# erc721-watcher First try the [erc721 demo in stack orchestrator](https://github.com/cerc-io/stack-orchestrator/tree/main/app/data/stacks/erc721) to quickly get started. Advanced users can see [here](/docs/README.md) for instructions on setting up a local environment by hand. ## Setup Run the following command to install required packages: ```bash yarn && yarn build ``` If the watcher is "active", first run the job-runner: ```bash yarn job-runner ``` then run the watcher: ```bash yarn server ``` For "lazy" watchers, you only need to run the above command. Deploy an ERC721 token: ```bash yarn nft:deploy ``` ``` # NFT deployed to: 0xNFTAddress ``` Export the address of the deployed token to a shell variable for later use: ```bash export NFT_ADDRESS="0xNFTAddress" ``` Run the following GQL mutation in generated watcher GraphQL endpoint ```graphql mutation { watchContract( address: "0xNFTAddress" kind: "ERC721" checkpoint: true ) } ``` TODO: settle on WC (signer/primary/main...across the docs) Get the signer (primary/main) account address and export to a shell variable: ```bash yarn account ``` ```bash export SIGNER_ADDRESS="0xSignerAddress" ``` Connect MetaMask to `http://localhost:8545` (with chain ID `99`) Add a an account to Metamask and export the account address to a shell variable for later use: ```bash export RECIPIENT_ADDRESS="0xRecipientAddress" ``` To get the current block hash at any time, run: ```bash yarn block:latest ``` Run the following GQL query (`eth_call`) in the GraphQL playground at ```graphql query { name( blockHash: "LATEST_BLOCK_HASH" contractAddress: "0xNFTAddress" ) { value proof { data } } symbol( blockHash: "LATEST_BLOCK_HASH" contractAddress: "0xNFTAddress" ) { value proof { data } } balanceOf( blockHash: "LATEST_BLOCK_HASH" contractAddress: "0xNFTAddress" owner: "0xSignerAddress" ) { value proof { data } } } ``` Run the following GQL query (`storage`) in generated watcher GraphQL endpoint ```graphql query { _name( blockHash: "LATEST_BLOCK_HASH" contractAddress: "0xNFTAddress" ) { value proof { data } } _symbol( blockHash: "LATEST_BLOCK_HASH" contractAddress: "0xNFTAddress" ) { value proof { data } } _balances( blockHash: "LATEST_BLOCK_HASH" contractAddress: "0xNFTAddress" key0: "0xSignerAddress" ) { value proof { data } } } ``` Run the following GQL subscription in the playground: ```graphql subscription { onEvent { event { __typename ... on TransferEvent { from to tokenId }, ... on ApprovalEvent { owner approved tokenId } }, block { number hash } } } ``` Mint token ```bash yarn nft:mint --nft $NFT_ADDRESS --to $SIGNER_ADDRESS --token-id 1 ``` - A Transfer event to 0xSignerAddress should be visible in the subscription. - An auto-generated `diff_staged` `State` should be added with parent CID pointing to the initial `checkpoint` `State`. - Custom property `transferCount` should be 1 initially. - Run the `getState` query at the endpoint to get the latest `State` for 0xNFTAddress: ```graphql query { getState ( blockHash: "EVENT_BLOCK_HASH" contractAddress: "0xNFTAddress" # kind: "checkpoint" # kind: "diff" kind: "diff_staged" ) { cid block { cid hash number timestamp parentHash } contractAddress data } } ``` - `diff` States get created corresponding to the `diff_staged` blocks when their respective eth_blocks reach the pruned region. - `data` contains the default state and also the custom state property `transferCount` that is indexed in [hooks.ts](./src/hooks.ts) file. - Get the latest blockHash and run the following query for `transferCount` entity: ```graphql query { transferCount( block: { hash: "LATEST_BLOCK_HASH" } id: "0xNFTAddress" ) { id count } } ``` *Note: Contract address is assigned to the Entity ID.* With the latest blockHash, run the following query for `balanceOf` and `ownerOf` (`eth_call`): ```graphql query { fromBalanceOf: balanceOf( blockHash: "LATEST_BLOCK_HASH" contractAddress: "0xNFTAddress" owner: "0xSignerAddress" ) { value proof { data } } toBalanceOf: balanceOf( blockHash: "LATEST_BLOCK_HASH" contractAddress: "0xNFTAddress" owner: "0xRecipientAddress" ) { value proof { data } } ownerOf( blockHash: "LATEST_BLOCK_HASH" contractAddress: "0xNFTAddress" tokenId: 1 ) { value proof { data } } } ``` Transfer token ```bash yarn nft:transfer --nft $NFT_ADDRESS --from $SIGNER_ADDRESS --to $RECIPIENT_ADDRESS --token-id 1 ``` - An Approval event for SIGNER_ADDRESS shall be visible in the subscription at endpoint. - A Transfer event to $RECIPIENT_ADDRESS shall be visible in the subscription at endpoint. - An auto-generated `diff_staged` State should be added with parent CID pointing to the previous State. - Custom property `transferCount` should be incremented after transfer. This can be checked in the `getState` query. - Get the latest blockHash and replace the blockHash in the above `eth_call` query. The result should be different and the token should be transferred to the recipient. - Run the `getState` query again at the endpoint with the event blockHash. - Run the `transferCount` entity query again with the latest blockHash. The updated count should be returned. - After the `diff` block has been created (can check if event block number pruned in yarn server log), create a checkpoint using CLI in `packages/erc721-watcher`: ```bash yarn checkpoint create --address $NFT_ADDRESS ``` - Run the `getState` query again with the output blockHash and kind `checkpoint` at the endpoint. - The latest checkpoint should have the aggregate of state diffs since the last checkpoint. - The `State` entries can be seen in pg-admin in table `state`. - The state should have auto indexed data and also custom property `transferCount` according to code in [hooks](./src/hooks.ts) file `handleEvent` method. For more `yarn` sub-commands available, see the [CLI guide](/docs/cli.md)