WIP: telackey/na #783

telackey wants to merge 22 commits from telackey/na into main
Showing only changes of commit fd00143b76 - Show all commits

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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
# linea-testnet-nitro-auth
Deployes a demo stack for Nitro-based auth using the Linea Sepolia testnet.
## Clone required repositories
$ laconic-so --stack linea-testnet-nitro-auth setup-repositories
## Build containers
$ laconic-so --stack linea-testnet-nitro-auth build-containers
## Create a deployment
$ laconic-so --stack linea-testnet-nitro-auth deploy init --map-ports-to-host any-same --output linea-testnet-nitro-auth-spec.yml
$ laconic-so --stack linea-testnet-nitro-auth deploy create --spec-file linea-testnet-nitro-auth-spec.yml --deployment-dir linea-testnet-nitro-auth-deployment
## Set your keys
You must set the private keys for two accounts with funds on the target network. You must also set the URL to use
for a WebSocket connection, eg, `wss://linea-sepolia.infura.io/ws/v3/<MY_API_KEY>`
# For the first account (payer).
$ vim linea-testnet-nitro-auth-deployment/config/alice.env
# For the second account (payee).
$ vim linea-testnet-nitro-auth-deployment/config/bob.env
# For the bootnode, just set the URL.
$ vim linea-testnet-nitro-auth-deployment/config/bootnode.env
## Start the stack
$ laconic-so deployment --dir linea-testnet-nitro-auth-deployment start