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#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
if [ -n "$CERC_SCRIPT_DEBUG" ]; then
set -x
echo "$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %T"): Running stack-orchestrator Laconic registry CLI tests"
cat /etc/hosts
# Bit of a hack, test the most recent package
TEST_TARGET_SO=$( ls -t1 ./package/laconic-so* | head -1 )
export CERC_REPO_BASE_DIR=$(mktemp -d $(pwd)/stack-orchestrator-fixturenet-laconicd-test.XXXXXXXXXX)
echo "$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %T"): Cloning laconic-registry-cli repository into: $CERC_REPO_BASE_DIR"
$TEST_TARGET_SO --stack fixturenet-laconicd setup-repositories --include
echo "$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %T"): Starting stack"
TEST_AUCTION_ENABLED=true BASE_DIR=${CERC_REPO_BASE_DIR} $TEST_TARGET_SO --stack fixturenet-laconicd deploy --cluster laconicd up
echo "$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %T"): Stack started"
# Verify that the fixturenet is up and running
$TEST_TARGET_SO --stack fixturenet-laconicd deploy --cluster laconicd ps
# Wait for the laconid endpoint to come up
echo "Waiting for the RPC endpoint to come up"
docker exec laconicd-laconicd-1 sh -c "curl --retry 20 --retry-delay 3 --retry-connrefused"
# Get the fixturenet account address
laconicd_account_address=$(docker exec laconicd-laconicd-1 laconicd keys list | awk '/- address:/ {print $3}')
# Copy over config
docker exec laconicd-cli-1 cp config.yml laconic-registry-cli/
# Run the tests
echo "Running the tests"
docker exec -e TEST_ACCOUNT=$laconicd_account_address laconicd-cli-1 sh -c 'cd laconic-registry-cli && yarn && yarn test'
# Clean up
$TEST_TARGET_SO --stack fixturenet-laconicd deploy --cluster laconicd down --delete-volumes
echo "$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %T"): Removing cloned repositories"
echo "$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %T"): Test finished"