FROM golang:1.19.0-alpine3.15 as builder ARG VERSION=v0.0.0 RUN apk add --no-cache make gcc musl-dev linux-headers git jq bash # build op-batcher with the shared go.mod & go.sum files COPY ./op-batcher /app/op-batcher COPY ./op-bindings /app/op-bindings COPY ./op-node /app/op-node COPY ./op-service /app/op-service COPY ./op-signer /app/op-signer COPY ./go.mod /app/go.mod COPY ./go.sum /app/go.sum COPY ./.git /app/.git WORKDIR /app/op-batcher RUN go mod download ARG TARGETOS TARGETARCH RUN make op-batcher VERSION="$VERSION" GOOS=$TARGETOS GOARCH=$TARGETARCH FROM alpine:3.15 COPY --from=builder /app/op-batcher/bin/op-batcher /usr/local/bin ENTRYPOINT ["op-batcher"]