2019-09-04 19:13:40 +02:00

293 lines
11 KiB

This file is part of solidity.
solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with solidity. If not, see <>.
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstddef>
#include <string>
#include <ostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <stack>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <tuple>
#include <test/tools/ossfuzz/yulProto.pb.h>
#include <libdevcore/Common.h>
#include <libdevcore/FixedHash.h>
namespace yul
namespace test
namespace yul_fuzzer
class ProtoConverter
m_inForBodyScope = false;
m_inForInitScope = false;
m_numNestedForLoops = 0;
m_counter = 0;
m_inputSize = 0;
m_inFunctionDef = false;
ProtoConverter(ProtoConverter const&) = delete;
ProtoConverter(ProtoConverter&&) = delete;
std::string programToString(Program const& _input);
void visit(BinaryOp const&);
/// Visits a basic block optionally adding @a _funcParams to scope.
/// @param _block Reference to a basic block of yul statements.
/// @param _funcParams List of function parameter names, defaults to
/// an empty vector.
void visit(Block const& _block, std::vector<std::string> _funcParams = {});
std::string visit(Literal const&);
void visit(VarRef const&);
void visit(Expression const&);
void visit(VarDecl const&);
void visit(TypedVarDecl const&);
void visit(UnaryOp const&);
void visit(AssignmentStatement const&);
void visit(IfStmt const&);
void visit(StoreFunc const&);
void visit(Statement const&);
void visit(ForStmt const&);
void visit(BoundedForStmt const&);
void visit(CaseStmt const&);
void visit(SwitchStmt const&);
void visit(TernaryOp const&);
void visit(NullaryOp const&);
void visit(LogFunc const&);
void visit(CopyFunc const&);
void visit(ExtCodeCopy const&);
void visit(StopInvalidStmt const&);
void visit(RetRevStmt const&);
void visit(SelfDestructStmt const&);
void visit(TerminatingStmt const&);
void visit(FunctionCall const&);
void visit(FunctionDef const&);
void visit(PopStmt const&);
void visit(Program const&);
/// Creates a new scope, and adds @a _funcParams to it if it
/// is non-empty.
void openScope(std::vector<std::string> const& _funcParams);
/// Closes current scope
void closeScope();
/// Adds @a _vars to current scope
void addVarsToScope(std::vector<std::string> const& _vars);
std::string createHex(std::string const& _hexBytes);
/// Returns a new variable name.
std::string newVarName()
return "x_" + std::to_string(counter());
/// Accepts an arbitrary string, removes all characters that are neither
/// alphabets nor digits from it and returns the said string.
std::string createAlphaNum(std::string const& _strBytes);
enum class NumFunctionReturns
void visitFunctionInputParams(FunctionCall const&, unsigned);
void createFunctionDefAndCall(FunctionDef const&, unsigned, unsigned);
/// Convert function type to a string to be used while naming a
/// function that is created by a function declaration statement.
/// @param _type Type classified according to the number of
/// values returned by function.
/// @return A string as follows. If _type is
/// None -> "n"
/// Single -> "s"
/// Multiple -> "m"
std::string functionTypeToString(NumFunctionReturns _type);
/// Return true if at least one variable declaration is in scope,
/// false otherwise.
/// @return True in the following cases:
/// - If we are inside a function that has already declared a variable
/// - If there is at least one variable declaration that is
/// in scope
bool varDeclAvailable();
/// Return true if a function call cannot be made, false otherwise.
/// @param _type is an enum denoting the type of function call. It
/// NONE -> Function call does not return a value
/// SINGLE -> Function call returns a single value
/// MULTIDECL -> Function call returns more than one value
/// and it is used to create a multi declaration
/// statement
/// MULTIASSIGN -> Function call returns more than one value
/// and it is used to create a multi assignment
/// statement
/// @return True if the function call cannot be created for one of the
/// following reasons
// - It is a SINGLE function call (we reserve SINGLE functions for
// expressions)
// - It is a MULTIASSIGN function call and we do not have any
// variables available for assignment.
bool functionCallNotPossible(FunctionCall_Returns _type);
/// Checks if function call of type @a _type returns the correct number
/// of values.
/// @param _type Function call type of the function being checked
/// @param _numOutParams Number of values returned by the function
/// being checked
/// @return true if the function returns the correct number of values,
/// false otherwise
bool functionValid(FunctionCall_Returns _type, unsigned _numOutParams);
/// Converts protobuf function call to a yul function call and appends
/// it to output stream.
/// @param _x Protobuf function call
/// @param _name Function name
/// @param _numInParams Number of input arguments accepted by function
/// @param _newLine Flag that prints a new line to the output stream if
/// true. Default value for the flag is true.
void convertFunctionCall(
FunctionCall const& _x,
std::string _name,
unsigned _numInParams,
bool _newLine = true
/// Prints a yul formatted variable declaration statement to the output
/// stream.
/// Example 1: createVarDecls(0, 1, true) returns {"x_0"} and prints
/// let x_0 :=
/// Example 2: createVarDecls(0, 2, false) returns {"x_0", "x_1"} and prints
/// let x_0, x_1
/// @param _start Start index of variable (inclusive)
/// @param _end End index of variable (exclusive)
/// @param _isAssignment Flag indicating if variable declaration is also
/// an assignment. If true, the string " := " follows the variable
/// declaration. Otherwise, a new line is follows the variable
/// declaration.
/// @return A vector of strings containing the variable names used in
/// the declaration statement.
std::vector<std::string> createVarDecls(unsigned _start, unsigned _end, bool _isAssignment);
/// Prints comma separated variable names to output stream and
/// returns a vector containing the printed variable names.
/// Example: createVars(0, 2) returns {"x_0", "x_1"} and prints
/// x_0, x_1
/// @param _startIdx Start index of variable (inclusive)
/// @param _endIdx End index of variable (exclusive)
/// @return A vector of strings containing the printed variable names.
std::vector<std::string> createVars(unsigned _startIdx, unsigned _endIdx);
/// Print the yul syntax to make a call to a function named @a _funcName to
/// the output stream.
/// @param _funcName Name of the function to be called
/// @param _numInParams Number of input parameters in function signature
/// @param _numOutParams Number of output parameters in function signature
void createFunctionCall(std::string _funcName, unsigned _numInParams, unsigned _numOutParams);
/// Print the yul syntax to pass input arguments to a function that has
/// @a _numInParams number of input parameters to the output stream.
/// The input arguments are pseudo-randomly chosen from calldata, memory,
/// storage, or the yul optimizer hex dictionary.
/// @param _numInParams Number of input arguments to fill
void fillFunctionCallInput(unsigned _numInParams);
/// Print the yul syntax to save values returned by a function call
/// to the output stream. The values are either stored to memory or
/// storage based on a simulated coin flip. The saved location is
/// decided pseudo-randomly.
/// @param _varsVec A vector of strings that reference variables
/// holding the return values of a function call.
void saveFunctionCallOutput(std::vector<std::string> const& _varsVec);
/// Register a function declaration
/// @param _f Pointer to a FunctionDef object
void registerFunction(FunctionDef const* _f);
/// Removes entry from m_functionMap and m_functionName
void updateFunctionMaps(std::string const& _x);
/// Returns a pseudo-random dictionary token.
/// @param _p Enum that decides if the returned token is hex prefixed ("0x") or not
/// @return Dictionary token at the index computed using a
/// monotonically increasing counter as follows:
/// index = (m_inputSize * m_inputSize + counter) % dictionarySize
/// where m_inputSize is the size of the protobuf input and
/// dictionarySize is the total number of entries in the dictionary.
std::string dictionaryToken(dev::HexPrefix _p = dev::HexPrefix::Add);
/// Returns a monotonically increasing counter that starts from zero.
unsigned counter()
return m_counter++;
/// Generate function name of the form "foo_<typeSuffix>_<counter>".
/// @param _type Type classified according to the number of
/// values returned by function.
std::string functionName(NumFunctionReturns _type)
return "foo_" + functionTypeToString(_type) + "_" + std::to_string(counter());
std::ostringstream m_output;
/// Variables in current scope
std::stack<std::vector<std::string>> m_scopeVars;
/// Functions in current scope
std::stack<std::vector<std::string>> m_scopeFuncs;
/// Variables
std::vector<std::string> m_variables;
/// Functions
std::vector<std::string> m_functions;
/// Maps FunctionDef object to its name
std::map<FunctionDef const*, std::string> m_functionDefMap;
// Set that is used for deduplicating switch case literals
std::stack<std::set<dev::u256>> m_switchLiteralSetPerScope;
// Look-up table per function type that holds the number of input (output) function parameters
std::map<std::string, std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>> m_functionSigMap;
// mod input/output parameters impose an upper bound on the number of input/output parameters a function may have.
static unsigned constexpr s_modInputParams = 5;
static unsigned constexpr s_modOutputParams = 5;
/// Predicate to keep track of for body scope. If true, break/continue
/// statements can not be created.
bool m_inForBodyScope;
// Index used for naming loop variable of bounded for loops
unsigned m_numNestedForLoops;
/// Predicate to keep track of for loop init scope. If true, variable
/// or function declarations can not be created.
bool m_inForInitScope;
/// Monotonically increasing counter
unsigned m_counter;
/// Size of protobuf input
unsigned m_inputSize;
/// Predicate that is true if inside function definition, false otherwise
bool m_inFunctionDef;