WatchedEvent { blockHash: String! token: String! event: ResultEvent! } # # Queries # type Query { # # Interface of the ERC20 standard as defined in the EIP. # # totalSupply( blockHash: String! token: String! ): ResultUInt256! balanceOf( blockHash: String! token: String! owner: String! ): ResultUInt256! allowance( blockHash: String! token: String! owner: String! spender: String! ): ResultUInt256! # # Optional functions from the ERC20 standard. # # name( blockHash: String! token: String! ): ResultString! symbol( blockHash: String! token: String! ): ResultString! decimals( blockHash: String! token: String! ): ResultUInt256! # # Additional watcher queries. # # Get token events at a certain block, optionally filter by event name. events( blockHash: String! token: String! name: String ): [ResultEvent!] } # # Subscriptions # type Subscription { # Watch for token events (at head of chain). onTokenEvent: WatchedEvent! } # # Mutations # type Mutation { # Actively watch and index data for the token. watchToken( token: String! startingBlock: Int ): Boolean! } `;