- name: Deploy webapp-deployer ui hosts: "{{ target_host }}" environment: PATH: "{{ ansible_env.PATH }}:/home/{{ansible_user}}/bin" vars_files: - vars/webapp-vars.yml - vars/dns-vars.yml - vars/k8s-vars.yml tasks: - name: Clone webapp-deployment-status-ui repository git: repo: "https://git.vdb.to/cerc-io/webapp-deployment-status-ui.git" dest: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/cerc/webapp-deployment-status-ui" update: yes - name: Build webapp-deployer-status-ui command: laconic-so build-webapp --source-repo {{ ansible_env.HOME }}/cerc/webapp-deployment-status-ui - name: Create a deployment for webapp-ui command: | laconic-so deploy-webapp create --kube-config {{ ansible_env.HOME }}/.kube/config-default.yaml --image-registry container-registry.pwa.{{ full_domain }} --deployment-dir webapp-ui --image cerc/webapp-deployment-status-ui:local --url https://webapp-deployer-ui.pwa.{{ full_domain }} --env-file ~/cerc/webapp-deployment-status-ui/.env - name: Push image to container registry command: laconic-so deployment --dir webapp-ui push-images - name: Update config file for webapp ui template: src: "./templates/configs/webapp-ui-config.env.j2" dest: "webapp-ui/config.env" - name: Start the deployer ui command: laconic-so deployment --dir webapp-ui start