#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e if [ -n "$CERC_SCRIPT_DEBUG" ]; then set -x fi # Dump environment variables for debugging echo "Environment variables:" env # Test basic stack-orchestrator deploy echo "Running stack-orchestrator deploy test" # Bit of a hack, test the most recent package TEST_TARGET_SO=$( ls -t1 ./package/laconic-so* | head -1 ) # Set a non-default repo dir export CERC_REPO_BASE_DIR=~/stack-orchestrator-test/repo-base-dir echo "Testing this package: $TEST_TARGET_SO" echo "Test version command" reported_version_string=$( $TEST_TARGET_SO version ) echo "Version reported is: ${reported_version_string}" echo "Cloning repositories into: $CERC_REPO_BASE_DIR" rm -rf $CERC_REPO_BASE_DIR mkdir -p $CERC_REPO_BASE_DIR # Test bringing the test container up and down # with and without volume removal $TEST_TARGET_SO --stack test setup-repositories $TEST_TARGET_SO --stack test build-containers # Test deploy command execution $TEST_TARGET_SO --stack test deploy setup $CERC_REPO_BASE_DIR # Check that we now have the expected output directory container_output_dir=$CERC_REPO_BASE_DIR/container-output-dir if [ ! -d "$container_output_dir" ]; then echo "deploy setup test: output directory not present" echo "deploy setup test: FAILED" exit 1 fi if [ ! -f "$container_output_dir/output-file" ]; then echo "deploy setup test: output file not present" echo "deploy setup test: FAILED" exit 1 fi output_file_content=$(<$container_output_dir/output-file) if [ ! "$output_file_content" == "output-data" ]; then echo "deploy setup test: output file contents not correct" echo "deploy setup test: FAILED" exit 1 fi # Check that we now have the expected output file $TEST_TARGET_SO --stack test deploy up # Test deploy port command deploy_port_output=$( $TEST_TARGET_SO --stack test deploy port test 80 ) if [[ "$deploy_port_output" =~ ^[1-9][0-9]* ]]; then echo "Deploy port test: passed" else echo "Deploy port test: FAILED" exit 1 fi $TEST_TARGET_SO --stack test deploy down # The next time we bring the container up the volume will be old (from the previous run above) $TEST_TARGET_SO --stack test deploy up log_output_1=$( $TEST_TARGET_SO --stack test deploy logs ) if [[ "$log_output_1" == *"Filesystem is old"* ]]; then echo "Retain volumes test: passed" else echo "Retain volumes test: FAILED" exit 1 fi $TEST_TARGET_SO --stack test deploy down --delete-volumes # Now when we bring the container up the volume will be new again $TEST_TARGET_SO --stack test deploy up log_output_2=$( $TEST_TARGET_SO --stack test deploy logs ) if [[ "$log_output_2" == *"Filesystem is fresh"* ]]; then echo "Delete volumes test: passed" else echo "Delete volumes test: FAILED" exit 1 fi $TEST_TARGET_SO --stack test deploy down --delete-volumes # Basic test of creating a deployment test_deployment_dir=$CERC_REPO_BASE_DIR/test-deployment-dir test_deployment_spec=$CERC_REPO_BASE_DIR/test-deployment-spec.yml $TEST_TARGET_SO --stack test deploy init --output $test_deployment_spec # Check the file now exists if [ ! -f "$test_deployment_spec" ]; then echo "deploy init test: spec file not present" echo "deploy init test: FAILED" exit 1 fi echo "deploy init test: passed" $TEST_TARGET_SO deploy create --spec-file $test_deployment_spec --deployment-dir $test_deployment_dir # Check the deployment dir exists if [ ! -d "$test_deployment_dir" ]; then echo "deploy create test: deployment directory not present" echo "deploy create test: FAILED" exit 1 fi echo "deploy create test: passed" # Check the file writted by the create command in the stack now exists if [ ! -f "$test_deployment_dir/create-file" ]; then echo "deploy create test: create output file not present" echo "deploy create test: FAILED" exit 1 fi # And has the right content create_file_content=$(<$test_deployment_dir/create-file) if [ ! "$create_file_content" == "create-command-output-data" ]; then echo "deploy create test: create output file contents not correct" echo "deploy create test: FAILED" exit 1 fi echo "deploy create output file test: passed" # Try to start the deployment $TEST_TARGET_SO deployment --dir $test_deployment_dir start # Check logs command works log_output_2=$( $TEST_TARGET_SO deployment --dir $test_deployment_dir logs ) if [[ "$log_output_2" == *"Filesystem is fresh"* ]]; then echo "deployment logs test: passed" else echo "deployment logs test: FAILED" exit 1 fi # Stop and clean up $TEST_TARGET_SO deployment --dir $test_deployment_dir stop --delete-volumes echo "Test passed"