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#pragma once
#include <test/tools/ossfuzz/abiV2Proto.pb.h>
#include <libsolutil/FixedHash.h>
#include <libsolutil/Keccak256.h>
#include <libsolutil/StringUtils.h>
#include <libsolutil/Whiskers.h>
#include <liblangutil/Exceptions.h>
#include <boost/variant/static_visitor.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
#include <ostream>
#include <sstream>
* Template of the solidity test program generated by this converter is as follows:
* pragma solidity >=0.0;
* pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
* contract C {
* // State variable
* string sv_0;
* // Test function that is called by the VM.
* // There are 2 variations of this function: one returns
* // the output of test_calldata_coding() and the other
* // returns the output of test_returndata_coding(). The
* // proto field called Test decides which one of the two
* // are chosen for creating a test case.
* function test() public returns (uint) {
* // The protobuf field "Contract.test" decides which of
* // the two internal functions "test_calldata_coding()"
* // and "test_returndata_coding()" are called. Here,
* // we assume that the protobuf field equals "CALLDATA_CODER"
* return this.test_calldata_coding()
* }
* // The following function is generated if the protobuf field
* // "Contract.test" is equal to "RETURNDATA_CODER".
* function test_returndata_coding() internal returns (uint) {
* string memory lv_0, bytes memory lv_1 = test_returndata_external();
* if (lv_0 != 044852b2a670ade5407e78fb2863c51de9fcb96542a07186fe3aeda6bb8a116d)
* return 1;
* if (lv_1 != "1")
* return 2;
* return 0;
* }
* // The following function is generated if the protobuf field
* // "Contract.test" is equal to "RETURNDATA_CODER".
* function test_returndata_external() external returns (string memory, bytes memory)
* {
* sv_0 = "044852b2a670ade5407e78fb2863c51de9fcb96542a07186fe3aeda6bb8a116d";
* bytes memory lv_0 = "1";
* return (sv_0, lv_0);
* }
* // The following function is generated if the protobuf field
* // "Contract.test" is equal to "CALLDATA_CODER".
* function test_calldata_coding() internal returns (uint) {
* // Local variable
* bytes lv_1 = "1";
* sv_0 = "044852b2a670ade5407e78fb2863c51de9fcb96542a07186fe3aeda6bb8a116d";
* uint returnVal = this.coder_public(sv_0, lv_1);
* if (returnVal != 0)
* return returnVal;
* // Since the return codes in the public and external coder functions are identical
* // we offset error code by a fixed amount (200000) for differentiation.
* returnVal = this.coder_external(sv_0, lv_1);
* if (returnVal != 0)
* return 200000 + returnVal;
* // Encode parameters
* bytes memory argumentEncoding = abi.encode(<parameter_names>);
* returnVal = checkEncodedCall(this.coder_public.selector, argumentEncoding, <invalidLengthFuzz>);
* // Check if calls to coder_public meet expectations for correctly/incorrectly encoded data.
* if (returnVal != 0)
* return returnVal;
* returnVal = checkEncodedCall(this.coder_external.selector, argumentEncoding, <invalidLengthFuzz>);
* // Check if calls to coder_external meet expectations for correctly/incorrectly encoded data.
* // Offset return value to distinguish between failures originating from coder_public and coder_external.
* if (returnVal != 0)
* return uint(200000) + returnVal;
* // Return zero if all checks pass.
* return 0;
* }
* /// Accepts function selector, correct argument encoding, and an invalid encoding length as input.
* /// Returns a non-zero value if either call with correct encoding fails or call with incorrect encoding
* /// succeeds. Returns zero if both calls meet expectation.
* function checkEncodedCall(bytes4 funcSelector, bytes memory argumentEncoding, uint invalidLengthFuzz)
* public returns (uint) {
* ...
* }
* /// Accepts function selector, correct argument encoding, and length of invalid encoding and returns
* /// the correct and incorrect abi encoding for calling the function specified by the function selector.
* function createEncoding(bytes4 funcSelector, bytes memory argumentEncoding, uint invalidLengthFuzz)
* internal pure returns (bytes memory, bytes memory) {
* ...
* }
* /// Compares two dynamically sized bytes arrays for equality.
* function bytesCompare(bytes memory a, bytes memory b) internal pure returns (bool) {
* ...
* }
* // Public function that is called by test() function. Accepts one or more arguments and returns
* // a uint value (zero if abi en/decoding was successful, non-zero otherwise)
* function coder_public(string memory c_0, bytes memory c_1) public pure returns (uint) {
* if (!bytesCompare(bytes(c_0), "044852b2a670ade5407e78fb2863c51de9fcb96542a07186fe3aeda6bb8a116d"))
* return 1;
* if (!bytesCompare(c_1, "1"))
* return 2;
* return 0;
* }
* // External function that is called by test() function. Accepts one or more arguments and returns
* // a uint value (zero if abi en/decoding was successful, non-zero otherwise)
* function coder_external(string calldata c_0, bytes calldata c_1) external pure returns (uint) {
* if (!bytesCompare(bytes(c_0), "044852b2a670ade5407e78fb2863c51de9fcb96542a07186fe3aeda6bb8a116d"))
* return 1;
* if (!bytesCompare(c_1, "1"))
* return 2;
* return 0;
* }
* }
namespace solidity::test::abiv2fuzzer
/// Converts a protobuf input into a Solidity program that tests
/// abi coding.
class ProtoConverter
ProtoConverter(ProtoConverter const&) = delete;
ProtoConverter(ProtoConverter&&) = delete;
std::string contractToString(Contract const& _input);
std::string isabelleTypeString() const;
std::string isabelleValueString() const;
bool coderFunction() const
return m_test == Contract_Test::Contract_Test_CALLDATA_CODER;
enum class Delimiter
/// Enum of possible function types that decode abi
/// encoded parameters.
enum class CalleeType
/// Visitors for various Protobuf types
/// Visit top-level contract specification
void visit(Contract const&);
/// Convert test function specification into Solidity test
/// function
/// @param _testSpec: Protobuf test function specification
/// @param _storageDefs: String containing Solidity assignment
/// statements to be placed inside the scope of the test function.
std::string visit(TestFunction const& _testSpec, std::string const& _storageDefs);
/// Visitors for the remaining protobuf types. They convert
/// the input protobuf specification type into Solidity code.
/// @return A pair of strings, first of which contains Solidity
/// code to be placed inside contract scope, second of which contains
/// Solidity code to be placed inside test function scope.
std::pair<std::string, std::string> visit(VarDecl const&);
std::pair<std::string, std::string> visit(Type const&);
std::pair<std::string, std::string> visit(ValueType const&);
std::pair<std::string, std::string> visit(NonValueType const&);
std::pair<std::string, std::string> visit(BoolType const&);
std::pair<std::string, std::string> visit(IntegerType const&);
std::pair<std::string, std::string> visit(FixedByteType const&);
std::pair<std::string, std::string> visit(AddressType const&);
std::pair<std::string, std::string> visit(DynamicByteArrayType const&);
std::pair<std::string, std::string> visit(ArrayType const&);
std::pair<std::string, std::string> visit(StructType const&);
/// Convert a protobuf type @a _T into Solidity code to be placed
/// inside contract and test function scopes.
/// @param: _type (of parameterized type protobuf type T) is the type
/// of protobuf input to be converted.
/// @param: _isValueType is true if _type is a Solidity value type e.g., uint
/// and false otherwise e.g., string
/// @return: A pair of strings, first of which contains Solidity
/// code to be placed inside contract scope, second of which contains
/// Solidity code to be placed inside test function scope.
template <typename T>
std::pair<std::string, std::string> processType(T const& _type, bool _isValueType);
/// Convert a protobuf type @a _T into Solidity variable assignment and check
/// statements to be placed inside contract and test function scopes.
/// @param: _varName is the name of the Solidity variable
/// @param: _paramName is the name of the Solidity parameter that is passed
/// to the test function
/// @param: _type (of parameterized type protobuf type T) is the type
/// of protobuf input to be converted.
/// @return: A pair of strings, first of which contains Solidity
/// statements to be placed inside contract scope, second of which contains
/// Solidity statements to be placed inside test function scope.
template <typename T>
std::pair<std::string, std::string> assignChecker(
std::string const& _varName,
std::string const& _paramName,
T _type
/// Convert a protobuf type @a _T into Solidity variable declaration statement.
/// @param: _varName is the name of the Solidity variable
/// @param: _paramName is the name of the Solidity parameter that is passed
/// to the test function
/// @param: _type (of parameterized type protobuf type T) is the type
/// of protobuf input to be converted.
/// @param: _isValueType is a boolean that is true if _type is a
/// Solidity value type e.g., uint and false otherwise e.g., string
/// @param: _location is the Solidity location qualifier string to
/// be used inside variable declaration statements
/// @return: A pair of strings, first of which contains Solidity
/// variable declaration statement to be placed inside contract scope,
/// second of which contains Solidity variable declaration statement
/// to be placed inside test function scope.
template <typename T>
std::pair<std::string, std::string> varDecl(
std::string const& _varName,
std::string const& _paramName,
T _type,
bool _isValueType,
std::string const& _location
/// Appends a function parameter to the function parameter stream.
void appendTypedParams(
CalleeType _calleeType,
bool _isValueType,
std::string const& _typeString,
std::string const& _varName,
Delimiter _delimiter
/// Appends a function parameter to the public test function's
/// parameter stream.
void appendTypedParamsPublic(
bool _isValueType,
std::string const& _typeString,
std::string const& _varName,
Delimiter _delimiter = Delimiter::ADD
/// Appends a function parameter to the external test function's
/// parameter stream.
void appendTypedParamsExternal(
bool _isValueType,
std::string const& _typeString,
std::string const& _varName,
Delimiter _delimiter = Delimiter::ADD
/// Append types to typed stream used by returndata coders.
void appendTypes(
bool _isValueType,
std::string const& _typeString,
Delimiter _delimiter
/// Append typed return value.
void appendTypedReturn(
bool _isValueType,
std::string const& _typeString,
Delimiter _delimiter
/// Append type name to type string meant to be
/// passed to Isabelle coder API.
void appendToIsabelleTypeString(
std::string const& _typeString,
Delimiter _delimiter
/// Append @a _valueString to value string meant to be
/// passed to Isabelle coder API.
void appendToIsabelleValueString(
std::string const& _valueString,
Delimiter _delimiter
/// Returns a Solidity variable declaration statement
/// @param _type: string containing Solidity type of the
/// variable to be declared.
/// @param _varName: string containing Solidity variable
/// name
/// @param _qualifier: string containing location where
/// the variable will be placed
std::string getVarDecl(
std::string const& _type,
std::string const& _varName,
std::string const& _qualifier
/// Return checks that are encoded as Solidity if statements
/// as string
std::string equalityChecksAsString();
/// Return comma separated typed function parameters as string
std::string typedParametersAsString(CalleeType _calleeType);
/// Return commonly used Solidity helper functions as string
std::string commonHelperFunctions();
/// Return helper functions used to test calldata coding
std::string calldataHelperFunctions();
/// Return top-level calldata coder test function as string
std::string testCallDataFunction(unsigned _invalidLength);
/// Return top-level returndata coder test function as string
std::string testReturnDataFunction();
/// Return the next variable count that is used for
/// variable naming.
unsigned getNextVarCounter()
return m_varCounter++;
/// Return a pair of names for Solidity variable and the same variable when
/// passed either as a function parameter or used to store the tuple
/// returned from a function.
/// @param _varCounter: name suffix
/// @param _stateVar: predicate that is true for state variables, false otherwise
std::pair<std::string, std::string> newVarNames(unsigned _varCounter, bool _stateVar)
std::string varName = _stateVar ? s_stateVarNamePrefix : s_localVarNamePrefix;
return std::make_pair(
varName + std::to_string(_varCounter),
paramName() + std::to_string(_varCounter)
std::string paramName()
switch (m_test)
case Contract_Test::Contract_Test_CALLDATA_CODER:
return s_paramNamePrefix;
case Contract_Test::Contract_Test_RETURNDATA_CODER:
return s_localVarNamePrefix;
/// Checks if the last dynamically encoded Solidity type is right
/// padded, returning true if it is and false otherwise.
bool isLastDynParamRightPadded()
return m_isLastDynParamRightPadded;
/// Convert delimter to a comma or null string.
static std::string delimiterToString(Delimiter _delimiter, bool _space = true);
/// Contains the test program
std::ostringstream m_output;
/// Contains a subset of the test program. This subset contains
/// checks to be encoded in the test program
std::ostringstream m_checks;
/// Contains typed parameter list to be passed to callee functions
std::ostringstream m_typedParamsExternal;
std::ostringstream m_typedParamsPublic;
/// Contains type string to be passed to Isabelle API
std::ostringstream m_isabelleTypeString;
/// Contains values to be encoded in the format accepted
/// by the Isabelle API.
std::ostringstream m_isabelleValueString;
/// Contains type stream to be used in returndata coder function
/// signature
std::ostringstream m_types;
std::ostringstream m_typedReturn;
/// Argument names to be passed to coder functions
std::ostringstream m_argsCoder;
/// Predicate that is true if we are in contract scope
bool m_isStateVar;
unsigned m_counter;
unsigned m_varCounter;
/// Monotonically increasing return value for error reporting
unsigned m_returnValue;
/// Flag that indicates if last dynamically encoded parameter
/// passed to a function call is of a type that is going to be
/// right padded by the ABI encoder.
bool m_isLastDynParamRightPadded;
/// Struct counter
unsigned m_structCounter;
unsigned m_numStructsAdded;
/// Enum stating abiv2 coder to be tested
Contract_Test m_test;
/// Prefixes for declared and parameterized variable names
static auto constexpr s_localVarNamePrefix = "lv_";
static auto constexpr s_stateVarNamePrefix = "sv_";
static auto constexpr s_paramNamePrefix = "p_";
/// Visitor interface for Solidity protobuf types.
template <typename T>
class AbiV2ProtoVisitor
static unsigned constexpr s_maxArrayDimensions = 3;
virtual ~AbiV2ProtoVisitor() = default;
virtual T visit(BoolType const& _node) = 0;
virtual T visit(IntegerType const& _node) = 0;
virtual T visit(FixedByteType const& _node) = 0;
virtual T visit(AddressType const& _node) = 0;
virtual T visit(DynamicByteArrayType const& _node) = 0;
virtual T visit(ArrayType const& _node) = 0;
virtual T visit(StructType const& _node) = 0;
virtual T visit(ValueType const& _node)
return visitValueType(_node);
virtual T visit(NonValueType const& _node)
return visitNonValueType(_node);
virtual T visit(Type const& _node)
return visitType(_node);
enum class DataType
/// Prefixes for declared and parameterized variable names
static auto constexpr s_structNamePrefix = "S";
// Static function definitions
static bool isValueType(DataType _dataType)
return _dataType == DataType::VALUE;
static unsigned getIntWidth(IntegerType const& _x)
return 8 * ((_x.width() % 32) + 1);
static bool isIntSigned(IntegerType const& _x)
return _x.is_signed();
static std::string getIntTypeAsString(IntegerType const& _x)
return ((isIntSigned(_x) ? "int" : "uint") + std::to_string(getIntWidth(_x)));
static unsigned getFixedByteWidth(FixedByteType const& _x)
return (_x.width() % 32) + 1;
static std::string getFixedByteTypeAsString(FixedByteType const& _x)
return "bytes" + std::to_string(getFixedByteWidth(_x));
// Convert _counter to string and return its keccak256 hash
static u256 hashUnsignedInt(unsigned _counter)
return util::keccak256(util::h256(_counter));
static u256 maskUnsignedInt(unsigned _counter, unsigned _numMaskNibbles)
return hashUnsignedInt(_counter) & u256("0x" + std::string(_numMaskNibbles, 'f'));
// Requires caller to pass number of nibbles (twice the number of bytes) as second argument.
// Note: Don't change HexPrefix::Add. See comment in fixedByteValueAsString().
static std::string maskUnsignedIntToHex(unsigned _counter, unsigned _numMaskNibbles)
return toHex(maskUnsignedInt(_counter, _numMaskNibbles), util::HexPrefix::Add);
/// Dynamically sized arrays can have a length of at least zero
/// and at most s_maxArrayLength.
static unsigned getDynArrayLengthFromFuzz(unsigned _fuzz, unsigned _counter)
// Increment modulo value by one in order to meet upper bound
return (_fuzz + _counter) % (s_maxArrayLength + 1);
/// Statically sized arrays must have a length of at least one
/// and at most s_maxArrayLength.
static unsigned getStaticArrayLengthFromFuzz(unsigned _fuzz)
return _fuzz % s_maxArrayLength + 1;
/// Returns a pseudo-random value for the size of a string/hex
/// literal. Used for creating variable length hex/string literals.
/// @param _counter Monotonically increasing counter value
static unsigned getVarLength(unsigned _counter)
// Since _counter values are usually small, we use
// this linear equation to make the number derived from
// _counter approach a uniform distribution over
// [0, s_maxDynArrayLength]
auto v = (_counter + 879) * 32 % (s_maxDynArrayLength + 1);
/// Always return an even number because Isabelle string
/// values are formatted as hex literals
if (v % 2 == 1)
return v + 1;
return v;
T visitValueType(ValueType const& _type)
switch (_type.value_type_oneof_case())
case ValueType::kInty:
return visit(_type.inty());
case ValueType::kByty:
return visit(_type.byty());
case ValueType::kAdty:
return visit(_type.adty());
case ValueType::kBoolty:
return visit(_type.boolty());
return T();
T visitNonValueType(NonValueType const& _type)
switch (_type.nonvalue_type_oneof_case())
case NonValueType::kDynbytearray:
return visit(_type.dynbytearray());
case NonValueType::kArrtype:
return visit(_type.arrtype());
case NonValueType::kStype:
return visit(_type.stype());
return T();
T visitType(Type const& _type)
switch (_type.type_oneof_case())
case Type::kVtype:
return visit(_type.vtype());
case Type::kNvtype:
return visit(_type.nvtype());
return T();
static unsigned constexpr s_maxArrayLength = 4;
static unsigned constexpr s_maxDynArrayLength = 256;
/// Converts a protobuf type into a Solidity type string.
class TypeVisitor: public AbiV2ProtoVisitor<std::string>
TypeVisitor(unsigned _structSuffix = 0):
std::string visit(BoolType const&) override;
std::string visit(IntegerType const&) override;
std::string visit(FixedByteType const&) override;
std::string visit(AddressType const&) override;
std::string visit(ArrayType const&) override;
std::string visit(DynamicByteArrayType const&) override;
std::string visit(StructType const&) override;
using AbiV2ProtoVisitor<std::string>::visit;
std::string baseType()
return m_baseType;
bool isLastDynParamRightPadded()
return m_isLastDynParamRightPadded;
std::string structDef()
return m_structDef.str();
unsigned numStructs()
return m_structCounter - m_structStartCounter;
static bool arrayOfStruct(ArrayType const& _type)
Type const& baseType = _type.t();
if (baseType.has_nvtype() && baseType.nvtype().has_stype())
return true;
else if (baseType.has_nvtype() && baseType.nvtype().has_arrtype())
return arrayOfStruct(baseType.nvtype().arrtype());
return false;
std::string isabelleTypeString()
return m_structTupleString.stream.str();
struct StructTupleString
StructTupleString() = default;
unsigned index = 0;
std::ostringstream stream;
void start()
stream << "(";
void end()
stream << ")";
void addTypeStringToTuple(std::string& _typeString);
void addArrayBracketToType(std::string& _arrayBracket);
void structDefinition(StructType const&);
std::string indentation()
return std::string(m_indentation * 1, '\t');
std::string lineString(std::string const& _line)
return indentation() + _line + "\n";
std::string m_baseType;
std::ostringstream m_structDef;
/// Utility type for conveniently composing a tuple
/// string for struct types.
StructTupleString m_structTupleString;
unsigned m_indentation;
unsigned m_structCounter;
unsigned m_structStartCounter;
unsigned m_structFieldCounter;
bool m_isLastDynParamRightPadded;
static auto constexpr s_structTypeName = "S";
/// Returns a pair of strings, first of which contains assignment statements
/// to initialize a given type, and second of which contains checks to be
/// placed inside the coder function to test abi en/decoding.
class AssignCheckVisitor: public AbiV2ProtoVisitor<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>
std::string _varName,
std::string _paramName,
unsigned _errorStart,
bool _stateVar,
unsigned _counter,
unsigned _structCounter
m_counter = m_counterStart = _counter;
m_varName = _varName;
m_paramName = _paramName;
m_errorCode = m_errorStart = _errorStart;
m_indentation = 2;
m_stateVar = _stateVar;
m_structCounter = m_structStart = _structCounter;
std::pair<std::string, std::string> visit(BoolType const&) override;
std::pair<std::string, std::string> visit(IntegerType const&) override;
std::pair<std::string, std::string> visit(FixedByteType const&) override;
std::pair<std::string, std::string> visit(AddressType const&) override;
std::pair<std::string, std::string> visit(ArrayType const&) override;
std::pair<std::string, std::string> visit(DynamicByteArrayType const&) override;
std::pair<std::string, std::string> visit(StructType const&) override;
using AbiV2ProtoVisitor<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>::visit;
unsigned errorStmts()
return m_errorCode - m_errorStart;
unsigned counted()
return m_counter - m_counterStart;
unsigned structs()
return m_structCounter - m_structStart;
std::string isabelleValueString()
return m_valueStream.stream.str();
struct ValueStream
ValueStream() = default;
unsigned index = 0;
std::ostringstream stream;
void startStruct()
if (index >= 1)
stream << ",";
index = 0;
stream << "(";
void endStruct()
stream << ")";
void startArray()
if (index >= 1)
stream << ",";
index = 0;
stream << "[";
void endArray()
stream << "]";
void appendValue(std::string& _value);
std::string indentation()
return std::string(m_indentation * 1, '\t');
unsigned counter()
return m_counter++;
std::pair<std::string, std::string> assignAndCheckStringPair(
std::string const& _varRef,
std::string const& _checkRef,
std::string const& _assignValue,
std::string const& _checkValue,
DataType _type
std::string assignString(std::string const&, std::string const&);
std::string checkString(std::string const&, std::string const&, DataType);
unsigned m_counter;
unsigned m_counterStart;
std::string m_varName;
std::string m_paramName;
unsigned m_errorCode;
unsigned m_errorStart;
unsigned m_indentation;
bool m_stateVar;
unsigned m_structCounter;
unsigned m_structStart;
ValueStream m_valueStream;
bool m_forcedVisit = false;
/// Returns a valid value (as a string) for a given type.
class ValueGetterVisitor: AbiV2ProtoVisitor<std::string>
ValueGetterVisitor(unsigned _counter = 0): m_counter(_counter) {}
std::string visit(BoolType const&) override;
std::string visit(IntegerType const&) override;
std::string visit(FixedByteType const&) override;
std::string visit(AddressType const&) override;
std::string visit(DynamicByteArrayType const&) override;
std::string visit(ArrayType const&) override
solAssert(false, "ABIv2 proto fuzzer: Cannot call valuegettervisitor on complex type");
std::string visit(StructType const&) override
solAssert(false, "ABIv2 proto fuzzer: Cannot call valuegettervisitor on complex type");
using AbiV2ProtoVisitor<std::string>::visit;
static std::string isabelleAddressValueAsString(std::string& _solAddressString);
static std::string isabelleBytesValueAsString(std::string& _solFixedBytesString);
unsigned counter()
return m_counter++;
static std::string addressValueAsString(unsigned _counter);
static std::string fixedByteValueAsString(unsigned _width, unsigned _counter);
/// Returns a hex literal if _isHexLiteral is true, a string literal otherwise.
/// The size of the returned literal is _numBytes bytes.
/// @param _decorate If true, the returned string is enclosed within double quotes
/// if _isHexLiteral is false.
/// @param _isHexLiteral If true, the returned string is enclosed within
/// double quotes prefixed by the string "hex" if _decorate is true. If
/// _decorate is false, the returned string is returned as-is.
/// @return hex value as string
static std::string hexValueAsString(
unsigned _numBytes,
unsigned _counter,
bool _isHexLiteral,
bool _decorate = true
/// Returns a hex/string literal of variable length whose value and
/// size are pseudo-randomly determined from the counter value.
/// @param _counter A monotonically increasing counter value
/// @param _isHexLiteral Flag that indicates whether hex (if true) or
/// string literal (false) is desired
/// @return A variable length hex/string value
static std::string bytesArrayValueAsString(unsigned _counter, bool _isHexLiteral);
/// Concatenates the hash value obtained from monotonically increasing counter
/// until the desired number of bytes determined by _numBytes.
/// @param _width Desired number of bytes for hex value
/// @param _counter A counter value used for creating a keccak256 hash
/// @param _isHexLiteral Since this routine may be used to construct
/// string or hex literals, this flag is used to construct a valid output.
/// @return Valid hex or string literal of size _width bytes
static std::string variableLengthValueAsString(
unsigned _width,
unsigned _counter,
bool _isHexLiteral
/// Returns a value that is @a _numBytes bytes long.
/// @param _numBytes: Number of bytes of desired value
/// @param _counter: A counter value
/// @param _isHexLiteral: True if desired value is a hex literal, false otherwise
static std::string croppedString(unsigned _numBytes, unsigned _counter, bool _isHexLiteral);
unsigned m_counter;
/// Returns true if protobuf array specification is well-formed, false otherwise
class ValidityVisitor: AbiV2ProtoVisitor<bool>
ValidityVisitor(): m_arrayDimensions(0) {}
bool visit(BoolType const&) override
return true;
bool visit(IntegerType const&) override
return true;
bool visit(FixedByteType const&) override
return true;
bool visit(AddressType const&) override
return true;
bool visit(DynamicByteArrayType const&) override
return true;
bool visit(ArrayType const& _type) override
// Mark array type as invalid in one of the following is true
// - contains more than s_maxArrayDimensions dimensions
// - contains an invalid base type, which happens in the
// following cases
// - array base type is invalid
// - array base type is empty
if (m_arrayDimensions > s_maxArrayDimensions)
return false;
return visit(_type.t());
bool visit(StructType const& _type) override
// A struct is marked invalid only if all of its fields
// are invalid. This is done to prevent an empty struct
// being defined (which is a Solidity error).
for (auto const& t: _type.t())
if (visit(t))
return true;
return false;
unsigned m_arrayDimensions;
using AbiV2ProtoVisitor<bool>::visit;
/// Returns true if visited type is dynamically encoded by the abi coder,
/// false otherwise.
class DynParamVisitor: AbiV2ProtoVisitor<bool>
DynParamVisitor() = default;
bool visit(BoolType const&) override
return false;
bool visit(IntegerType const&) override
return false;
bool visit(FixedByteType const&) override
return false;
bool visit(AddressType const&) override
return false;
bool visit(DynamicByteArrayType const&) override
return true;
bool visit(ArrayType const& _type) override
// Return early if array spec is not well-formed
if (!ValidityVisitor().visit(_type))
return false;
// Array is dynamically encoded if it at least one of the following is true
// - at least one dimension is dynamically sized
// - base type is dynamically encoded
if (!_type.is_static())
return true;
return visit(_type.t());
bool visit(StructType const& _type) override
// Return early if empty struct
if (!ValidityVisitor().visit(_type))
return false;
// Struct is dynamically encoded if at least one of its fields
// is dynamically encoded.
for (auto const& t: _type.t())
if (visit(t))
return true;
return false;
using AbiV2ProtoVisitor<bool>::visit;