Fatal: Failed to start mining: etherbase missing: etherbase must be explicitly specified #215

opened 2023-03-10 18:30:26 +00:00 by zramsay · 14 comments

While running the demo, this command led to the following error:

# docker exec 6bc2aa641a1c yarn token:deploy:docker
yarn run v1.22.19
$ hardhat --network docker token-deploy
Downloading compiler 0.8.0
Compiled 5 Solidity files successfully

Error HH108: Cannot connect to the network docker.
Please make sure your node is running, and check your internet connection and networks config
For more info go to https://hardhat.org/HH108 or run Hardhat with --show-stack-traces

It's never been a blocker that the erc20 container is unhealthy (it's in the demo :/), however, I notice smth new with foundry (it hangs at health: starting:

6bc2aa641a1c   cerc/watcher-erc20:local           "docker-entrypoint.s…"   6 minutes ago   Up 5 minutes (unhealthy) >3001/tcp,>9001/tcp                                                                                                                                         laconic-f50bfdf8077c439670ec741760811ee7-erc20-watcher-1
70f6db331d79   cerc/go-ethereum-foundry:local     "./start-private-net…"   6 minutes ago   Up 45 seconds (health: starting)>8545-8546/tcp                                                                                                               

then buried in docker logs 70f6db331d79:

Curling: complete
Geth Start up completed!
testnet:  Account: 0x515B23E9adB9735d69A774f082113C711fA4456B (default)
Fatal: Failed to start mining: etherbase missing: etherbase must be explicitly specified

using: Version: v1.0.26-ee77835
discovered by @Escape613

While running [the demo](http://docs-staging.laconic.com/docs/tutorials/quick-start/), this command led to the following error: ``` # docker exec 6bc2aa641a1c yarn token:deploy:docker yarn run v1.22.19 $ hardhat --network docker token-deploy Downloading compiler 0.8.0 Compiled 5 Solidity files successfully Error HH108: Cannot connect to the network docker. Please make sure your node is running, and check your internet connection and networks config For more info go to https://hardhat.org/HH108 or run Hardhat with --show-stack-traces ``` It's never been a blocker that the erc20 container is unhealthy (it's in the demo :/), however, I notice smth new with foundry (it hangs at `health: starting`: ``` 6bc2aa641a1c cerc/watcher-erc20:local "docker-entrypoint.s…" 6 minutes ago Up 5 minutes (unhealthy)>3001/tcp,>9001/tcp laconic-f50bfdf8077c439670ec741760811ee7-erc20-watcher-1 70f6db331d79 cerc/go-ethereum-foundry:local "./start-private-net…" 6 minutes ago Up 45 seconds (health: starting)>8545-8546/tcp ``` then buried in `docker logs 70f6db331d79`: ``` Curling: complete Geth Start up completed! testnet: Account: 0x515B23E9adB9735d69A774f082113C711fA4456B (default) Fatal: Failed to start mining: etherbase missing: etherbase must be explicitly specified ``` using: Version: v1.0.26-ee77835 discovered by @Escape613

I attempted to reproduce this with the new Debian-based go-ethereum-foundry container.
I wasn't able to see the problem above, but I did notice errors in a couple of the container healthchecks which I fixed here:

After those fixes, I get this:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                              COMMAND                  CREATED              STATUS                                                                                                             NAMES
2147d0f8c94f   cerc/watcher-erc20:local           "docker-entrypoint.s…"   About a minute ago   Up 44 seconds (healthy)       
791fefee6bec   cerc/ipld-eth-server:local         "/app/entrypoint.sh"     About a minute ago   Up About a minute (healthy)   
aa9ba2ae1f34   cerc/go-ethereum-foundry:local     "./start-private-net…"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute (healthy)   
52838b1cf396   cerc/ipld-eth-db:local             "/app/startup_script…"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute                                                                                                                   
4bd72d5adb25   postgres:14-alpine                 "docker-entrypoint.s…"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute (healthy)   
61ceca4b2b2d   timescale/timescaledb:2.8.1-pg14   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute (healthy)
I attempted to reproduce this with the new Debian-based go-ethereum-foundry container. I wasn't able to see the problem above, but I did notice errors in a couple of the container healthchecks which I fixed here: https://github.com/cerc-io/stack-orchestrator/pull/252 After those fixes, I get this: ``` $ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS NAMES 2147d0f8c94f cerc/watcher-erc20:local "docker-entrypoint.s…" About a minute ago Up 44 seconds (healthy) 791fefee6bec cerc/ipld-eth-server:local "/app/entrypoint.sh" About a minute ago Up About a minute (healthy) aa9ba2ae1f34 cerc/go-ethereum-foundry:local "./start-private-net…" About a minute ago Up About a minute (healthy) 52838b1cf396 cerc/ipld-eth-db:local "/app/startup_script…" About a minute ago Up About a minute 4bd72d5adb25 postgres:14-alpine "docker-entrypoint.s…" About a minute ago Up About a minute (healthy) 61ceca4b2b2d timescale/timescaledb:2.8.1-pg14 "docker-entrypoint.s…" About a minute ago Up About a minute (healthy) ```

Closing as WFM. Please re-open if problem persists.

Closing as WFM. Please re-open if problem persists.

can confirm this is solved, once getting around #245

can confirm this is solved, once getting around #245

Error re-occurred with @nikugogoi

Followed the steps in erc20 watcher stack after clearing out all docker images and build cache. Also cleared out local repositories in cerc directory.

# Clear all images
docker rmi $(docker images -aq)

# Clear volumes
docker volume prune

# Clear build cache
docker system prune

# Clear local repositories
rm -rf ~/cerc/

In the setup steps we face issue after running deploy-system up command. On checking health using docker ps, the go-ethereum-foundry container is not healthy.

NOTE: In build-containers step there should be an error for cerc/foundry image not found.
The fix is to include cerc/foundry container and dboreham/foundry repo in erc20 watcher stack.yml
But we get around this by running the following:

laconic-so setup-repositories --include dboreham/foundry

laconic-so build-containers --include cerc/foundry

In container logs we see the following:

Geth started
Geth PID: 64
--datadir /root/ethereum --networkid 99 --port=38545 --mine --miner.threads=1 --allow-insecure-unlock --http --http.api admin,debug,eth,miner,net,personal,txpool,web3,statediff --http.corsdomain * --http.vhosts * --nodiscover --http.addr= --http.port=8545 --syncmode=full --gcmode=archive --statediff --statediff.db.host=ipld-eth-db --statediff.db.port=5432 --statediff.db.user=vdbm --statediff.db.password=password --statediff.db.name=cerc_testing --statediff.db.nodeid 1 --statediff.db.clientname test1 --statediff.writing=true --statediff.db.type=postgres --statediff.db.driver=sqlx --ws --ws.addr= --ws.origins * --ws.api=admin,debug,eth,miner,net,personal,txpool,web3 --nat=none --miner.gasprice 16000000000 --nat=none --unlock=0xB2fcBbb669f3dEeF689a6A94eA6D843149C266F7 --password=/root/ethereum/config/password --metrics --metrics.expensive --metrics.addr --metrics.port 6060
testnet:  Account: 0xB2fcBbb669f3dEeF689a6A94eA6D843149C266F7 (default)
Curling: complete
Geth Start up completed!
Fatal: Failed to start mining: etherbase missing: etherbase must be explicitly specified
++ nc -vz localhost 8545
nc: connect to localhost ( port 8545 (tcp) failed: Connection refused
nc: connect to localhost (::1) port 8545 (tcp) failed: Cannot assign requested address

This issue should have been resolved as mentioned in https://github.com/cerc-io/stack-orchestrator/issues/215.
But facing it still after clearing out images and repositories.

Error re-occurred with @nikugogoi Followed the steps in [erc20 watcher stack](https://github.com/cerc-io/stack-orchestrator/tree/v1.0.35/app/data/stacks/erc20#readme) after clearing out all docker images and build cache. Also cleared out local repositories in cerc directory. ```bash # Clear all images docker rmi $(docker images -aq) # Clear volumes docker volume prune # Clear build cache docker system prune # Clear local repositories rm -rf ~/cerc/ ``` In the [setup steps](https://github.com/cerc-io/stack-orchestrator/tree/v1.0.35/app/data/stacks/erc20#setup) we face issue after running `deploy-system up` command. On checking health using `docker ps`, the `go-ethereum-foundry` container is not healthy. NOTE: In `build-containers` step there should be an error for `cerc/foundry` image not found. The fix is to include `cerc/foundry` container and `dboreham/foundry` repo in erc20 watcher [stack.yml](https://github.com/cerc-io/stack-orchestrator/blob/v1.0.35/app/data/stacks/erc20/stack.yml) But we get around this by running the following: ``` laconic-so setup-repositories --include dboreham/foundry laconic-so build-containers --include cerc/foundry ``` In container logs we see the following: ``` Geth started Geth PID: 64 Curling: --datadir /root/ethereum --networkid 99 --port=38545 --mine --miner.threads=1 --allow-insecure-unlock --http --http.api admin,debug,eth,miner,net,personal,txpool,web3,statediff --http.corsdomain * --http.vhosts * --nodiscover --http.addr= --http.port=8545 --syncmode=full --gcmode=archive --statediff --statediff.db.host=ipld-eth-db --statediff.db.port=5432 --statediff.db.user=vdbm --statediff.db.password=password --statediff.db.name=cerc_testing --statediff.db.nodeid 1 --statediff.db.clientname test1 --statediff.writing=true --statediff.db.type=postgres --statediff.db.driver=sqlx --ws --ws.addr= --ws.origins * --ws.api=admin,debug,eth,miner,net,personal,txpool,web3 --nat=none --miner.gasprice 16000000000 --nat=none --unlock=0xB2fcBbb669f3dEeF689a6A94eA6D843149C266F7 --password=/root/ethereum/config/password --metrics --metrics.expensive --metrics.addr --metrics.port 6060 testnet: Account: 0xB2fcBbb669f3dEeF689a6A94eA6D843149C266F7 (default) Curling: complete Geth Start up completed! Fatal: Failed to start mining: etherbase missing: etherbase must be explicitly specified ++ nc -vz localhost 8545 nc: connect to localhost ( port 8545 (tcp) failed: Connection refused nc: connect to localhost (::1) port 8545 (tcp) failed: Cannot assign requested address ``` This issue should have been resolved as mentioned in https://github.com/cerc-io/stack-orchestrator/issues/215. But facing it still after clearing out images and repositories.

Is this still a problem? I've spun up the geth fixturenet multiple times on several machines lately and not seen this issue, fwiw.

Is this still a problem? I've spun up the geth fixturenet multiple times on several machines lately and not seen this issue, fwiw.

I've just encountered it running the erc20 stack on the latest S-O version, using the pulled (rather than built) foundry docker image

I've just encountered it running the erc20 stack on the latest S-O version, using the pulled (rather than built) foundry docker image
mmm, this appears to be a hangover from the PoW -> PoS transition: https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/issues/26860 https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/issues/19547#issuecomment-492124555

Hmm. None of that should be relevant (e.g. foundry isn't able to affect geth).
I wonder if it is some sort of timing thing.
When fixturenet-eth is deployed I think it goes through several phases before reaching the operating state (post-merge).
My hunch is that on some machines (perhaps slower ones?) something tries to do something that doesn't work at the then-pertaining chain state. e.g. it normally passes through the pre-merge state quick enough to not try mining, but if the host is slower it does get a chance to try mining and then fails because we didn't configure it for mining.

@telackey any thoughts on this?

Hmm. None of that should be relevant (e.g. foundry isn't able to affect geth). I wonder if it is some sort of timing thing. When fixturenet-eth is deployed I think it goes through several phases before reaching the operating state (post-merge). My hunch is that on some machines (perhaps slower ones?) something tries to do something that doesn't work at the then-pertaining chain state. e.g. it normally passes through the pre-merge state quick enough to not try mining, but if the host is slower it does get a chance to try mining and then fails because we didn't configure it for mining. @telackey any thoughts on this?

your hunch might be correct, I think when I had it working last week it was on a 16gb machine and today's failure was on a 8gb. Foundry not building on an 8gb was the canary...

(trying on a 16gb right now, will report back, then we have a clear answer to #229 )

your hunch might be correct, I think when I had it working last week it was on a 16gb machine and today's failure was on a 8gb. Foundry not building on an 8gb was the canary... (trying on a 16gb right now, will report back, then we have a clear answer to #229 )

:( still same error on a 16g machine

:( still same error on a 16g machine

same on a 64g machine

same on a 64g machine

Closing since this hasn't been reported again.

Closing since this hasn't been reported again.

this error persists, and can be reproduced with:

laconic-so --stack erc20 setup-repositories
laconic-so --stack erc20 build-containers
laconic-so --stack erc20 deploy up

wait some time

docker ps | grep "watcher-erc20" # get $CONTAINER_ID
docker exec $CONTAINER_ID yarn token:deploy:docker
this error persists, and can be reproduced with: ``` laconic-so --stack erc20 setup-repositories laconic-so --stack erc20 build-containers laconic-so --stack erc20 deploy up ``` wait some time ``` docker ps | grep "watcher-erc20" # get $CONTAINER_ID docker exec $CONTAINER_ID yarn token:deploy:docker ```

In the fixturenet-eth-geth case, we do set the etherbase (https://git.vdb.to/cerc-io/stack-orchestrator/src/branch/main/app/data/container-build/cerc-fixturenet-eth-geth/run-el.sh#L7)

Could something similar be done here?

In the fixturenet-eth-geth case, we do set the etherbase (https://git.vdb.to/cerc-io/stack-orchestrator/src/branch/main/app/data/container-build/cerc-fixturenet-eth-geth/run-el.sh#L7) Could something similar be done here?
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Reference: cerc-io/stack-orchestrator#215
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