
434 lines
18 KiB

# Copyright © 2022, 2023 Vulcanize
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# Deploys the system components using a deployer (either docker-compose or k8s)
import hashlib
import copy
import os
import sys
from dataclasses import dataclass
from importlib import resources
import subprocess
import click
from pathlib import Path
from app.util import include_exclude_check, get_parsed_stack_config, global_options2, get_dev_root_path
from app.deploy.deployer import Deployer, DeployerException
from app.deploy.deployer_factory import getDeployer
from app.deploy.deploy_types import ClusterContext, DeployCommandContext
from app.deploy.deployment_create import create as deployment_create
from app.deploy.deployment_create import init as deployment_init
from app.deploy.deployment_create import setup as deployment_setup
@click.option("--include", help="only start these components")
@click.option("--exclude", help="don\'t start these components")
@click.option("--env-file", help="env file to be used")
@click.option("--cluster", help="specify a non-default cluster name")
@click.option("--deploy-to", help="cluster system to deploy to (compose or k8s)")
def command(ctx, include, exclude, env_file, cluster, deploy_to):
'''deploy a stack'''
# Although in theory for some subcommands (e.g. deploy create) the stack can be inferred,
# Click doesn't allow us to know that here, so we make providing the stack mandatory
stack = global_options2(ctx).stack
if not stack:
print("Error: --stack option is required")
if ctx.parent.obj.debug:
print(f"ctx.parent.obj: {ctx.parent.obj}")
if deploy_to is None:
deploy_to = "compose"
ctx.obj = create_deploy_context(global_options2(ctx), stack, include, exclude, cluster, env_file, deploy_to)
# Subcommand is executed now, by the magic of click
def create_deploy_context(global_context, stack, include, exclude, cluster, env_file, deployer):
cluster_context = _make_cluster_context(global_context, stack, include, exclude, cluster, env_file)
# See:
deployer = getDeployer(deployer, compose_files=cluster_context.compose_files, compose_project_name=cluster_context.cluster,
return DeployCommandContext(stack, cluster_context, deployer)
def up_operation(ctx, services_list, stay_attached=False):
global_context = ctx.parent.parent.obj
deploy_context = ctx.obj
if not global_context.dry_run:
cluster_context = deploy_context.cluster_context
container_exec_env = _make_runtime_env(global_context)
for attr, value in container_exec_env.items():
os.environ[attr] = value
if global_context.verbose:
print(f"Running compose up with container_exec_env: {container_exec_env}, extra_args: {services_list}")
for pre_start_command in cluster_context.pre_start_commands:
_run_command(global_context, cluster_context.cluster, pre_start_command)
deploy_context.deployer.up(detach=not stay_attached, services=services_list)
for post_start_command in cluster_context.post_start_commands:
_run_command(global_context, cluster_context.cluster, post_start_command)
_orchestrate_cluster_config(global_context, cluster_context.config, deploy_context.deployer, container_exec_env)
def down_operation(ctx, delete_volumes, extra_args_list):
global_context = ctx.parent.parent.obj
if not global_context.dry_run:
if global_context.verbose:
print("Running compose down")
timeout_arg = None
if extra_args_list:
timeout_arg = extra_args_list[0]
# Specify shutdown timeout (default 10s) to give services enough time to shutdown gracefully
ctx.obj.deployer.down(timeout=timeout_arg, volumes=delete_volumes)
def ps_operation(ctx):
global_context = ctx.parent.parent.obj
if not global_context.dry_run:
if global_context.verbose:
print("Running compose ps")
container_list =
if len(container_list) > 0:
print("Running containers:")
for container in container_list:
print(f"id: {}, name: {}, ports: ", end="")
ports = container.network_settings.ports
comma = ""
for port_mapping in ports.keys():
mapping = ports[port_mapping]
print(comma, end="")
if mapping is None:
print(f"{port_mapping}", end="")
print(f"{mapping[0]['HostIp']}:{mapping[0]['HostPort']}->{port_mapping}", end="")
comma = ", "
print("No containers running")
def port_operation(ctx, extra_args):
global_context = ctx.parent.parent.obj
extra_args_list = list(extra_args) or None
if not global_context.dry_run:
if extra_args_list is None or len(extra_args_list) < 2:
print("Usage: port <service> <exposed-port>")
service_name = extra_args_list[0]
exposed_port = extra_args_list[1]
if global_context.verbose:
print(f"Running compose port {service_name} {exposed_port}")
mapped_port_data = ctx.obj.deployer.port(service_name, exposed_port)
def exec_operation(ctx, extra_args):
global_context = ctx.parent.parent.obj
extra_args_list = list(extra_args) or None
if not global_context.dry_run:
if extra_args_list is None or len(extra_args_list) < 2:
print("Usage: exec <service> <cmd>")
service_name = extra_args_list[0]
command_to_exec = ["sh", "-c"] + extra_args_list[1:]
container_exec_env = _make_runtime_env(global_context)
if global_context.verbose:
print(f"Running compose exec {service_name} {command_to_exec}")
ctx.obj.deployer.execute(service_name, command_to_exec, envs=container_exec_env)
except DeployerException:
print("container command returned error exit status")
def logs_operation(ctx, tail: int, follow: bool, extra_args: str):
global_context = ctx.parent.parent.obj
extra_args_list = list(extra_args) or None
if not global_context.dry_run:
if global_context.verbose:
print("Running compose logs")
services_list = extra_args_list if extra_args_list is not None else []
logs_stream = ctx.obj.deployer.logs(services=services_list, tail=tail, follow=follow, stream=True)
for stream_type, stream_content in logs_stream:
print(stream_content.decode("utf-8"), end="")
@click.argument('extra_args', nargs=-1) # help: command: up <service1> <service2>
def up(ctx, extra_args):
extra_args_list = list(extra_args) or None
up_operation(ctx, extra_args_list)
@click.option("--delete-volumes/--preserve-volumes", default=False, help="delete data volumes")
@click.argument('extra_args', nargs=-1) # help: command: down<service1> <service2>
def down(ctx, delete_volumes, extra_args):
extra_args_list = list(extra_args) or None
down_operation(ctx, delete_volumes, extra_args_list)
def ps(ctx):
@click.argument('extra_args', nargs=-1) # help: command: port <service1> <service2>
def port(ctx, extra_args):
port_operation(ctx, extra_args)
@click.argument('extra_args', nargs=-1) # help: command: exec <service> <command>
def exec(ctx, extra_args):
exec_operation(ctx, extra_args)
@click.option("--tail", "-n", default=None, help="number of lines to display")
@click.option("--follow", "-f", is_flag=True, default=False, help="follow log output")
@click.argument('extra_args', nargs=-1) # help: command: logs <service1> <service2>
def logs(ctx, tail, follow, extra_args):
logs_operation(ctx, tail, follow, extra_args)
def get_stack_status(ctx, stack):
ctx_copy = copy.copy(ctx)
ctx_copy.stack = stack
cluster_context = _make_cluster_context(ctx_copy, stack, None, None, None, None)
deployer = Deployer(compose_files=cluster_context.compose_files, compose_project_name=cluster_context.cluster)
# TODO: refactor to avoid duplicating this code above
if ctx.verbose:
print("Running compose ps")
container_list =
if len(container_list) > 0:
if ctx.debug:
print(f"Container list from compose ps: {container_list}")
return True
if ctx.debug:
print("No containers found from compose ps")
def _make_runtime_env(ctx):
container_exec_env = {
"CERC_HOST_UID": f"{os.getuid()}",
"CERC_HOST_GID": f"{os.getgid()}"
container_exec_env.update({"CERC_SCRIPT_DEBUG": "true"} if ctx.debug else {})
return container_exec_env
# stack has to be either PathLike pointing to a stack yml file, or a string with the name of a known stack
def _make_cluster_context(ctx, stack, include, exclude, cluster, env_file):
dev_root_path = get_dev_root_path(ctx)
# TODO: huge hack, fix this
# If the caller passed a path for the stack file, then we know that we can get the compose files
# from the same directory
deployment = False
if isinstance(stack, os.PathLike):
compose_dir = stack.parent.joinpath("compose")
deployment = True
# See:
compose_dir = Path(__file__).absolute().parent.parent.joinpath("data", "compose")
if cluster is None:
# Create default unique, stable cluster name from confile file path and stack name if provided
# TODO: change this to the config file path
path = os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])
unique_cluster_descriptor = f"{path},{stack},{include},{exclude}"
if ctx.debug:
print(f"pre-hash descriptor: {unique_cluster_descriptor}")
hash = hashlib.md5(unique_cluster_descriptor.encode()).hexdigest()
cluster = f"laconic-{hash}"
if ctx.verbose:
print(f"Using cluster name: {cluster}")
# See:
from app import data
with resources.open_text(data, "pod-list.txt") as pod_list_file:
all_pods =
pods_in_scope = []
if stack:
stack_config = get_parsed_stack_config(stack)
# TODO: syntax check the input here
pods_in_scope = stack_config['pods']
cluster_config = stack_config['config'] if 'config' in stack_config else None
pods_in_scope = all_pods
cluster_config = None
# Convert all pod definitions to v1.1 format
pods_in_scope = _convert_to_new_format(pods_in_scope)
if ctx.verbose:
print(f"Pods: {pods_in_scope}")
# Construct a docker compose command suitable for our purpose
compose_files = []
pre_start_commands = []
post_start_commands = []
for pod in pods_in_scope:
pod_name = pod["name"]
pod_repository = pod["repository"]
pod_path = pod["path"]
if include_exclude_check(pod_name, include, exclude):
if pod_repository is None or pod_repository == "internal":
compose_file_name = os.path.join(compose_dir, f"docker-compose-{pod_path}.yml")
if deployment:
compose_file_name = os.path.join(compose_dir, f"docker-compose-{pod_name}.yml")
pod_pre_start_command = pod["pre_start_command"]
pod_post_start_command = pod["post_start_command"]
script_dir = compose_dir.parent.joinpath("pods", pod_name, "scripts")
if pod_pre_start_command is not None:
pre_start_commands.append(os.path.join(script_dir, pod_pre_start_command))
if pod_post_start_command is not None:
post_start_commands.append(os.path.join(script_dir, pod_post_start_command))
pod_root_dir = os.path.join(dev_root_path, pod_repository.split("/")[-1], pod["path"])
compose_file_name = os.path.join(pod_root_dir, f"docker-compose-{pod_name}.yml")
pod_pre_start_command = pod["pre_start_command"]
pod_post_start_command = pod["post_start_command"]
if pod_pre_start_command is not None:
pre_start_commands.append(os.path.join(pod_root_dir, pod_pre_start_command))
if pod_post_start_command is not None:
post_start_commands.append(os.path.join(pod_root_dir, pod_post_start_command))
if ctx.verbose:
print(f"Excluding: {pod_name}")
if ctx.verbose:
print(f"files: {compose_files}")
return ClusterContext(ctx, cluster, compose_files, pre_start_commands, post_start_commands, cluster_config, env_file)
def _convert_to_new_format(old_pod_array):
new_pod_array = []
for old_pod in old_pod_array:
if isinstance(old_pod, dict):
new_pod = {
"name": old_pod,
"repository": "internal",
"path": old_pod
return new_pod_array
def _run_command(ctx, cluster_name, command):
if ctx.verbose:
print(f"Running command: {command}")
command_dir = os.path.dirname(command)
command_file = os.path.join(".", os.path.basename(command))
command_env = os.environ.copy()
command_env["CERC_SO_COMPOSE_PROJECT"] = cluster_name
if ctx.debug:
command_env["CERC_SCRIPT_DEBUG"] = "true"
command_result =, shell=True, env=command_env, cwd=command_dir)
if command_result.returncode != 0:
print(f"FATAL Error running command: {command}")
def _orchestrate_cluster_config(ctx, cluster_config, deployer, container_exec_env):
class ConfigDirective:
source_container: str
source_variable: str
destination_container: str
destination_variable: str
if cluster_config is not None:
for container in cluster_config:
container_config = cluster_config[container]
if ctx.verbose:
print(f"{container} config: {container_config}")
for directive in container_config:
pd = ConfigDirective(
if ctx.verbose:
print(f"Setting {pd.destination_container}.{pd.destination_variable}"
f" = {pd.source_container}.{pd.source_variable}")
# TODO: add a timeout
waiting_for_data = True
destination_output = "*** no output received yet ***"
while waiting_for_data:
# TODO: fix the script paths so they're consistent between containers
source_value = None
source_value = deployer.execute(pd.source_container,
["sh", "-c",
"sh /docker-entrypoint-scripts.d/export-"
except DeployerException as error:
if ctx.debug:
print(f"Docker exception reading config source: {error}")
# If the script executed failed for some reason, we get:
# "It returned with code 1"
if "It returned with code 1" in str(error):
if ctx.verbose:
print("Config export script returned an error, re-trying")
# If the script failed to execute (e.g. the file is not there) then we get:
# "It returned with code 2"
if "It returned with code 2" in str(error):
print(f"Fatal error reading config source: {error}")
if source_value:
if ctx.debug:
print(f"fetched source value: {source_value}")
destination_output = deployer.execute(pd.destination_container,
["sh", "-c",
f"sh /scripts/import-{pd.destination_variable}.sh"
f" {source_value}"],
waiting_for_data = False
if ctx.debug:
print(f"destination output: {destination_output}")