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synced 2025-02-09 11:32:49 +00:00
82 lines
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82 lines
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// Copyright 2022 Vulcanize, Inc.
{{#if (subgraphPath)}}
import path from 'path';
import yargs from 'yargs';
import 'reflect-metadata';
import debug from 'debug';
import assert from 'assert';
import { Config, DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH, getConfig, initClients, JobQueue, indexBlock } from '@vulcanize/util';
{{#if (subgraphPath)}}
import { GraphWatcher, Database as GraphDatabase } from '@vulcanize/graph-node';
import { Database } from '../database';
import { Indexer } from '../indexer';
const log = debug('vulcanize:index-block');
const main = async (): Promise<void> => {
const argv = await yargs.parserConfiguration({
'parse-numbers': false
configFile: {
alias: 'f',
type: 'string',
require: true,
demandOption: true,
describe: 'Configuration file path (toml)',
block: {
type: 'number',
require: true,
demandOption: true,
describe: 'Block number to index'
const config: Config = await getConfig(argv.configFile);
const { ethClient, ethProvider } = await initClients(config);
const db = new Database(config.database);
await db.init();
{{#if (subgraphPath)}}
const graphDb = new GraphDatabase(config.database, path.resolve(__dirname, 'entity/*'));
await graphDb.init();
const graphWatcher = new GraphWatcher(graphDb, ethClient, ethProvider, config.server);
const jobQueueConfig = config.jobQueue;
assert(jobQueueConfig, 'Missing job queue config');
const { dbConnectionString, maxCompletionLagInSecs } = jobQueueConfig;
assert(dbConnectionString, 'Missing job queue db connection string');
const jobQueue = new JobQueue({ dbConnectionString, maxCompletionLag: maxCompletionLagInSecs });
const indexer = new Indexer(config.server, db, ethClient, ethProvider, jobQueue{{#if (subgraphPath)}}, graphWatcher{{/if}});
await indexer.init();
{{#if (subgraphPath)}}
await graphWatcher.init();
await indexBlock(indexer, jobQueueConfig.eventsInBatch, argv);
await db.close();
main().catch(err => {
}).finally(() => {