# Demo * The following core services need to be running for the demo: * [ipld-eth-db](https://github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-db) * Version: [v4.2.3-alpha](https://github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-db/releases/tag/v4.2.3-alpha) * [geth](https://github.com/cerc-io/go-ethereum) * State diffing service should use `ipld-eth-db` for database. * Version: [v1.10.26-statediff-4.2.2-alpha](https://github.com/cerc-io/go-ethereum/releases/tag/v1.10.26-statediff-4.2.2-alpha) * Endpoint: * [ipld-eth-server](https://github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server) * Should use `ipld-eth-db` for database. * Version: [v4.2.3-alpha](https://github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/releases/tag/v4.2.3-alpha) * Endpoints: * GQL: * RPC: * Create a postgres12 database for the watcher: ```bash sudo su - postgres # If database already exists # dropdb mobymask-watcher createdb mobymask-watcher ``` * Create database for the job queue and enable the `pgcrypto` extension on them (https://github.com/timgit/pg-boss/blob/master/docs/usage.md#intro): ```bash # If database already exists # dropdb mobymask-watcher-job-queue createdb mobymask-watcher-job-queue ``` ``` postgres@tesla:~$ psql -U postgres -h localhost mobymask-watcher-job-queue Password for user postgres: psql (12.7 (Ubuntu 12.7-1.pgdg18.04+1)) SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, bits: 256, compression: off) Type "help" for help. mobymask-watcher-job-queue=# CREATE EXTENSION pgcrypto; CREATE EXTENSION mobymask-watcher-job-queue=# exit ``` * In the [config file](./environments/local.toml) update the `database` connection settings. * In `watcher-ts` repo, follow the instructions in [Setup](../../README.md#setup) for installing and building packages. ```bash # After setup yarn && yarn build ``` * Run the job-runner: ```bash yarn job-runner ``` * Change directory to `packages/mobymask-watcher/` and run the watcher: ```bash yarn server ``` * Clone the [MobyMask](https://github.com/cerc-io/MobyMask) repo. * Checkout to the branch with changes for using this watcher: ```bash # In MobyMask repo. git checkout use-laconic-watcher-as-hosted-index ``` * Run yarn to install the packages ```bash yarn ``` * Deploy the contract: ```bash cd packages/hardhat yarn deploy # deploying "PhisherRegistry" (tx: 0xaebeb2e883ece1f679304ec46f5dc61ca74f9e168427268a7dfa8802195b8de0)...: deployed at with 2306221 gas # $ hardhat run scripts/publish.js # ✅ Published contracts to the subgraph package. # Done in 14.28s. ``` Export the address of the deployed contract to a shell variable for later use: ```bash export MOBY_ADDRESS="" ``` * Run the following GQL mutation in watcher GraphQL endpoint ```graphql mutation { watchContract( address: "MOBY_ADDRESS" kind: "PhisherRegistry" checkpoint: true ) } ``` * Get the latest block ```graphql query { latestBlock { hash number } } ``` * Run the following GQL query in GraphQL endpoint ```graphql query { isPhisher( blockHash: "LATEST_BLOCK_HASH" contractAddress: "MOBY_ADDRESS" key0: "TWT:phishername" ) { value proof { data } } isMember( blockHash: "LATEST_BLOCK_HASH" contractAddress: "MOBY_ADDRESS" key0: "TWT:membername" ) { value proof { data } } } ``` * Run the following GQL subscription in generated watcher GraphQL endpoint: ```graphql subscription { onEvent { event { __typename ... on PhisherStatusUpdatedEvent { entity isPhisher }, ... on MemberStatusUpdatedEvent { entity isMember } }, block { number hash } } } ``` * Update isPhiser and isMember lists with names ```bash yarn claimPhisher --contract $MOBY_ADDRESS --name phisherName ``` ```bash yarn claimMember --contract $MOBY_ADDRESS --name memberName ``` * The events should be visible in the subscription at GQL endpoint. Note down the event blockHash from result. * The isMember and isPhisher lists should be indexed. Check the database (mobymask-watcher) tables `is_phisher` and `is_member`, there should be entries at the event blockHash and the value should be true. The data is indexed in `handleEvent` method in the [hooks file](./src/hooks.ts). * Update the the previous query with event blockHash and check isPhisher and isMember in GraphQL playground ```graphql query { isPhisher( blockHash: "EVENT_BLOCK_HASH" contractAddress: "MOBY_ADDRESS", key0: "TWT:phishername" ) { value proof { data } } isMember( blockHash: "EVENT_BLOCK_HASH" contractAddress: "MOBY_ADDRESS", key0: "TWT:membername" ) { value proof { data } } } ``` The data is fetched from watcher database as it is already indexed.