
254 lines
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This file is part of solidity.
solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with solidity. If not, see <>.
* @author Christian <>
* @date 2015
* Object containing the type and other annotations for the AST nodes.
#pragma once
#include <libsolidity/ast/ASTForward.h>
#include <libsolidity/ast/ASTEnums.h>
#include <libsolidity/ast/ExperimentalFeatures.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
namespace solidity::yul
struct AsmAnalysisInfo;
struct Identifier;
struct Dialect;
namespace solidity::frontend
class Type;
using TypePointer = Type const*;
struct ASTAnnotation
virtual ~ASTAnnotation() = default;
struct DocTag
std::string content; ///< The text content of the tag.
std::string paramName; ///< Only used for @param, stores the parameter name.
struct StructurallyDocumentedAnnotation
virtual ~StructurallyDocumentedAnnotation() = default;
/// Mapping docstring tag name -> content.
std::multimap<std::string, DocTag> docTags;
struct SourceUnitAnnotation: ASTAnnotation
/// The "absolute" (in the compiler sense) path of this source unit.
std::string path;
/// The exported symbols (all global symbols).
std::map<ASTString, std::vector<Declaration const*>> exportedSymbols;
/// Experimental features.
std::set<ExperimentalFeature> experimentalFeatures;
struct ScopableAnnotation
/// The scope this declaration resides in. Can be nullptr if it is the global scope.
/// Available only after name and type resolution step.
ASTNode const* scope = nullptr;
/// Pointer to the contract this declaration resides in. Can be nullptr if the current scope
/// is not part of a contract. Available only after name and type resolution step.
ContractDefinition const* contract = nullptr;
struct DeclarationAnnotation: ASTAnnotation, ScopableAnnotation
struct ImportAnnotation: DeclarationAnnotation
/// The absolute path of the source unit to import.
std::string absolutePath;
/// The actual source unit.
SourceUnit const* sourceUnit = nullptr;
struct TypeDeclarationAnnotation: DeclarationAnnotation
/// The name of this type, prefixed by proper namespaces if globally accessible.
std::string canonicalName;
struct ContractDefinitionAnnotation: TypeDeclarationAnnotation, StructurallyDocumentedAnnotation
/// List of functions without a body. Can also contain functions from base classes.
std::vector<FunctionDefinition const*> unimplementedFunctions;
/// List of all (direct and indirect) base contracts in order from derived to
/// base, including the contract itself.
std::vector<ContractDefinition const*> linearizedBaseContracts;
/// List of contracts this contract creates, i.e. which need to be compiled first.
/// Also includes all contracts from @a linearizedBaseContracts.
std::set<ContractDefinition const*> contractDependencies;
/// Mapping containing the nodes that define the arguments for base constructors.
/// These can either be inheritance specifiers or modifier invocations.
std::map<FunctionDefinition const*, ASTNode const*> baseConstructorArguments;
struct CallableDeclarationAnnotation: DeclarationAnnotation
/// The set of functions/modifiers/events this callable overrides.
std::set<CallableDeclaration const*> baseFunctions;
struct FunctionDefinitionAnnotation: CallableDeclarationAnnotation, StructurallyDocumentedAnnotation
struct EventDefinitionAnnotation: CallableDeclarationAnnotation, StructurallyDocumentedAnnotation
struct ModifierDefinitionAnnotation: CallableDeclarationAnnotation, StructurallyDocumentedAnnotation
struct VariableDeclarationAnnotation: DeclarationAnnotation
/// Type of variable (type of identifier referencing this variable).
TypePointer type = nullptr;
/// The set of functions this (public state) variable overrides.
std::set<CallableDeclaration const*> baseFunctions;
struct StatementAnnotation: ASTAnnotation
struct InlineAssemblyAnnotation: StatementAnnotation
struct ExternalIdentifierInfo
Declaration const* declaration = nullptr;
bool isSlot = false; ///< Whether the storage slot of a variable is queried.
bool isOffset = false; ///< Whether the intra-slot offset of a storage variable is queried.
size_t valueSize = size_t(-1);
/// Mapping containing resolved references to external identifiers and their value size
std::map<yul::Identifier const*, ExternalIdentifierInfo> externalReferences;
/// Information generated during analysis phase.
std::shared_ptr<yul::AsmAnalysisInfo> analysisInfo;
struct BlockAnnotation: StatementAnnotation, ScopableAnnotation
struct TryCatchClauseAnnotation: ASTAnnotation, ScopableAnnotation
struct ForStatementAnnotation: StatementAnnotation, ScopableAnnotation
struct ReturnAnnotation: StatementAnnotation
/// Reference to the return parameters of the function.
ParameterList const* functionReturnParameters = nullptr;
struct TypeNameAnnotation: ASTAnnotation
/// Type declared by this type name, i.e. type of a variable where this type name is used.
/// Set during reference resolution stage.
TypePointer type = nullptr;
struct UserDefinedTypeNameAnnotation: TypeNameAnnotation
/// Referenced declaration, set during reference resolution stage.
Declaration const* referencedDeclaration = nullptr;
/// Stores a reference to the current contract.
/// This is needed because types of base contracts change depending on the context.
ContractDefinition const* contractScope = nullptr;
struct ExpressionAnnotation: ASTAnnotation
/// Inferred type of the expression.
TypePointer type = nullptr;
/// Whether the expression is a constant variable
bool isConstant = false;
/// Whether the expression is pure, i.e. compile-time constant.
bool isPure = false;
/// Whether it is an LValue (i.e. something that can be assigned to).
bool isLValue = false;
/// Whether the expression is used in a context where the LValue is actually required.
bool lValueRequested = false;
/// Types and - if given - names of arguments if the expr. is a function
/// that is called, used for overload resoultion
std::optional<FuncCallArguments> arguments;
struct IdentifierAnnotation: ExpressionAnnotation
/// Referenced declaration, set at latest during overload resolution stage.
Declaration const* referencedDeclaration = nullptr;
/// List of possible declarations it could refer to.
std::vector<Declaration const*> overloadedDeclarations;
struct MemberAccessAnnotation: ExpressionAnnotation
/// Referenced declaration, set at latest during overload resolution stage.
Declaration const* referencedDeclaration = nullptr;
struct BinaryOperationAnnotation: ExpressionAnnotation
/// The common type that is used for the operation, not necessarily the result type (which
/// e.g. for comparisons is bool).
TypePointer commonType = nullptr;
enum class FunctionCallKind
struct FunctionCallAnnotation: ExpressionAnnotation
FunctionCallKind kind = FunctionCallKind::Unset;
/// If true, this is the external call of a try statement.
bool tryCall = false;