
180 lines
3.2 KiB
Protocol Buffer

This file is part of solidity.
solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with solidity. If not, see <>.
syntax = "proto2";
message VarDecl {
required int32 id = 1;
required Expression expr = 2;
message TypedVarDecl {
enum TypeName {
BOOL = 1;
U8 = 2;
U32 = 3;
U64 = 4;
U128 = 5;
U256 = 6;
S8 = 7;
S32 = 8;
S64 = 9;
S128 = 10;
S256 = 11;
required int32 id = 1;
required TypeName type = 2;
required Expression expr = 3;
message VarRef {
required int32 varnum = 1;
message Literal {
oneof literal_oneof {
uint64 intval = 1;
string hexval = 2;
string strval = 3;
message TypedLiteral {
enum TypeName {
BOOL = 1;
U8 = 2;
U32 = 3;
U64 = 4;
U128 = 5;
U256 = 6;
S8 = 7;
S32 = 8;
S64 = 9;
S128 = 10;
S256 = 11;
required int32 val = 1;
required TypeName type = 2;
message BinaryOp {
enum BOp {
ADD = 0;
SUB = 1;
MUL = 2;
DIV = 3;
MOD = 4;
XOR = 5;
AND = 6;
OR = 7;
EQ = 8;
LT = 9;
GT = 10;
SHR = 11;
SHL = 12;
SAR = 13;
SDIV = 14;
SMOD = 15;
EXP = 16;
SLT = 17;
SGT = 18;
BYTE = 19;
SI = 20;
KECCAK = 21;
required BOp op = 1;
required Expression left = 2;
required Expression right = 3;
message UnaryOp {
enum UOp {
NOT = 0;
MLOAD = 1;
SLOAD = 2;
required UOp op = 1;
required Expression operand = 2;
message StoreFunc {
enum Storage {
required Expression loc = 1;
required Expression val = 2;
required Storage st = 3;
message Expression {
oneof expr_oneof {
VarRef varref = 1;
Literal cons = 2;
BinaryOp binop = 3;
UnaryOp unop = 4;
message AssignmentStatement {
required VarRef ref_id = 1;
required Expression expr = 2;
message IfStmt {
required Expression cond = 1;
required Block if_body = 2;
message ForStmt {
required Block for_body = 2;
message CaseStmt {
required Literal case_lit = 1;
required Block case_block = 2;
message SwitchStmt {
required Expression switch_expr = 1;
repeated CaseStmt case_stmt = 2;
optional Block default_block = 3;
message Statement {
oneof stmt_oneof {
VarDecl decl = 1;
AssignmentStatement assignment = 2;
IfStmt ifstmt = 3;
StoreFunc storage_func = 4;
Block blockstmt = 5;
ForStmt forstmt = 6;
SwitchStmt switchstmt = 7;
message Block {
repeated Statement statements = 1;
message Function {
required Block statements = 1;
package yul.test.yul_fuzzer;