#!/bin/sh set -e if [ -n "$CERC_SCRIPT_DEBUG" ]; then set -x fi # TODO: Add in container build or use other tool echo "Installing jq" apk update && apk add jq # Get Sequencer key from keys.json SEQUENCER_KEY=$(jq -r '.Sequencer.privateKey' /l2-accounts/keys.json | tr -d '"') # Initialize op-geth if datadir/geth not found if [ -f /op-node/jwt.txt ] && [ -d datadir/geth ]; then echo "Found existing datadir, checking block signer key" BLOCK_SIGNER_KEY=$(cat datadir/block-signer-key) if [ "$SEQUENCER_KEY" = "$BLOCK_SIGNER_KEY" ]; then echo "Sequencer and block signer keys match, skipping initialization" else echo "Sequencer and block signer keys don't match, please clear L2 geth data volume before starting" exit 1 fi else echo "Initializing op-geth" mkdir -p datadir echo "pwd" > datadir/password echo $SEQUENCER_KEY > datadir/block-signer-key geth account import --datadir=datadir --password=datadir/password datadir/block-signer-key while [ ! -f "/op-node/jwt.txt" ] do echo "Config files not created. Checking after 5 seconds." sleep 5 done echo "Config files created by op-node, proceeding with the initialization..." geth init --datadir=datadir /op-node/genesis.json echo "Node Initialized" fi SEQUENCER_ADDRESS=$(jq -r '.Sequencer.address' /l2-accounts/keys.json | tr -d '"') echo "SEQUENCER_ADDRESS: ${SEQUENCER_ADDRESS}" cleanup() { echo "Signal received, cleaning up..." kill ${geth_pid} wait echo "Done" } trap 'cleanup' INT TERM # Run op-geth geth \ --datadir ./datadir \ --http \ --http.corsdomain="*" \ --http.vhosts="*" \ --http.addr= \ --http.api=web3,debug,eth,txpool,net,engine \ --ws \ --ws.addr= \ --ws.port=8546 \ --ws.origins="*" \ --ws.api=debug,eth,txpool,net,engine \ --syncmode=full \ --gcmode=archive \ --nodiscover \ --maxpeers=0 \ --networkid=42069 \ --authrpc.vhosts="*" \ --authrpc.addr= \ --authrpc.port=8551 \ --authrpc.jwtsecret=/op-node/jwt.txt \ --rollup.disabletxpoolgossip=true \ --password=./datadir/password \ --allow-insecure-unlock \ --mine \ --miner.etherbase=$SEQUENCER_ADDRESS \ --unlock=$SEQUENCER_ADDRESS \ & geth_pid=$! wait $geth_pid