Add steps in sushiswap-subgraph task to generate events #500

nikugogoi merged 3 commits from ng-sushiswap-tasks into main 2023-08-14 13:58:38 +00:00
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@ -38,6 +38,59 @@ laconic-so --stack sushiswap-subgraph deploy --cluster sushigraph logs -f sushis
# sushigraph-sushiswap-subgraph-v3-1 | Done
## Run
To check graph-node logs:
laconic-so --stack sushiswap-subgraph deploy --cluster sushigraph logs -f graph-node
To deploy tokens run:
docker exec -it sushigraph-sushiswap-v3-periphery-1 yarn hardhat --network docker deploy --tags TestERC20
This can be run multiple times to deploy ERC20 tokens
Take note of the deployed token addresses to use later
Get contract address of factory deployed:
docker exec -it sushigraph-sushiswap-v3-core-1 jq -r '.address' /app/deployments/docker/UniswapV3Factory.json
Set it to environment variable `FACTORY_ADDRESS` to use later
To create a pool:
docker exec -it sushigraph-sushiswap-v3-core-1 pnpm run pool:create:docker --factory $FACTORY_ADDRESS --token0 $TOKEN1_ADDRESS --token1 $TOKEN2_ADDRESS --fee 500
Set the created pool address to environment variable `POOL_ADDRESS` to use later
To initialize pool:
docker exec -it sushigraph-sushiswap-v3-core-1 pnpm run pool:initialize:docker --sqrt-price 4295128939 --pool $POOL_ADDRESS
Set the recipient address to the contract deployer:
export RECIPIENT=0xD375B03bd3A2434A9f675bEC4Ccd68aC5e67C743
Trigger pool mint event:
docker exec -it sushigraph-sushiswap-v3-core-1 pnpm run pool:mint:docker --pool $POOL_ADDRESS --recipient $RECIPIENT --amount 10
Trigger pool burn event:
docker exec -it sushigraph-sushiswap-v3-core-1 pnpm run pool:burn:docker --pool $POOL_ADDRESS --amount 10
Trigger pool swap event:
docker exec -it sushigraph-sushiswap-v3-core-1 pnpm run pool:swap:docker --pool $POOL_ADDRESS --recipient $RECIPIENT --sqrt-price 4295128939
## Clean up
Stop all the services running in background run: