import { ContractInterface } from '@ethersproject/contracts'; import { artifacts, ethers } from 'hardhat'; import { CompilerOutput, CompilerOutputBytecode } from 'hardhat/types'; import { StorageLayout, GetStorageAt } from '../src'; // storageLayout doesnt exist in type CompilerOutput doesnt. // Extending CompilerOutput type to include storageLayout property. interface StorageCompilerOutput extends CompilerOutput { contracts: { [sourceName: string]: { [contractName: string]: { abi: ContractInterface; evm: { bytecode: CompilerOutputBytecode; deployedBytecode: CompilerOutputBytecode; methodIdentifiers: { [methodSignature: string]: string; }; }; storageLayout?: StorageLayout; } }; }; } /** * Get storage layout of specified contract. * @param contractName */ export const getStorageLayout = async (contractName: string): Promise => { const artifact = await artifacts.readArtifact(contractName); const buildInfo = await artifacts.getBuildInfo(`${artifact.sourceName}:${artifact.contractName}`); if (!buildInfo) { throw new Error('storageLayout not present in compiler output.'); } const output: StorageCompilerOutput = buildInfo.output; const { storageLayout } = output.contracts[artifact.sourceName][artifact.contractName]; if (!storageLayout) { throw new Error('Contract hasn\'t been compiled.'); } return storageLayout; }; /** * Get storage value in hardhat environment using ethers. * @param address * @param position */ export const getStorageAt: GetStorageAt = async ({ blockHash, contract, slot }) => { // TODO: Fix use of blockHash as hex string in getStorageAt. // Using blockHash in getStorageAt throws error. // // Using latest tag for temporary fix in test scenario. blockHash = 'latest'; const value = await ethers.provider.getStorageAt(contract, slot, blockHash); return { value, proof: { // Returning null value as proof, since ethers library getStorageAt method doesnt return proof. // This function is used in tests to mock the getStorageAt method of ipld-eth-client which returns proof along with value. data: JSON.stringify(null) } }; };