2023-05-11 10:56:55 -05:00

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This file is part of solidity.
solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* EVM execution host, i.e. component that implements a simulated Ethereum blockchain
* for testing purposes.
#pragma once
#include <test/evmc/mocked_host.hpp>
#include <test/evmc/evmc.hpp>
#include <test/evmc/evmc.h>
#include <liblangutil/EVMVersion.h>
#include <libsolutil/FixedHash.h>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
namespace solidity::test
using Address = util::h160;
using StorageMap = std::map<evmc::bytes32, evmc::StorageValue>;
struct EVMPrecompileOutput {
bytes const output;
int64_t gas_used;
class EVMHost: public evmc::MockedHost
// Verbatim features of MockedHost.
using MockedHost::account_exists;
using MockedHost::get_storage;
using MockedHost::set_storage;
using MockedHost::get_balance;
using MockedHost::get_code_size;
using MockedHost::get_code_hash;
using MockedHost::copy_code;
using MockedHost::get_tx_context;
using MockedHost::emit_log;
using MockedHost::access_account;
using MockedHost::access_storage;
// Modified features of MockedHost.
bool selfdestruct(evmc::address const& _addr, evmc::address const& _beneficiary) noexcept final;
evmc::Result call(evmc_message const& _message) noexcept final;
evmc::bytes32 get_block_hash(int64_t number) const noexcept final;
// Solidity testing specific features.
/// Tries to dynamically load an evmc vm supporting evm1 and caches the loaded VM.
/// @returns vmc::VM(nullptr) on failure.
static evmc::VM& getVM(std::string const& _path = {});
/// Tries to load all defined evmc vm shared libraries.
/// @param _vmPaths paths to multiple evmc shared libraries.
/// @throw Exception if multiple evm1 vms where loaded.
/// @returns true, if an evmc vm supporting evm1 was loaded properly,
static bool checkVmPaths(std::vector<boost::filesystem::path> const& _vmPaths);
explicit EVMHost(langutil::EVMVersion _evmVersion, evmc::VM& _vm);
/// Reset entire state (including accounts).
void reset();
/// Start new block.
void newBlock()
tx_context.block_timestamp += 15;
/// @returns contents of storage at @param _addr.
StorageMap const& get_address_storage(evmc::address const& _addr);
static Address convertFromEVMC(evmc::address const& _addr);
static evmc::address convertToEVMC(Address const& _addr);
static util::h256 convertFromEVMC(evmc::bytes32 const& _data);
static evmc::bytes32 convertToEVMC(util::h256 const& _data);
/// Transfer value between accounts. Checks for sufficient balance.
void transfer(evmc::MockedAccount& _sender, evmc::MockedAccount& _recipient, u256 const& _value) noexcept;
/// Start a new transaction frame.
/// This will perform selfdestructs, apply storage status changes across all accounts,
/// and clear account/storage access indicator for EIP-2929.
void newTransactionFrame();
/// Records calls made via @param _message.
void recordCalls(evmc_message const& _message) noexcept;
static evmc::Result precompileECRecover(evmc_message const& _message) noexcept;
static evmc::Result precompileSha256(evmc_message const& _message) noexcept;
static evmc::Result precompileRipeMD160(evmc_message const& _message) noexcept;
static evmc::Result precompileIdentity(evmc_message const& _message) noexcept;
static evmc::Result precompileModExp(evmc_message const& _message) noexcept;
template <evmc_revision Revision>
static evmc::Result precompileALTBN128G1Add(evmc_message const& _message) noexcept;
template <evmc_revision Revision>
static evmc::Result precompileALTBN128G1Mul(evmc_message const& _message) noexcept;
template <evmc_revision Revision>
static evmc::Result precompileALTBN128PairingProduct(evmc_message const& _message) noexcept;
static evmc::Result precompileBlake2f(evmc_message const& _message) noexcept;
static evmc::Result precompileGeneric(evmc_message const& _message, std::map<bytes, EVMPrecompileOutput> const& _inOut) noexcept;
/// @returns a result object with gas usage and result data taken from @a _data.
/// The outcome will be a failure if the limit < required.
/// @note The return value is only valid as long as @a _data is alive!
static evmc::Result resultWithGas(int64_t gas_limit, int64_t gas_required, bytes const& _data) noexcept;
static evmc::Result resultWithFailure() noexcept;
evmc::VM& m_vm;
/// EVM version requested by the testing tool
langutil::EVMVersion m_evmVersion;
/// EVM version requested from EVMC (matches the above)
evmc_revision m_evmRevision;
class EVMHostPrinter
/// Constructs a host printer object for state at @param _address.
explicit EVMHostPrinter(EVMHost& _host, evmc::address _address):
/// @returns state at account maintained by host.
std::string state();
/// Outputs storage at account to stateStream.
void storage();
/// Outputs call records for account to stateStream.
void callRecords();
/// Outputs balance of account to stateStream.
void balance();
/// Outputs self-destruct record for account to stateStream.
void selfdestructRecords();
std::ostringstream m_stateStream;
EVMHost& m_host;
evmc::address m_account;