# uni-info-watcher ## Instructions ### Setup Create a postgres12 database for the job queue: ``` sudo su - postgres createdb uni-info-watcher-job-queue ``` Enable the `pgcrypto` extension on the job queue database (https://github.com/timgit/pg-boss/blob/master/docs/usage.md#intro). Example: ``` postgres@tesla:~$ psql -U postgres -h localhost uni-info-watcher-job-queue Password for user postgres: psql (12.7 (Ubuntu 12.7-1.pgdg18.04+1)) SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, bits: 256, compression: off) Type "help" for help. uni-watcher-job-queue=# CREATE EXTENSION pgcrypto; CREATE EXTENSION uni-info-watcher-job-queue=# exit ``` Create a postgres12 database for the uni-info watcher: ``` sudo su - postgres createdb uni-info-watcher ``` Update `environments/local.toml` with database connection settings for both the databases. ### Run * Build files: ```bash $ yarn build ``` * Start the server: ```bash $ yarn server # For development. $ yarn server:dev # For specifying config file. $ yarn server -f environments/local.toml ``` * Start the job runner: ```bash $ yarn job-runner # For development. $ yarn job-runner:dev # For specifying config file. $ yarn job-runner -f environments/local.toml ``` * Run `yarn server:mock` to run server with mock data. ## Mock Queries ```graphql { bundle(id: "1", block: { number: 2 }) { id ethPriceUSD } bundles(first: 1, block: { number: 2 }) { id ethPriceUSD } burns(first: 2, orderBy: timestamp) { amount0 amount1 amountUSD id origin owner pool { id } timestamp transaction { id } } factories(first: 1, block: { number: 2 }) { id totalFeesUSD totalValueLockedUSD totalVolumeUSD txCount } mints(first: 2) { amount0 amount1 amountUSD id origin owner pool { id } timestamp transaction { id } sender } pools(first: 2, block: { number:2 }) { feeTier id liquidity sqrtPrice tick token0 { name } token0Price token1 { name } token1Price totalValueLockedToken0 totalValueLockedToken1 totalValueLockedUSD txCount volumeUSD } tokens { derivedETH feesUSD id name symbol totalValueLocked totalValueLockedUSD txCount volume volumeUSD } transactions(first: 2) { burns { id } id mints { id } swaps{ id } timestamp } swaps(first: 2) { amount0 amount1 amountUSD id origin pool { id } timestamp transaction { id } } poolDayDatas(skip: 1, first: 2) { date id tvlUSD volumeUSD } tokenDayDatas(first: 2, where: {}) { date id totalValueLockedUSD volumeUSD } uniswapDayDatas(skip:1, first: 2) { date id tvlUSD volumeUSD } ticks(skip: 1, first: 2, block: { number: 2 }) { id liquidityGross liquidityNet price0 price1 tickIdx } tokenHourDatas(skip: 1, first: 2) { close high id low open periodStartUnix } } ``` Queries with ID param ```graphql { pool(id: "0x38bb4e5eb41aeaeec59e60ba075298f4d4dfd2a2") { feeTier id liquidity sqrtPrice tick token0 { name } token0Price token1 { name } token1Price totalValueLockedToken0 totalValueLockedToken1 totalValueLockedUSD txCount volumeUSD } token(id: "0xb87ddd8af3242e56e52318bacf27fe9dcc75c15a", block: { number:2}) { derivedETH feesUSD id name symbol totalValueLocked totalValueLockedUSD txCount volume volumeUSD } } ``` ## Scripts * **generate:schema** Generate schema for uniswap subgraph in graphql format. The `get-graphql-schema` tool is used to generate the schema (https://github.com/prisma-labs/get-graphql-schema). The uniswap subgraph graphql endpoint is provided in the script to generate the schema. * **lint:schema** Lint schema graphql files: ```bash $ yarn lint:schema docs/analysis/schema/frontend.graphql ``` ## Test ### Smoke test To run a smoke test: * Start the server in `packages/erc-20-watcher`. * Start the server and the job-runner in `packages/uni-watcher`. * Start the server and the job-runner in `packages/uni-info-watcher`. * Run the smoke test in `packages/uni-watcher` atleast once. * Run: ```bash $ yarn smoke-test ```