# MobyMask v2 watcher Instructions to deploy MobyMask v2 watcher stack using [laconic-stack-orchestrator](/README.md#install) ## Setup Clone required repositories: ```bash laconic-so --stack mobymask-v2 setup-repositories ``` Build the container images: ```bash laconic-so --stack mobymask-v2 build-containers ``` This should create the required docker images in the local image registry. Deploy the stack: ```bash laconic-so --stack mobymask-v2 deploy-system up ``` ## Tests Find the watcher container's id: ```bash docker ps | grep "cerc/watcher-mobymask-v2:local" ``` Example output ``` 8b38e9a64d7e cerc/watcher-mobymask-v2:local "sh -c 'yarn server'" 35 seconds ago Up 14 seconds (health: starting)>3001/tcp,>9001/tcp,>9090/tcp laconic-aeb84676de2b0a7671ae90d537fc7d26-mobymask-watcher-server-1 ``` In above output the container ID is `8b38e9a64d7e` Export it for later use: ```bash export CONTAINER_ID= ``` Run the peer tests: ```bash docker exec -w /app/packages/peer $CONTAINER_ID yarn test ``` ## Clean up To stop all the services running in background run: ```bash laconic-so --stack mobymask-v2 deploy-system down ```