# Reth Deploy a Reth API node alongside Lighthouse. ## Clone required repositories ``` $ laconic-so --stack reth setup-repositories ``` ## Build the Reth stack containers ``` $ laconic-so --stack reth build-containers ``` ## Deploy the stack ``` $ laconic-so --stack reth deploy up ``` ## Check logs ``` $ laconic-so --stack reth deploy logs ``` Verify that your node is syncing. You should see entries similar to this from the Lighthouse container: ``` laconic-200e8f8ff7891515d777cd0f719078e3-lighthouse-1 | Jun 23 20:59:01.226 INFO New block received root: 0x9cd4a2dd9333cf802c2963c2f029deb0f94e511d2481fa0724ae8752e4c49b15, slot: 6727493 ``` and entries similar to this from the Reth container: ``` laconic-200e8f8ff7891515d777cd0f719078e3-reth-1 | 2023-06-23T20:59:11.557389Z INFO reth::node::events: Stage committed progress pipeline_stages=1/13 stage=Headers block=0 checkpoint=4.9% eta=1h 3m 57s ``` ## Test the API Reth's http api is accessible on port `8545` and the websocket api is accessible on port `8546`. ``` $ curl --request POST \ --url http://localhost:8545/ \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "eth_blockNumber", "params": [], "id": 0 }' # Response {"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":"0x0","id":0} ``` ## Clean up Stop all services running in the background: ```bash $ laconic-so --stack reth deploy down ``` To also delete the docker data volumes: ```bash $ laconic-so --stack reth deploy down --delete-volumes