import { expect } from 'chai'; import { ethers, Contract, Signer, constants } from 'ethers'; import { request } from 'graphql-request'; import 'mocha'; import _ from 'lodash'; import { Config, getConfig, wait } from '@vulcanize/util'; import { deployTokens, deployUniswapV3Callee, TESTERC20_ABI, TICK_MIN, createPool, initializePool, getMinTick, getMaxTick, approveToken, NFPM_ABI } from '@vulcanize/util/test'; import { Client as UniClient, watchEvent } from '@vulcanize/uni-watcher'; import { abi as FACTORY_ABI } from '@uniswap/v3-core/artifacts/contracts/UniswapV3Factory.sol/UniswapV3Factory.json'; import { abi as POOL_ABI } from '@uniswap/v3-core/artifacts/contracts/UniswapV3Pool.sol/UniswapV3Pool.json'; import { queryFactory, queryBundle, queryToken, queryPoolsByTokens, queryPoolById, queryMints, queryTicks, queryBurns, querySwaps, queryPositions } from '../test/queries'; import { checkUniswapDayData, checkPoolDayData, checkTokenDayData, checkTokenHourData, fetchTransaction } from '../test/utils'; const NETWORK_RPC_URL = 'http://localhost:8545'; describe('uni-info-watcher', () => { let factory: Contract; let pool: Contract; let poolCallee: Contract; let token0: Contract; let token1: Contract; let token0Address: string; let token1Address: string; let nfpm: Contract; let tickLower: number; let tickUpper: number; let signer: Signer; let recipient: string; let config: Config; let endpoint: string; let uniClient: UniClient; before(async () => { const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(NETWORK_RPC_URL); signer = provider.getSigner(); recipient = await signer.getAddress(); const configFile = './environments/local.toml'; config = await getConfig(configFile); const { upstream, server: { host, port } } = config; endpoint = `http://${host}:${port}/graphql`; const { uniWatcher: { gqlEndpoint, gqlSubscriptionEndpoint } } = upstream; uniClient = new UniClient({ gqlEndpoint, gqlSubscriptionEndpoint }); }); it('should have a Factory entity', async () => { // Getting the Factory from uni-info-watcher graphQL endpoint. const data = await request(endpoint, queryFactory); expect(data.factories); // Initializing the factory variable. const factoryAddress = data.factories[0].id; factory = new ethers.Contract(factoryAddress, FACTORY_ABI, signer); expect(factory.address); }); it('should have a Bundle entity', async () => { // Getting the Bundle from uni-info-watcher graphQL endpoint. const data = await request(endpoint, queryBundle); expect(data.bundles); const bundleId = '1'; expect(data.bundles[0].id).to.equal(bundleId); }); describe('PoolCreatedEvent', () => { // NOTE: Skipping checking entity updates that cannot be gotten/derived using queries. // Checked entities: Token, Pool. const fee = 500; before(async () => { // Deploy 2 tokens. ({ token0Address, token1Address } = await deployTokens(signer)); expect(token0Address); expect(token1Address); }); it('should not have Token entities', async () => { // Check that Token entities are absent. const data0 = await request(endpoint, queryToken, { id: token0Address }); expect(data0.token); const data1 = await request(endpoint, queryToken, { id: token0Address }); expect(data1.token); }); it('should trigger PoolCreatedEvent', async () => { // Create Pool and wait for PoolCreatedEvent. const eventType = 'PoolCreatedEvent'; await Promise.all([ createPool(factory, token0Address, token1Address, fee), watchEvent(uniClient, eventType) ]); // Sleeping for 10 sec for the event to be processed. await wait(10000); }); it('should create Token entities', async () => { // Check that Token entities are present. const data0 = await request(endpoint, queryToken, { id: token0Address }); expect(data0.token); const data1 = await request(endpoint, queryToken, { id: token0Address }); expect(data1.token); }); it('should create a Pool entity', async () => { // Checked values: feeTier const variables = { tokens: [token0Address, token1Address] }; // Getting the Pool that has the deployed tokens. const data = await request(endpoint, queryPoolsByTokens, variables); expect(data.pools).to.have.lengthOf(1); // Initializing the pool variable. const poolAddress = data.pools[0].id; pool = new Contract(poolAddress, POOL_ABI, signer); expect(pool.address); expect(data.pools[0].feeTier); // Initializing the token variables. token0Address = await pool.token0(); token0 = new Contract(token0Address, TESTERC20_ABI, signer); token1Address = await pool.token1(); token1 = new Contract(token1Address, TESTERC20_ABI, signer); }); }); describe('InitializeEvent', () => { // Checked entities: Pool, PoolDayData. // Unchecked entities: Bundle, Token. const sqrtPrice = '4295128939'; const tick = TICK_MIN; it('should not have pool entity initialized', async () => { const data = await request(endpoint, queryPoolById, { id: pool.address }); expect(data.pool.sqrtPrice); expect(data.pool.tick); }); it('should trigger InitializeEvent', async () => { // Initialize Pool and wait for InitializeEvent const eventType = 'InitializeEvent'; await Promise.all([ initializePool(pool, sqrtPrice), watchEvent(uniClient, eventType) ]); // Sleeping for 5 sec for the event to be processed. await wait(5000); }); it('should update Pool entity', async () => { // Checked values: sqrtPrice, tick. const data = await request(endpoint, queryPoolById, { id: pool.address }); expect(data.pool.sqrtPrice); expect(data.pool.tick); }); it('should update PoolDayData entity', async () => { checkPoolDayData(endpoint, pool.address); }); }); describe('MintEvent', () => { // Checked entities: Token, Factory, Pool, Transaction, Mint, Tick, UniswapDayData, PoolDayData, TokenDayData, TokenHourData. const amount = 10; const approveAmount = BigInt(1000000000000000000000000); let expectedTxID: string; let expectedTxTimestamp: string; // Initial entity values let oldFactory: any; let oldToken0: any; let oldToken1: any; let oldPool: any; before(async () => { // Deploy UniswapV3Callee. poolCallee = await deployUniswapV3Callee(signer); const tickSpacing = await pool.tickSpacing(); // tickLower = getMinTick(tickSpacing); tickUpper = getMaxTick(tickSpacing); await approveToken(token0, poolCallee.address, approveAmount); await approveToken(token1, poolCallee.address, approveAmount); // Get initial entity values. let data: any; data = await request(endpoint, queryFactory); oldFactory = data.factories[0]; data = await request(endpoint, queryToken, { id: token0.address }); oldToken0 = data.token; data = await request(endpoint, queryToken, { id: token1.address }); oldToken1 = data.token; data = await request(endpoint, queryPoolById, { id: pool.address }); oldPool = data.pool; }); it('should trigger MintEvent', async () => { // Pool mint and wait for MintEvent. const eventType = 'MintEvent'; await Promise.all([, recipient, BigInt(tickLower), BigInt(tickUpper), BigInt(amount)), watchEvent(uniClient, eventType) ]); // Sleeping for 20 sec for the event to be processed. await wait(20000); }); it('should update Token entities', async () => { // Checked values: txCount. // Unchecked values: totalValueLocked, totalValueLockedUSD. let data: any; data = await request(endpoint, queryToken, { id: token0.address }); const newToken0 = data.token; data = await request(endpoint, queryToken, { id: token1.address }); const newToken1 = data.token; expect(newToken0.txCount) + BigInt(1)).toString()); expect(newToken1.txCount) + BigInt(1)).toString()); }); it('should update Factory entity', async () => { // Checked values: txCount. // Unchecked values: totalValueLockedUSD. const data = await request(endpoint, queryFactory); const newFactory = data.factories[0]; expect(newFactory.txCount) + BigInt(1)).toString()); }); it('should update Pool entity', async () => { // Checked values: txCount, liquidity. // Unchecked values: totalValueLockedToken0, totalValueLockedToken1, totalValueLockedUSD. let expectedLiquidity = BigInt(oldPool.liquidity); if (oldPool.tick !== null) { if ( BigInt(tickLower) <= BigInt(oldPool.tick) && BigInt(tickUpper) > BigInt(oldPool.tick) ) { expectedLiquidity = BigInt(oldPool.liquidity) + BigInt(amount); } } const data = await request(endpoint, queryPoolById, { id: pool.address }); const newPool = data.pool; expect(newPool.txCount) + BigInt(1)).toString()); expect(BigInt(newPool.liquidity)); }); it('should create a Transaction entity', async () => { // Checked values: mints, burns, swaps. const transaction: any = await fetchTransaction(endpoint); expectedTxID =; expectedTxTimestamp = transaction.timestamp; expect(transaction.mints); expect(transaction.burns); expect(transaction.swaps); const timestamp = transaction.mints[0].timestamp; expect(timestamp); }); it('should create a Mint entity', async () => { // Checked values: id, origin, owner, sender, timestamp, pool, transaction. // Unchecked values: amount0, amount1, amountUSD. // Get the latest Mint. let data: any; const variables = { first: 1, orderBy: 'timestamp', orderDirection: 'desc', pool: pool.address }; data = await request(endpoint, queryMints, variables); expect(data.mints); const mint = data.mints[0]; const txID ='#')[0]; const txCountID ='#')[1]; data = await request(endpoint, queryPoolById, { id: pool.address }); const poolTxCount = data.pool.txCount; const expectedOrigin = recipient; const expectedOwner = recipient; const expectedSender = poolCallee.address; expect(txID); expect(txCountID); expect(mint.origin); expect(mint.owner); expect(mint.sender); expect(mint.timestamp); expect(; expect(; }); it('should create Tick entities', async () => { // Checked values: liquidityGross, liquidityNet. // Unchecked values: id, price0, price1. const data = await request(endpoint, queryTicks, { pool: pool.address }); expect(data.ticks); const lowerTick: any = _.filter(data.ticks, { tickIdx: tickLower.toString() })[0]; const upperTick: any = _.filter(data.ticks, { tickIdx: tickUpper.toString() })[0]; expect(lowerTick.liquidityGross); expect(lowerTick.liquidityNet); expect(upperTick.liquidityGross); expect(upperTick.liquidityNet); }); it('should update UniswapDayData entity', async () => { checkUniswapDayData(endpoint); }); it('should update PoolDayData entity', async () => { checkPoolDayData(endpoint, pool.address); }); it('should update TokenDayData entities', async () => { checkTokenDayData(endpoint, token0.address); checkTokenDayData(endpoint, token1.address); }); it('should update TokenHourData entities', async () => { checkTokenHourData(endpoint, token0.address); checkTokenHourData(endpoint, token1.address); }); }); describe('BurnEvent', () => { // Checked entities: Token, Factory, Pool, Transaction, Burn, Tick, UniswapDayData, PoolDayData, TokenDayData, TokenHourData. const amount = 10; let expectedTxID: string; let expectedTxTimestamp: string; // Initial entity values let oldFactory: any; let oldToken0: any; let oldToken1: any; let oldPool: any; let oldLowerTick: any; let oldUpperTick: any; before(async () => { // Get initial entity values. let data: any; data = await request(endpoint, queryFactory); oldFactory = data.factories[0]; data = await request(endpoint, queryToken, { id: token0.address }); oldToken0 = data.token; data = await request(endpoint, queryToken, { id: token1.address }); oldToken1 = data.token; data = await request(endpoint, queryPoolById, { id: pool.address }); oldPool = data.pool; data = await request(endpoint, queryTicks, { pool: pool.address }); expect(data.ticks); oldLowerTick = _.filter(data.ticks, { tickIdx: tickLower.toString() })[0]; oldUpperTick = _.filter(data.ticks, { tickIdx: tickUpper.toString() })[0]; }); it('should trigger BurnEvent', async () => { // Pool burn and wait for BurnEvent. const eventType = 'BurnEvent'; await Promise.all([ pool.burn(BigInt(tickLower), BigInt(tickUpper), BigInt(amount)), watchEvent(uniClient, eventType) ]); // Sleeping for 15 sec for the event to be processed. await wait(15000); }); it('should update Token entities', async () => { // Checked values: txCount. // Unchecked values: totalValueLocked, totalValueLockedUSD. let data: any; data = await request(endpoint, queryToken, { id: token0.address }); const newToken0 = data.token; data = await request(endpoint, queryToken, { id: token1.address }); const newToken1 = data.token; expect(newToken0.txCount) + BigInt(1)).toString()); expect(newToken1.txCount) + BigInt(1)).toString()); }); it('should update Factory entity', async () => { // Checked values: txCount. // Unchecked values: totalValueLockedUSD. const data = await request(endpoint, queryFactory); const newFactory = data.factories[0]; expect(newFactory.txCount) + BigInt(1)).toString()); }); it('should update Pool entity', async () => { // Checked values: txCount, liquidity. // Unchecked values: totalValueLockedToken0, totalValueLockedToken1, totalValueLockedUSD. let expectedLiquidity = BigInt(oldPool.liquidity); if (oldPool.tick !== null) { if ( BigInt(tickLower) <= BigInt(oldPool.tick) && BigInt(tickUpper) > BigInt(oldPool.tick) ) { expectedLiquidity = BigInt(oldPool.liquidity) - BigInt(amount); } } const data = await request(endpoint, queryPoolById, { id: pool.address }); const newPool = data.pool; expect(newPool.txCount) + BigInt(1)).toString()); expect(BigInt(newPool.liquidity)); }); it('should create a Transaction entity', async () => { // Checked values: mints, burns, swaps. const transaction: any = await fetchTransaction(endpoint); expectedTxID =; expectedTxTimestamp = transaction.timestamp; expect(transaction.mints); expect(transaction.burns); expect(transaction.swaps); const timestamp = transaction.burns[0].timestamp; expect(timestamp); }); it('should create a Burn entity', async () => { // Checked values: id, origin, owner, timestamp, pool, transaction. // Unchecked values: amount0, amount1, amountUSD. // Get the latest Burn. let data: any; const variables = { first: 1, orderBy: 'timestamp', orderDirection: 'desc', pool: pool.address }; data = await request(endpoint, queryBurns, variables); expect(data.burns); const burn = data.burns[0]; const txID ='#')[0]; const txCountID ='#')[1]; data = await request(endpoint, queryPoolById, { id: pool.address }); const poolTxCount = data.pool.txCount; const expectedOrigin = recipient; const expectedOwner = recipient; expect(txID); expect(txCountID); expect(burn.origin); expect(burn.owner); expect(burn.timestamp); expect(; expect(; }); it('should update Tick entities', async () => { // Checked values: liquidityGross, liquidityNet. // Unchecked values: id, price0, price1. const data = await request(endpoint, queryTicks, { pool: pool.address }); expect(data.ticks); const newLowerTick: any = _.filter(data.ticks, { tickIdx: tickLower.toString() })[0]; const newUpperTick: any = _.filter(data.ticks, { tickIdx: tickUpper.toString() })[0]; const expectedLLG = BigInt(oldLowerTick.liquidityGross) - BigInt(amount); const expectedLN = BigInt(oldLowerTick.liquidityNet) - BigInt(amount); const expectedULG = BigInt(oldUpperTick.liquidityGross) - BigInt(amount); const expectedUN = BigInt(oldUpperTick.liquidityNet) + BigInt(amount); expect(newLowerTick.liquidityGross); expect(newLowerTick.liquidityNet); expect(newUpperTick.liquidityGross); expect(newUpperTick.liquidityNet); }); it('should update UniswapDayData entity', async () => { checkUniswapDayData(endpoint); }); it('should update PoolDayData entity', async () => { checkPoolDayData(endpoint, pool.address); }); it('should update TokenDayData entities', async () => { checkTokenDayData(endpoint, token0.address); checkTokenDayData(endpoint, token1.address); }); it('should update TokenHourData entities', async () => { checkTokenHourData(endpoint, token0.address); checkTokenHourData(endpoint, token1.address); }); }); describe('SwapEvent', () => { // Checked entities: Token, Factory, Pool, Transaction, Swap, Tick, UniswapDayData, PoolDayData, TokenDayData, TokenHourData. // Unchecked entities: Bundle. const sqrtPrice = '4295128938'; let expectedTxID: string; let expectedTxTimestamp: string; // Initial entity values let eventValue: any; let oldFactory: any; let oldToken0: any; let oldToken1: any; let oldPool: any; before(async () => { // Get initial entity values. let data: any; data = await request(endpoint, queryFactory); oldFactory = data.factories[0]; data = await request(endpoint, queryToken, { id: token0.address }); oldToken0 = data.token; data = await request(endpoint, queryToken, { id: token1.address }); oldToken1 = data.token; data = await request(endpoint, queryPoolById, { id: pool.address }); oldPool = data.pool; }); it('should trigger SwapEvent', async () => { // Pool swap and wait for SwapEvent. const eventType = 'SwapEvent'; const values = await Promise.all([ poolCallee.swapToLowerSqrtPrice(pool.address, BigInt(sqrtPrice), recipient), watchEvent(uniClient, eventType) ]); eventValue = values[1]; // Sleeping for 5 sec for the event to be processed. await wait(5000); }); it('should update Token entities', async () => { // Checked values: txCount. // Unchecked values: derivedETH, feesUSD, totalValueLocked, totalValueLockedUSD, volume, volumeUSD. let data: any; data = await request(endpoint, queryToken, { id: token0.address }); const newToken0 = data.token; data = await request(endpoint, queryToken, { id: token1.address }); const newToken1 = data.token; expect(newToken0.txCount) + BigInt(1)).toString()); expect(newToken1.txCount) + BigInt(1)).toString()); }); it('should update Factory entity', async () => { // Checked values: txCount. // Unchecked values: totalFeesUSD, totalValueLockedUSD, totalVolumeUSD. const data = await request(endpoint, queryFactory); const newFactory = data.factories[0]; expect(newFactory.txCount) + BigInt(1)).toString()); }); it('should update Pool entity', async () => { // Checked values: txCount, liquidity, tick, sqrtPrice. // Unchecked values: token0Price, token1Price, totalValueLockedToken0, totalValueLockedToken1, totalValueLockedUSD, volumeUSD. const expectedLiquidity = eventValue.event.liquidity; const expectedTick = eventValue.event.tick; const expectedSqrtPrice = eventValue.event.sqrtPriceX96; const data = await request(endpoint, queryPoolById, { id: pool.address }); const newPool = data.pool; expect(newPool.txCount) + BigInt(1)).toString()); expect(newPool.liquidity); expect(newPool.tick); expect(newPool.sqrtPrice); }); it('should create a Transaction entity', async () => { // Checked values: mints, burns, swaps. const transaction: any = await fetchTransaction(endpoint); expectedTxID =; expectedTxTimestamp = transaction.timestamp; expect(transaction.mints); expect(transaction.burns); expect(transaction.swaps); const timestamp = transaction.swaps[0].timestamp; expect(timestamp); }); it('should create a Swap entity', async () => { // Checked values: id, origin, timestamp, pool, transaction. // Unchecked values: amount0, amount1, amountUSD. let data: any; const variables = { first: 1, orderBy: 'timestamp', orderDirection: 'desc', pool: pool.address }; data = await request(endpoint, querySwaps, variables); expect(data.swaps); const swap = data.swaps[0]; const txID ='#')[0]; const txCountID ='#')[1]; data = await request(endpoint, queryPoolById, { id: pool.address }); const poolTxCount = data.pool.txCount; const expectedOrigin = recipient; expect(txID); expect(txCountID); expect(swap.origin); expect(swap.timestamp); expect(; expect(; }); it('should update UniswapDayData entity', async () => { checkUniswapDayData(endpoint); }); it('should update PoolDayData entity', async () => { checkPoolDayData(endpoint, pool.address); }); it('should update TokenDayData entities', async () => { checkTokenDayData(endpoint, token0.address); checkTokenDayData(endpoint, token1.address); }); it('should update TokenHourData entities', async () => { checkTokenHourData(endpoint, token0.address); checkTokenHourData(endpoint, token1.address); }); }); describe('TransferEvent', () => { // NOTE: The test cases for TransferEvent are written such that IncreaseLiquidityEvent has also been processed right after. // Checked entities: Transaction, Position. const fee = 3000; const sqrtPrice = '79228162514264337593543950336'; let eventType: string; let eventValue: any; let expectedTxID: string; const amount0Desired = 15; const amount1Desired = 15; const amount0Min = 0; const amount1Min = 0; const deadline = 1634367993; before(async () => { // Get the NFPM contract. const latestContract = await uniClient.getLatestContract('nfpm'); expect(latestContract.address); nfpm = new Contract(latestContract.address, NFPM_ABI, signer); // Create Pool. createPool(factory, token0Address, token1Address, fee); // Wait for PoolCreatedEvent. eventType = 'PoolCreatedEvent'; eventValue = await watchEvent(uniClient, eventType); // Sleeping for 10 sec for the event to be processed. await wait(10000); // not needed // Reinitializing the pool variable. const poolAddress = eventValue.event.pool; pool = new Contract(poolAddress, POOL_ABI, signer); expect(pool.address); // Reinitializing the ticks const tickSpacing = await pool.tickSpacing(); tickLower = getMinTick(tickSpacing); tickUpper = getMaxTick(tickSpacing); // Initialize Pool. initializePool(pool, sqrtPrice); // Wait for InitializeEvent. eventType = 'InitializeEvent'; await watchEvent(uniClient, eventType); // Sleeping for 5 sec for the event to be processed. await wait(5000); // Approving tokens for NonfungiblePositionManager contract. await approveToken(token0, nfpm.address, BigInt(constants.MaxUint256.toString())); await approveToken(token1, nfpm.address, BigInt(constants.MaxUint256.toString())); }); it('should trigger TransferEvent', async () => { // NFPM mint and wait for MintEvent. const transaction ={ token0: token0Address, token1: token1Address, tickLower, tickUpper, amount0Desired, amount1Desired, amount0Min, amount1Min, recipient, deadline, fee }); eventType = 'MintEvent'; await Promise.all([ transaction, watchEvent(uniClient, eventType) ]); // Wait for TransferEvent. eventType = 'TransferEvent'; eventValue = await watchEvent(uniClient, eventType); // Wait for IncreaseLiquidityEvent. eventType = 'IncreaseLiquidityEvent'; await watchEvent(uniClient, eventType); // Sleeping for 15 sec for the events to be processed. await wait(15000); }); it('should create a Transaction entity', async () => { // Checked values: mints, burns, swaps. const transaction: any = await fetchTransaction(endpoint); expectedTxID =; const expectedTxTimestamp = transaction.timestamp; expect(transaction.mints); expect(transaction.burns); expect(transaction.swaps); const timestamp = transaction.mints[0].timestamp; expect(timestamp); }); it('should createa a Position entity', async () => { // Checked values: pool, token0, token1, tickLower, tickUpper, transaction, owner. // Unchecked values: feeGrowthInside0LastX128, feeGrowthInside0LastX128. // Get the Position using tokenId. const data = await request(endpoint, queryPositions, { id: Number(eventValue.event.tokenId) }); expect(data.positions); const position = data.positions[0]; const positionTickLower ='#')[1]; const positionTickUpper ='#')[1]; const expectedOwner =; expect(; expect(; expect(; expect(positionTickLower); expect(positionTickUpper); expect(; expect(position.owner); }); }); describe('IncreaseLiquidityEvent', () => { // Checked entities: Transaction, Position. let oldPosition: any; let eventValue: any; let eventType: string; const tokenId = 1; const amount0Desired = 15; const amount1Desired = 15; const amount0Min = 0; const amount1Min = 0; const deadline = 1634367993; before(async () => { // Get initial entity values. const data = await request(endpoint, queryPositions, { id: Number(tokenId) }); oldPosition = data.positions[0]; }); it('should trigger IncreaseLiquidityEvent', async () => { // Position manger increase liquidity and wait for MintEvent. const transaction = nfpm.increaseLiquidity({ tokenId, amount0Desired, amount1Desired, amount0Min, amount1Min, deadline }); eventType = 'MintEvent'; await Promise.all([ transaction, watchEvent(uniClient, eventType) ]); // Wait for IncreaseLiquidityEvent. eventType = 'IncreaseLiquidityEvent'; eventValue = await watchEvent(uniClient, eventType); // Sleeping for 10 sec for the events to be processed. await wait(10000); }); it('should create a Transaction entity', async () => { // Checked values: mints, burns, swaps. const transaction: any = await fetchTransaction(endpoint); const expectedTxTimestamp = transaction.timestamp; expect(transaction.mints); expect(transaction.burns); expect(transaction.swaps); const timestamp = transaction.mints[0].timestamp; expect(timestamp); }); it('should update Position entity', async () => { // Checked values: liquidity. // Unchecked values: depositedToken0, depositedToken1, feeGrowthInside0LastX128, feeGrowthInside0LastX128. // Get the Position using tokenId. const data = await request(endpoint, queryPositions, { id: Number(eventValue.event.tokenId) }); expect(data.positions); const position = data.positions[0]; const expectedLiquidity = BigInt(oldPosition.liquidity) + BigInt(eventValue.event.liquidity); expect(position.liquidity); }); }); describe('DecreaseLiquidityEvent', () => { // Checked entities: Transaction, Position. let oldPosition: any; let eventValue: any; let eventType: string; const tokenId = 1; const liquidity = 5; const amount0Min = 0; const amount1Min = 0; const deadline = 1634367993; before(async () => { // Get initial entity values. const data = await request(endpoint, queryPositions, { id: Number(tokenId) }); oldPosition = data.positions[0]; }); it('should trigger DecreaseLiquidityEvent', async () => { // Position manger decrease liquidity and wait for BurnEvent. const transaction = nfpm.decreaseLiquidity({ tokenId, liquidity, amount0Min, amount1Min, deadline }); eventType = 'BurnEvent'; await Promise.all([ transaction, watchEvent(uniClient, eventType) ]); // Wait for DecreaseLiquidityEvent. eventType = 'DecreaseLiquidityEvent'; eventValue = await watchEvent(uniClient, eventType); // Sleeping for 10 sec for the events to be processed. await wait(10000); }); it('should create a Transaction entity', async () => { // Checked values: mints, burns, swaps. const transaction: any = await fetchTransaction(endpoint); const expectedTxTimestamp = transaction.timestamp; expect(transaction.mints); expect(transaction.burns); expect(transaction.swaps); const timestamp = transaction.burns[0].timestamp; expect(timestamp); }); it('should update Position entity', async () => { // Checked values: liquidity. // Unchecked values: depositedToken0, depositedToken1, feeGrowthInside0LastX128, feeGrowthInside0LastX128. // Get the Position using tokenId. const data = await request(endpoint, queryPositions, { id: Number(eventValue.event.tokenId) }); expect(data.positions); const position = data.positions[0]; const expectedLiquidity = BigInt(oldPosition.liquidity) - BigInt(eventValue.event.liquidity); expect(position.liquidity); }); }); xdescribe('CollectEvent', () => { // Checked entities: Transaction. // Unchecked entities: Position. let eventType: string; const tokenId = 1; const amount0Max = 15; const amount1Max = 15; it('should trigger CollectEvent', async () => { // Position manger collect and wait for BurnEvent. const transaction = nfpm.collect({ tokenId, recipient, amount0Max, amount1Max }); eventType = 'BurnEvent'; await Promise.all([ transaction, watchEvent(uniClient, eventType) ]); // Wait for CollectEvent. eventType = 'CollectEvent'; await watchEvent(uniClient, eventType); // Sleeping for 10 sec for the events to be processed. await wait(10000); }); it('should create a Transaction entity', async () => { // Checked values: mints, burns, swaps. const transaction: any = await fetchTransaction(endpoint); const expectedTxTimestamp = transaction.timestamp; expect(transaction.mints); expect(transaction.burns); expect(transaction.swaps); const timestamp = transaction.burns[0].timestamp; expect(timestamp); }); }); });