#!/bin/bash lotus --version ##TODO: paths can use values from lotus-env.env file # if not already initialized if [ ! -f /root/.lotus-local-net/config.toml ]; then # init node config mkdir $HOME/.lotus-local-net lotus config default > $HOME/.lotus-local-net/config.toml # add bootstrap peer info if available if [ -f /root/.lotus-shared/miner.addr ]; then MINER_ADDR=\"$(cat /root/.lotus-shared/miner.addr)\" # add bootstrap peer id to config file sed -i "/^\[Libp2p\]/a \ \ BootstrapPeers = [$MINER_ADDR]" $HOME/.lotus-local-net/config.toml else echo "Bootstrap peer info not found, unable to configure. Manual peering will be required." fi fi # start node lotus daemon --genesis=/devgen.car