2021-10-28 11:01:56 +00:00
// Copyright 2021 Vulcanize, Inc.
import assert from 'assert';
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import { Connection, ConnectionOptions, DeepPartial, FindConditions, QueryRunner, FindManyOptions, MoreThan } from 'typeorm';
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import path from 'path';
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import { Database as BaseDatabase, MAX_REORG_DEPTH, DatabaseInterface } from '@vulcanize/util';
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import { Contract } from './entity/Contract';
import { Event } from './entity/Event';
import { SyncStatus } from './entity/SyncStatus';
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import { HookStatus } from './entity/HookStatus';
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import { BlockProgress } from './entity/BlockProgress';
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import { IPLDBlock } from './entity/IPLDBlock';
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import { GetMethod } from './entity/GetMethod';
import { _Test } from './entity/_Test';
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export class Database implements DatabaseInterface {
2021-10-28 11:01:56 +00:00
_config: ConnectionOptions;
_conn!: Connection;
_baseDatabase: BaseDatabase;
_propColMaps: { [key: string]: Map<string, string>; }
constructor (config: ConnectionOptions) {
this._config = {
entities: [path.join(__dirname, 'entity/*')]
this._baseDatabase = new BaseDatabase(this._config);
this._propColMaps = {};
async init (): Promise<void> {
this._conn = await this._baseDatabase.init();
async close (): Promise<void> {
return this._baseDatabase.close();
async getGetMethod ({ blockHash, contractAddress }: { blockHash: string, contractAddress: string }): Promise<GetMethod | undefined> {
return this._conn.getRepository(GetMethod)
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async _getTest ({ blockHash, contractAddress }: { blockHash: string, contractAddress: string }): Promise<_Test | undefined> {
2021-10-28 11:01:56 +00:00
return this._conn.getRepository(_Test)
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async saveGetMethod ({ blockHash, blockNumber, contractAddress, value, proof }: DeepPartial<GetMethod>): Promise<GetMethod> {
2021-10-28 11:01:56 +00:00
const repo = this._conn.getRepository(GetMethod);
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const entity = repo.create({ blockHash, blockNumber, contractAddress, value, proof });
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return repo.save(entity);
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async _saveTest ({ blockHash, blockNumber, contractAddress, value, proof }: DeepPartial<_Test>): Promise<_Test> {
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const repo = this._conn.getRepository(_Test);
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const entity = repo.create({ blockHash, blockNumber, contractAddress, value, proof });
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return repo.save(entity);
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async getIPLDBlocks (where: FindConditions<IPLDBlock>): Promise<IPLDBlock[]> {
const repo = this._conn.getRepository(IPLDBlock);
return repo.find({ where, relations: ['block'] });
async getLatestIPLDBlock (contractAddress: string, kind: string | null, blockNumber?: number): Promise<IPLDBlock | undefined> {
const repo = this._conn.getRepository(IPLDBlock);
let queryBuilder = repo.createQueryBuilder('ipld_block')
.leftJoinAndSelect('ipld_block.block', 'block')
.where('block.is_pruned = false')
.andWhere('ipld_block.contract_address = :contractAddress', { contractAddress })
.orderBy('block.block_number', 'DESC');
// Filter out blocks after the provided block number.
if (blockNumber) {
queryBuilder.andWhere('block.block_number <= :blockNumber', { blockNumber });
// Filter using kind if specified else order by id to give preference to checkpoint.
queryBuilder = kind
? queryBuilder.andWhere('ipld_block.kind = :kind', { kind })
: queryBuilder.andWhere('ipld_block.kind != :kind', { kind: 'diff_staged' })
.addOrderBy('ipld_block.id', 'DESC');
return queryBuilder.getOne();
async getPrevIPLDBlock (queryRunner: QueryRunner, blockHash: string, contractAddress: string, kind?: string): Promise<IPLDBlock | undefined> {
const heirerchicalQuery = `
1 as depth,
block_progress b
ipld_block i ON i.block_id = b.id
AND i.contract_address = $2
b.block_hash = $1
c.depth + 1,
block_progress b
ipld_block i
ON i.block_id = b.id
AND i.contract_address = $2
cte_query c ON c.parent_hash = b.block_hash
c.depth < $3
block_number, id, kind
ORDER BY block_number DESC, id DESC
// Fetching block and id for previous IPLDBlock in frothy region.
const queryResult = await queryRunner.query(heirerchicalQuery, [blockHash, contractAddress, MAX_REORG_DEPTH]);
const latestRequiredResult = kind
? queryResult.find((obj: any) => obj.kind === kind)
: queryResult.find((obj: any) => obj.id);
let result: IPLDBlock | undefined;
if (latestRequiredResult) {
result = await queryRunner.manager.findOne(IPLDBlock, { id: latestRequiredResult.id }, { relations: ['block'] });
} else {
// If IPLDBlock not found in frothy region get latest IPLDBlock in the pruned region.
// Filter out IPLDBlocks from pruned blocks.
const canonicalBlockNumber = queryResult.pop().block_number + 1;
let queryBuilder = queryRunner.manager.createQueryBuilder(IPLDBlock, 'ipld_block')
.leftJoinAndSelect('ipld_block.block', 'block')
.where('block.is_pruned = false')
.andWhere('ipld_block.contract_address = :contractAddress', { contractAddress })
.andWhere('block.block_number <= :canonicalBlockNumber', { canonicalBlockNumber })
.orderBy('block.block_number', 'DESC');
// Filter using kind if specified else order by id to give preference to checkpoint.
queryBuilder = kind
? queryBuilder.andWhere('ipld_block.kind = :kind', { kind })
: queryBuilder.addOrderBy('ipld_block.id', 'DESC');
result = await queryBuilder.getOne();
return result;
// Fetch all diff IPLDBlocks after the specified checkpoint.
async getDiffIPLDBlocksByCheckpoint (contractAddress: string, checkpointBlockNumber: number): Promise<IPLDBlock[]> {
const repo = this._conn.getRepository(IPLDBlock);
return repo.find({
relations: ['block'],
where: {
kind: 'diff',
block: {
isPruned: false,
blockNumber: MoreThan(checkpointBlockNumber)
order: {
block: 'ASC'
async saveOrUpdateIPLDBlock (ipldBlock: IPLDBlock): Promise<IPLDBlock> {
const repo = this._conn.getRepository(IPLDBlock);
return repo.save(ipldBlock);
async getHookStatus (queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<HookStatus | undefined> {
const repo = queryRunner.manager.getRepository(HookStatus);
return repo.findOne();
async updateHookStatusProcessedBlock (queryRunner: QueryRunner, blockNumber: number, force?: boolean): Promise<HookStatus> {
const repo = queryRunner.manager.getRepository(HookStatus);
let entity = await repo.findOne();
if (!entity) {
entity = repo.create({
latestProcessedBlockNumber: blockNumber
if (force || blockNumber > entity.latestProcessedBlockNumber) {
entity.latestProcessedBlockNumber = blockNumber;
return repo.save(entity);
async getContracts (where: FindConditions<Contract>): Promise<Contract[]> {
const repo = this._conn.getRepository(Contract);
return repo.find({ where });
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async getContract (address: string): Promise<Contract | undefined> {
const repo = this._conn.getRepository(Contract);
return this._baseDatabase.getContract(repo, address);
async createTransactionRunner (): Promise<QueryRunner> {
return this._baseDatabase.createTransactionRunner();
async getProcessedBlockCountForRange (fromBlockNumber: number, toBlockNumber: number): Promise<{ expected: number, actual: number }> {
const repo = this._conn.getRepository(BlockProgress);
return this._baseDatabase.getProcessedBlockCountForRange(repo, fromBlockNumber, toBlockNumber);
async getEventsInRange (fromBlockNumber: number, toBlockNumber: number): Promise<Array<Event>> {
const repo = this._conn.getRepository(Event);
return this._baseDatabase.getEventsInRange(repo, fromBlockNumber, toBlockNumber);
async saveEventEntity (queryRunner: QueryRunner, entity: Event): Promise<Event> {
const repo = queryRunner.manager.getRepository(Event);
return this._baseDatabase.saveEventEntity(repo, entity);
async getBlockEvents (blockHash: string, where: FindConditions<Event>): Promise<Event[]> {
const repo = this._conn.getRepository(Event);
return this._baseDatabase.getBlockEvents(repo, blockHash, where);
async saveEvents (queryRunner: QueryRunner, block: DeepPartial<BlockProgress>, events: DeepPartial<Event>[]): Promise<void> {
const blockRepo = queryRunner.manager.getRepository(BlockProgress);
const eventRepo = queryRunner.manager.getRepository(Event);
return this._baseDatabase.saveEvents(blockRepo, eventRepo, block, events);
2021-11-15 14:35:43 +00:00
async saveContract (address: string, kind: string, checkpoint: boolean, startingBlock: number): Promise<void> {
2021-10-28 11:01:56 +00:00
await this._conn.transaction(async (tx) => {
const repo = tx.getRepository(Contract);
2021-11-15 14:35:43 +00:00
return this._baseDatabase.saveContract(repo, address, kind, checkpoint, startingBlock);
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2021-11-15 14:35:43 +00:00
async updateSyncStatusIndexedBlock (queryRunner: QueryRunner, blockHash: string, blockNumber: number, force = false): Promise<SyncStatus> {
2021-10-28 11:01:56 +00:00
const repo = queryRunner.manager.getRepository(SyncStatus);
2021-11-15 14:35:43 +00:00
return this._baseDatabase.updateSyncStatusIndexedBlock(repo, blockHash, blockNumber, force);
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2021-11-15 14:35:43 +00:00
async updateSyncStatusCanonicalBlock (queryRunner: QueryRunner, blockHash: string, blockNumber: number, force = false): Promise<SyncStatus> {
2021-10-28 11:01:56 +00:00
const repo = queryRunner.manager.getRepository(SyncStatus);
2021-11-15 14:35:43 +00:00
return this._baseDatabase.updateSyncStatusCanonicalBlock(repo, blockHash, blockNumber, force);
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async updateSyncStatusChainHead (queryRunner: QueryRunner, blockHash: string, blockNumber: number): Promise<SyncStatus> {
const repo = queryRunner.manager.getRepository(SyncStatus);
return this._baseDatabase.updateSyncStatusChainHead(repo, blockHash, blockNumber);
async getSyncStatus (queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<SyncStatus | undefined> {
const repo = queryRunner.manager.getRepository(SyncStatus);
return this._baseDatabase.getSyncStatus(repo);
async getEvent (id: string): Promise<Event | undefined> {
const repo = this._conn.getRepository(Event);
return this._baseDatabase.getEvent(repo, id);
async getBlocksAtHeight (height: number, isPruned: boolean): Promise<BlockProgress[]> {
const repo = this._conn.getRepository(BlockProgress);
return this._baseDatabase.getBlocksAtHeight(repo, height, isPruned);
async markBlocksAsPruned (queryRunner: QueryRunner, blocks: BlockProgress[]): Promise<void> {
const repo = queryRunner.manager.getRepository(BlockProgress);
return this._baseDatabase.markBlocksAsPruned(repo, blocks);
async getBlockProgress (blockHash: string): Promise<BlockProgress | undefined> {
const repo = this._conn.getRepository(BlockProgress);
return this._baseDatabase.getBlockProgress(repo, blockHash);
async updateBlockProgress (queryRunner: QueryRunner, blockHash: string, lastProcessedEventIndex: number): Promise<void> {
const repo = queryRunner.manager.getRepository(BlockProgress);
return this._baseDatabase.updateBlockProgress(repo, blockHash, lastProcessedEventIndex);
async removeEntities<Entity> (queryRunner: QueryRunner, entity: new () => Entity, findConditions?: FindManyOptions<Entity> | FindConditions<Entity>): Promise<void> {
return this._baseDatabase.removeEntities(queryRunner, entity, findConditions);
async getAncestorAtDepth (blockHash: string, depth: number): Promise<string> {
return this._baseDatabase.getAncestorAtDepth(blockHash, depth);
_getPropertyColumnMapForEntity (entityName: string): Map<string, string> {
return this._conn.getMetadata(entityName).ownColumns.reduce((acc, curr) => {
return acc.set(curr.propertyName, curr.databaseName);
}, new Map<string, string>());
_setPropColMaps (): void {
this._propColMaps.GetMethod = this._getPropertyColumnMapForEntity('GetMethod');
this._propColMaps._Test = this._getPropertyColumnMapForEntity('_Test');