The following tutorial explains the steps to run a laconicd fixturenet with CLI and web console that displays records in the registry. It is designed as an introduction to Stack Orchestrator and to showcase one component of the Laconic Stack. Prior to Stack Orchestrator, the following 4 repositories had to be cloned and setup manually:
Now, with Stack Orchestrator, it is a few quick commands. Additionally, the `docker` and `docker compose` integration on the back-end allows the stack to easily persist, facilitating workflows.
## Setup laconic-so
To avoid hiccups on Mac M1/M2 and any local machine nuances that may affect the user experience, this tutorial is focused on using a fresh Digital Ocean (DO) droplet with similar specs:
16 GB Memory / 8 Intel vCPUs / 160 GB Disk.
1. Login to the droplet as root (either by SSH key or password set in the DO console)
ssh root@IP
2. Get the install script, give it executable permissions, and run it:
It's possible to run into an `ESOCKETTIMEDOUT` error, e.g., `error An unexpected error occurred: " ESOCKETTIMEDOUT"`. This may happen even if you have a great internet connection. In that case, re-run the `build-containers` command.
4. Set this environment variable to your droplet's IP address:
3. Go back to the Digital Ocean web console and set an Inbound Rule for Custom TCP of the above port:
-`32778` in this example, but yours will be different.
- do the same for port `9473`
Additional ports will need to be opened depending on your application. Ensure you add your droplet to this new Firewall and wait a minute or so for the update to propagate.
4. Navigate to http://IP:port and ensure laconic-console is functioning as expected:
- ensure you are connected to `laconicd`; no error message should pop up;
- the wifi symbol in the bottom right should have a green check mark beside it
- navigate to the status tab; it should display similar/identical information
- navigate to the config tab, you'll see something like (with your IP):