
234 lines
6.1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import assert from 'assert';
import debug from 'debug';
import { invert } from 'lodash';
import { DeepPartial } from 'typeorm';
import JSONbig from 'json-bigint';
import { PubSub } from 'apollo-server-express';
import { EthClient } from '@vulcanize/ipld-eth-client';
import {
// StorageLayout
} from '@vulcanize/solidity-mapper';
import { Database } from './database';
import { Event } from './entity/Event';
const log = debug('vulcanize:indexer');
export interface ValueResult {
value: string | bigint;
proof: {
data: string;
export interface BlockHeight {
number: number;
hash: string;
type EventsResult = Array<{
event: {
from?: string;
to?: string;
owner?: string;
spender?: string;
value?: BigInt;
__typename: string;
proof: string;
export class Indexer {
_db: Database
_ethClient: EthClient
_pubsub: PubSub
_getStorageAt: GetStorageAt
// _abi: JsonFragment[]
// _storageLayout: StorageLayout
// _contract: ethers.utils.Interface
constructor (db: Database, ethClient: EthClient, pubsub: PubSub) {
// const { abi, storageLayout } = artifacts;
// assert(abi);
// assert(storageLayout);
this._db = db;
this._ethClient = ethClient;
this._pubsub = pubsub;
this._getStorageAt = this._ethClient.getStorageAt.bind(this._ethClient);
// this._abi = abi;
// this._storageLayout = storageLayout;
// this._contract = new ethers.utils.Interface(this._abi);
getEventIterator (): AsyncIterator<any> {
return this._pubsub.asyncIterator(['event']);
async getEvents (blockHash: string, token: string, name: string | null): Promise<EventsResult> {
const didSyncEvents = await this._db.didSyncEvents({ blockHash, token });
if (!didSyncEvents) {
// Fetch and save events first and make a note in the event sync progress table.
await this._fetchAndSaveEvents({ blockHash, token });
log('getEvents: db miss, fetching from upstream server');
assert(await this._db.didSyncEvents({ blockHash, token }));
const events = await this._db.getEvents({ blockHash, token });
log('getEvents: db hit');
const result = events
// TODO: Filter using db WHERE condition when name is not empty.
.filter(event => !name || name === event.eventName)
.map(e => {
const eventFields: {
from?: string,
to?: string,
value?: BigInt,
owner?: string,
spender?: string,
} = {};
// switch (e.eventName) {
// // TODO: Handle events.
// }
return {
event: {
__typename: `${e.eventName}Event`,
// TODO: Return proof only if requested.
proof: JSON.parse(e.proof)
// log(JSONbig.stringify(result, null, 2));
return result;
async triggerIndexingOnEvent (blockHash: string, token: string, receipt: any, logIndex: number): Promise<void> {
const topics = [];
// We only care about the event type for now.
// const data = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000';
// const { name: eventName, args } = this._contract.parseLog({ topics, data });
// log(`trigger indexing on event: ${eventName} ${args}`);
// What data we index depends on the kind of event.
// switch (eventName) {
// TODO: Index event.
// }
async publishEventToSubscribers (blockHash: string, token: string, logIndex: number): Promise<void> {
// TODO: Optimize this fetching of events.
const events = await this.getEvents(blockHash, token, null);
const event = events[logIndex];
log(`pushing event to GQL subscribers: ${event.event.__typename}`);
// Publishing the event here will result in pushing the payload to GQL subscribers for `onTokenEvent`.
await this._pubsub.publish('event', {
onTokenEvent: {
async isUniswapContract (address: string): Promise<boolean> {
// TODO: Return true for uniswap contracts of interest to the indexer (from config?).
return address != null;
async processEvent (blockHash: string, token: string, receipt: any, logIndex: number): Promise<void> {
// Trigger indexing of data based on the event.
await this.triggerIndexingOnEvent(blockHash, token, receipt, logIndex);
// Also trigger downstream event watcher subscriptions.
await this.publishEventToSubscribers(blockHash, token, logIndex);
// TODO: Move into base/class or framework package.
async _getStorageValue (
// blockHash: string,
// token: string,
// variable: string,
// ...mappingKeys: string[]
): Promise<ValueResult> {
return {
value: '',
proof: {
data: ''
// return getStorageValue(
// this._storageLayout,
// this._getStorageAt,
// blockHash,
// token,
// variable,
// ...mappingKeys
// );
async _fetchAndSaveEvents ({ blockHash, token }: { blockHash: string, token: string }): Promise<void> {
const { logs } = await this._ethClient.getLogs({ blockHash, contract: token });
const eventNameToTopic = {}; // getEventNameTopics(this._abi);
const logTopicToEventName = invert(eventNameToTopic);
const dbEvents = any) => {
const { topics, cid, ipldBlock } = log;
const [topic0] = topics;
const eventName = logTopicToEventName[topic0];
const event: DeepPartial<Event> = {
proof: JSONbig.stringify({
data: JSONbig.stringify({
receipt: {
// switch (eventName) {
// // TODO: Handle event.
// }
return event;
await this._db.saveEvents({ blockHash, token, events: dbEvents });