#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e if [ -n "$CERC_SCRIPT_DEBUG" ]; then set -x fi # Dump environment variables for debugging echo "Environment variables:" env # Test basic stack-orchestrator webapp echo "Running stack-orchestrator webapp test" if [ "$1" == "from-path" ]; then TEST_TARGET_SO="laconic-so" else TEST_TARGET_SO=$( ls -t1 ./package/laconic-so* | head -1 ) fi # Set a non-default repo dir export CERC_REPO_BASE_DIR=~/stack-orchestrator-test/repo-base-dir echo "Testing this package: $TEST_TARGET_SO" echo "Test version command" reported_version_string=$( $TEST_TARGET_SO version ) echo "Version reported is: ${reported_version_string}" echo "Cloning repositories into: $CERC_REPO_BASE_DIR" rm -rf $CERC_REPO_BASE_DIR mkdir -p $CERC_REPO_BASE_DIR git clone https://git.vdb.to/cerc-io/test-progressive-web-app.git $CERC_REPO_BASE_DIR/test-progressive-web-app # Test webapp command execution $TEST_TARGET_SO build-webapp --source-repo $CERC_REPO_BASE_DIR/test-progressive-web-app CHECK="SPECIAL_01234567890_TEST_STRING" set +e app_image_name="cerc/test-progressive-web-app:local" CONTAINER_ID=$(docker run -p 3000:80 -d -e CERC_SCRIPT_DEBUG=$CERC_SCRIPT_DEBUG ${app_image_name}) sleep 3 wget --tries 20 --retry-connrefused --waitretry=3 -O test.before -m http://localhost:3000 docker logs $CONTAINER_ID docker remove -f $CONTAINER_ID echo "Running app container test" CONTAINER_ID=$(docker run -p 3000:80 -e CERC_WEBAPP_DEBUG=$CHECK -e CERC_SCRIPT_DEBUG=$CERC_SCRIPT_DEBUG -d ${app_image_name}) sleep 3 wget --tries 20 --retry-connrefused --waitretry=3 -O test.after -m http://localhost:3000 docker logs $CONTAINER_ID docker remove -f $CONTAINER_ID echo "###########################################################################" echo "" grep "$CHECK" test.before > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 1 ]; then echo "BEFORE: FAILED" exit 1 else echo "BEFORE: PASSED" fi grep "$CHECK" test.after > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "AFTER: FAILED" exit 1 else echo "AFTER: PASSED" fi echo "Running deployment create test" # Note: this is not a full test -- all we're testing here is that the deploy-webapp create command doesn't crash test_deployment_dir=$CERC_REPO_BASE_DIR/test-deployment-dir fake_k8s_config_file=$CERC_REPO_BASE_DIR/kube-config.yml touch ${fake_k8s_config_file} $TEST_TARGET_SO deploy-webapp create --kube-config ${fake_k8s_config_file} --deployment-dir ${test_deployment_dir} --image ${app_image_name} --url https://my-test-app.example.com if [ -d ${test_deployment_dir} ]; then echo "PASSED" else echo "FAILED" exit 1 fi exit 0