FROM node:18.15.0-alpine3.16 # This container pulls npm package from a registry configured via env var ARG CERC_NPM_REGISTRY_URL RUN apk --update --no-cache add make git python3 jq bash # We do this to get a yq binary from the published container, for the correct architecture we're building here COPY /usr/bin/yq /usr/local/bin/yq RUN mkdir -p /scripts COPY ./ /scripts COPY ./ /scripts # Configure the local npm registry RUN npm config set @cerc-io:registry ${CERC_NPM_REGISTRY_URL} RUN mkdir -p /config # Install simple web server for now (use nginx perhaps later) RUN yarn global add http-server # Globally install the payload web app package RUN yarn global add @cerc-io/test-app@0.2.33 # Expose port for http EXPOSE 80 CMD ["/scripts/"]