* Change compare CLI to verify only updated entities
* Implement IPLD state verification in compare CLI
* Changes to IPLD state to match with GQL result entity
* Make sumStaked variable local in eden network mapping
* Implement compare CLI to fetch and query by ids
* Set filterLogs to true for eden-watcher
* Use varchar for bigint array type in eden-watcher
* Store subgraph entities by id in IPLD state
* Store bigint vales as string in IPLD state
* Update eden watcher hook to store single Block entity in IPLD checkpoint
* Fix entity enum type property
* Fix parsing big numbers in event params
* Fix event bigint params parsing in all watchers
* Set default limit to query result and process block after events
* Handle subgraph schema field with derivedFrom directive
* Handle derivedFrom directive in eden-watcher
* Fix 1 to N relation error by removing limit from query
* Order by id for derivedFrom relations to match graph-node
* Refactor example subgraph schema entities
* Fix watcher queries to return correct relation field values
* Fix hierarchical query for getting two entities at same block
* Add CLI to compare entities from two GQL endpoints
* Print out result diffs in compare-entity CLI
* Get the colorized result diff in compare-entity CLI
* Read query dir from config file or as an arg
* Make config file arg required
* Make queries in Example schema similar to that in graph-node
* Get non-colorized output on choosing raw-json diff option
* Make queries in eden-watcher similar to that in graph-node
* Test case for calling EdenNetwork event handler
* Test cases for calling EdenNetwork event handlers
* Test cases for calling event handlers in EdenNetworkDistribution
* Test cases for calling event handlers in EdenNetworkGovernance
* Perform eth-calls according to contract name in param
* Pass function params in eth-call host API
* Return value from eth-call to wasm
* Add instructions for running tests
* Install assemblyscript from github packages
* Add instrcutions for installing private github packages
* Use vulcanize assemblyscript package