# fixturenet-optimism Instructions to setup and deploy an end-to-end L1+L2 stack with [fixturenet-eth](../fixturenet-eth/) (L1) and [Optimism](https://stack.optimism.io) (L2) ## Setup Clone required repositories: ```bash laconic-so --stack fixturenet-optimism setup-repositories ``` Checkout to the required versions and branches in repos: ```bash # optimism cd ~/cerc/optimism git checkout @eth-optimism/sdk@0.0.0-20230329025055 ``` Build the container images: ```bash laconic-so --stack fixturenet-optimism build-containers ``` This should create the required docker images in the local image registry: * `cerc/go-ethereum` * `cerc/lighthouse` * `cerc/fixturenet-eth-geth` * `cerc/fixturenet-eth-lighthouse` * `cerc/foundry` * `cerc/optimism-contracts` * `cerc/optimism-l2geth` * `cerc/optimism-op-batcher` * `cerc/optimism-op-node` ## Deploy Deploy the stack: ```bash laconic-so --stack fixturenet-optimism deploy up ``` To list down the running containers: ```bash laconic-so --stack fixturenet-optimism deploy ps # With status docker ps ``` ## Clean up Stop all services running in the background: ```bash laconic-so --stack fixturenet-optimism deploy down ``` Remove volumes created by this stack: ```bash docker volume ls docker volume rm laconic-d527651bba3cb61886b36a7400bd2a38_fixturenet-geth-accounts docker volume rm laconic-d527651bba3cb61886b36a7400bd2a38_l1-deployment docker volume rm laconic-d527651bba3cb61886b36a7400bd2a38_l2-accounts docker volume rm laconic-d527651bba3cb61886b36a7400bd2a38_op_node_data ``` ## Known Issues * Currently not supported: * Stopping and restarting the stack from where it left off; currently starts fresh on a restart * Pointing Optimism (L2) to external L1 endpoint to allow running only L2 services * `cerc/optimism-contracts` image, which currently uses `cerc/foundry` as base, needs to use node-alpine instead as foundry is not necessarily required for our use case; there is a [check](https://github.com/ethereum-optimism/optimism/blob/%40eth-optimism/sdk%400.0.0-20230329025055/packages/contracts-bedrock/package.json#L22) in Optimism build for foundry installation * Resource requirements (memory + time) for building `cerc/foundry` image are on the higher side