* Clone the [stack-orchestrator](https://github.com/vulcanize/stack-orchestrator) repo.
* Checkout the `develop` branch in stack-orchestrator repo.
git checkout develop
* Create a `config.sh` file.
cd stack-orchestrator/helper-scripts
* Setup the required repositories.
./setup-repositories.sh -p ssh
* Checkout [v4 release](https://github.com/vulcanize/go-ethereum/releases/tag/v1.10.19-statediff-4.0.3-alpha) in go-ethereum repo. The path for go-ethereum is specified by `vulcanize_go_ethereum` variable in `config.sh` file created in stack-orchestrator repo.
# In go-ethereum repo.
git checkout v1.10.19-statediff-4.0.3-alpha
* To run the stack-orchestrator, the docker-compose version used is:
docker-compose version
# docker-compose version 1.29.2, build 5becea4c
* Run the stack-orchestrator
cd stack-orchestrator/helper-scripts
./wrapper.sh -f true \
-m true \
-s v4 \
-l latest \
-v remove \
-p ../config.sh
* Create a postgres12 database for the watcher:
sudo su - postgres
# If database already exists
# dropdb moby-mask-watcher
createdb moby-mask-watcher
* Create database for the job queue and enable the `pgcrypto` extension on them (https://github.com/timgit/pg-boss/blob/master/docs/usage.md#intro):