* Add a stack for Gelato watcher
* Add option to create and use a state snapshot
* Add commands to create and import a state checkpoint
* Rename ipld-eth-server endpoint env variables
* Fix default env variable
* Setup gateway-server with watchers
* Add js script to merge toml config files
* Remove individual watcher configs
* Add all azimuth watchers in stack
* Fix toml-js install
* Use env variables for ipld-eth-server endpoints
* Checkout to version tag in azimuth-watcher-ts repo
* add fixturenet-gaia stack
* add fixturenet-pocket
* integrate with eth fixturenet
* separate out fixturenet-gaia
* use pocket-deployments Dockerfile
Co-authored-by: iskay <ian@knowable.vc>
Co-authored-by: Ian <ikay@lakeheadu.ca>
* Use the latest stable optimism release
* Remove unnecessary repos from repo-list
* Add op-proposer service to fixturenet-optimism stack
* Add jq and bash to op-proposer image
* Update instructions
* Update op-batcher and op-geth commands
* Use standalone mobymask-v2-watcher-ts to run peer test
* Add watcher-ts image for running peer tests
* Run separate containers for peer ids generation and tests
* Wait for watcher to be up before starting peer-test-app
* Resolve peer-test-app compose file and remove setup-repositories for web-apps
* Initial version
* Update readme
* Build op-geth container
* Add optimism go code containers
* Add optimism contracts container
* Update optimism contracts container build
* Add fixturenet-optimism-contracts service to deploy L1 contracts
* Add fixturenet-optimism op-node and op-geth
* Avoid reading addresses from a file when sending balances
* Fixes for running op-geth container
* Fix image name and command in optimism-contracts service
* Add a healthcheck to lighthouse bootnode to avoid failing eth txs
* Avoid using hardhat ethers to send balances from an account
* Update script to send balance to L1 bridge proxy contract
* Implement op-node container
* Wait for a finalized L1 block to exist
* Fix for running op-batcher
* Add a todo for restart support
* Integrate optimism-contracts service and update instructions
* Update clean-up to remove docker volumes
* Update volume access permissions
* Add a todo to replace foundry usage with web3 js
* Add known issues
* Fix indentation
* Update known issues
Co-authored-by: David Boreham <david@bozemanpas.com>
Co-authored-by: David Boreham <david@bozemanpass.com>
Co-authored-by: nabarun <nabarun@deepstacksoft.com>
* Rename .env file
* Add web app services to docker compose file
* Add laconicd to deploy contract and send txs
* Add demo with steps for running mobymask app with L2 chain
* Add fix for yarn install on M1 platform in react-peer
* Update multiaddrs to use websockets
* Add notes in readmes
Co-authored-by: prathamesh0 <prathamesh.musale0@gmail.com>
* Add mobymask-v2-watcher stack with peer tests
* Rename stack and container
* Avoid building react-peer container
* Improve step for getting container ID
* Add a stack for erc721 watcher
* Add a demo
* Avoid watcher db service and volume name conflicts across watchers
* Avoid host port conflicts across watchers
* Avoid watcher-db port conflicts
* Add a healthcheck for ipld-eth-server
* Update ipld-eth-server ports in mobymask watcher config
* Update clique period to 5s in geth-foundry config
* Add a stack for erc20 watcher
* Add a demo for erc20 watcher
* Upgrade watcher-ts version
* Update instructions
* Pass option to pull while setting up repos