* Remove support for pushing state to IPFS
* Move job handlers for state creation to util
* Rename state creation related methods and objects
* Update mock indexer used in graph-node testing
* Fetch and merge diffs in batches while creating a state checkpoint
* Fix timing logs while for state checkpoint creation
* Refactor method to get state query result to util
* Accept contracts for state verification in compare CLI config
* Make method to update state status map synchronous
* Clear cache of latest entities on event processing error
* Remove lighthouse-watcher and update ethersjs version
* Handle GraphDecimal type in state entity
* Add option for comparing all entities using paginate
* Clear pruned cached entities at intervals
* Move ipld-demo to graph-node package and remove reset-dbs script
* Implement changes in all watchers and codegen
* Add prometheus metrics endpoint in watcher
* Add event, sync status and DB size metrics
* Fix subgraph watchers DB entities directory path
* Make watcher metrics optional using config
* Update codegen with index-block CLI and remove graph-node
* Add filter logs by contract flag
* Skip generating GQL API for immutable variables
* Add config for maxEventsBlockRange
* Add new flags in existing watchers
* Test case for wasm out of memory error
* Restart wasm instance after N blocks
* Handle out of memory error and re instantiate WASM
* Remove old instance from map before reinstantiating WASM
* Handle relation entities in subgraph
* Modify eden-watcher entities to handle subgraph schema data types
* Modify schema gql to match eden subgraph gql shape
* Handle array type fields in subgraph schema
* Fix store get api for array type fields in subgraph entities
* Handle array type in eden-watcher and format await used in params
* Invoke subgraph handler in watcher event processing
* Fix error when invoking subgraph handler
* Parse events using event signature specified in subgraph yaml
* Use contract abi to parse event params
* Invoke event handler based on event signature
* Fill event with block and transaction data
* Comment missing fields in block and transaction data
* Invoke handlers based on watcher-ts events
* Read subgraph yaml and listen to events from watcher-ts
* Create GraphWatcher class to use in generated example contract watcher
* Call graph-node event handler from generated watcher