# MobyMask v2 watcher Instructions to deploy MobyMask v2 watcher stack using [laconic-stack-orchestrator](/README.md#install) ## Setup Clone required repositories: ```bash laconic-so --stack mobymask-v2 setup-repositories ``` Checkout to the required versions and branches in repos ```bash # watcher-ts cd ~/cerc/watcher-ts git checkout v0.2.31 # react-peer cd ~/cerc/react-peer git checkout v0.2.29 # mobymask-ui cd ~/cerc/mobymask-ui git checkout laconic # laconicd cd ~/cerc/laconicd git checkout v0.8.0 # MobyMask cd ~/cerc/MobyMask git checkout v0.1.1 ``` Build the container images: ```bash laconic-so --stack mobymask-v2 build-containers ``` This should create the required docker images in the local image registry. Deploy the stack: * Deploy the laconic chain ```bash laconic-so --stack mobymask-v2 deploy-system --include mobymask-laconicd up ``` * Check that laconic chain status is healthy ```bash docker ps ``` * Export the private key from laconicd ```bash laconic-so --stack mobymask-v2 deploy-system --include mobymask-laconicd exec laconicd "echo y | laconicd keys export mykey --unarmored-hex --unsafe" ``` * Set the private key in [secrets.json](../../config/watcher-mobymask-v2/secrets.json) file that will be used by mobymask container to deploy contract * Create a new account ```bash laconic-so --stack mobymask-v2 deploy-system --include mobymask-laconicd exec laconicd "laconicd keys add alice" ``` * Transfer balance to new account ```bash laconic-so --stack mobymask-v2 deploy-system --include mobymask-laconicd exec laconicd 'laconicd tx bank send $(laconicd keys show mykey -a) $(laconicd keys show alice -a) 1000000000000000000000000aphoton --fees 2000aphoton' ``` * Export the private key of new account from laconicd ```bash laconic-so --stack mobymask-v2 deploy-system --include mobymask-laconicd exec laconicd "echo y | laconicd keys export alice --unarmored-hex --unsafe" ``` * Set the private key (`PRIVATE_KEY`) in [peer-start.sh](../../config/watcher-mobymask-v2/peer-start.sh) file that will be used to start the peer that sends txs to L2 chain * Deploy the other containers ```bash laconic-so --stack mobymask-v2 deploy-system --include watcher-mobymask-v2 up ``` * Check that all containers are healthy using `docker ps` NOTE: The `mobymask-ui` container might not start. If mobymask-app is not running at http://localhost:3002, run command again to start the container ```bash laconic-so --stack mobymask-v2 deploy-system --include watcher-mobymask-v2 up ``` ## Tests Find the watcher container's id: ```bash laconic-so --stack mobymask-v2 deploy-system --include watcher-mobymask-v2 ps | grep "mobymask-watcher-server" ``` Example output ``` id: 5d3aae4b22039fcd1c9b18feeb91318ede1100581e75bb5ac54f9e436066b02c, name: laconic-bfb01caf98b1b8f7c8db4d33f11b905a-mobymask-watcher-server-1, ports:>3001/tcp,>9001/tcp,>9090/tcp ``` In above output the container ID is `5d3aae4b22039fcd1c9b18feeb91318ede1100581e75bb5ac54f9e436066b02c` Export it for later use: ```bash export CONTAINER_ID= ``` Run the peer tests: ```bash docker exec -w /app/packages/peer $CONTAINER_ID yarn test ``` ## Web Apps Check that the status for web-app containers are healthy by using `docker ps` ### mobymask-app The mobymask-app should be running at http://localhost:3002 ### peer-test-app The peer-test-app should be running at http://localhost:3003 ## Details * The relay node for p2p network is running at http://localhost:9090 * The [peer package](https://github.com/cerc-io/watcher-ts/tree/main/packages/peer) (published in [gitea](https://git.vdb.to/cerc-io/-/packages/npm/@cerc-io%2Fpeer)) can be used in client code for connecting to the network * The [react-peer package](https://github.com/cerc-io/react-peer/tree/main/packages/react-peer) (published in [gitea](https://git.vdb.to/cerc-io/-/packages/npm/@cerc-io%2Freact-peer)) which uses the peer package can be used in react app for connecting to the network ## Demo Follow the [demo](./demo.md) to try out the MobyMask app with L2 chain ## Clean up Stop all the services running in background run: ```bash laconic-so --stack mobymask-v2 deploy-system --include watcher-mobymask-v2 down laconic-so --stack mobymask-v2 deploy-system --include mobymask-laconicd down ``` Clear volumes: * List all volumes ```bash docker volume ls ``` * Remove volumes created by this stack Example: ```bash docker volume rm laconic-bfb01caf98b1b8f7c8db4d33f11b905a_moby_data_server ```