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Exclude list for AST JSON tests Fix type inference shellcheck failure Disable shellcheck SC2086
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This file is part of solidity.
solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with solidity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* @author Christian <c@ethdev.com>
* @author Gav Wood <g@ethdev.com>
* @date 2014
* Full-stack compiler that converts a source code string to bytecode.
#pragma once
#include <libsolidity/analysis/FunctionCallGraph.h>
#include <libsolidity/interface/ReadFile.h>
#include <libsolidity/interface/ImportRemapper.h>
#include <libsolidity/interface/OptimiserSettings.h>
#include <libsolidity/interface/Version.h>
#include <libsolidity/interface/DebugSettings.h>
#include <libsolidity/formal/ModelCheckerSettings.h>
#include <libsmtutil/SolverInterface.h>
#include <liblangutil/CharStreamProvider.h>
#include <liblangutil/DebugInfoSelection.h>
#include <liblangutil/ErrorReporter.h>
#include <liblangutil/EVMVersion.h>
#include <liblangutil/SourceLocation.h>
#include <libevmasm/LinkerObject.h>
#include <libsolutil/Common.h>
#include <libsolutil/FixedHash.h>
#include <libsolutil/LazyInit.h>
#include <json/json.h>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace solidity::langutil
class CharStream;
namespace solidity::evmasm
class Assembly;
class AssemblyItem;
using AssemblyItems = std::vector<AssemblyItem>;
namespace solidity::frontend
// forward declarations
class ASTNode;
class ContractDefinition;
class FunctionDefinition;
class SourceUnit;
class Compiler;
class GlobalContext;
class Natspec;
class DeclarationContainer;
namespace experimental
class Analysis;
* Easy to use and self-contained Solidity compiler with as few header dependencies as possible.
* It holds state and can be used to either step through the compilation stages (and abort e.g.
* before compilation to bytecode) or run the whole compilation in one call.
class CompilerStack: public langutil::CharStreamProvider
/// Noncopyable.
CompilerStack(CompilerStack const&) = delete;
CompilerStack& operator=(CompilerStack const&) = delete;
enum State {
enum class MetadataFormat {
enum class MetadataHash {
enum class CompilationSourceType {
/// Regular compilation from Solidity source files.
/// Compilation from an imported Solidity AST.
/// Creates a new compiler stack.
/// @param _readFile callback used to read files for import statements. Must return
/// and must not emit exceptions.
explicit CompilerStack(ReadCallback::Callback _readFile = ReadCallback::Callback());
~CompilerStack() override;
/// @returns the list of errors that occurred during parsing and type checking.
langutil::ErrorList const& errors() const { return m_errorReporter.errors(); }
/// @returns the current state.
State state() const { return m_stackState; }
/// Resets the compiler to an empty state. Unless @a _keepSettings is set to true,
/// all settings are reset as well.
void reset(bool _keepSettings = false);
/// Sets path remappings.
/// Must be set before parsing.
void setRemappings(std::vector<ImportRemapper::Remapping> _remappings);
/// Sets library addresses. Addresses are cleared iff @a _libraries is missing.
/// Must be set before parsing.
void setLibraries(std::map<std::string, util::h160> const& _libraries = {});
/// Changes the optimiser settings.
/// Must be set before parsing.
void setOptimiserSettings(bool _optimize, size_t _runs = OptimiserSettings{}.expectedExecutionsPerDeployment);
/// Changes the optimiser settings.
/// Must be set before parsing.
void setOptimiserSettings(OptimiserSettings _settings);
/// Sets whether to strip revert strings, add additional strings or do nothing at all.
void setRevertStringBehaviour(RevertStrings _revertStrings);
/// Sets the pipeline to go through the Yul IR or not.
/// Must be set before parsing.
void setViaIR(bool _viaIR);
/// Set the EVM version used before running compile.
/// When called without an argument it will revert to the default version.
/// Must be set before parsing.
void setEVMVersion(langutil::EVMVersion _version = langutil::EVMVersion{});
/// Set the EOF version used before running compile.
/// If set to std::nullopt (the default), legacy non-EOF bytecode is generated.
void setEOFVersion(std::optional<uint8_t> version);
/// Set model checker settings.
void setModelCheckerSettings(ModelCheckerSettings _settings);
/// Sets the requested contract names by source.
/// If empty, no filtering is performed and every contract
/// found in the supplied sources is compiled.
/// Names are cleared iff @a _contractNames is missing.
void setRequestedContractNames(std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string>> const& _contractNames = std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string>>{})
m_requestedContractNames = _contractNames;
/// Enable EVM Bytecode generation. This is enabled by default.
void enableEvmBytecodeGeneration(bool _enable = true) { m_generateEvmBytecode = _enable; }
/// Enable generation of Yul IR code.
void enableIRGeneration(bool _enable = true) { m_generateIR = _enable; }
/// @arg _metadataLiteralSources When true, store sources as literals in the contract metadata.
/// Must be set before parsing.
void useMetadataLiteralSources(bool _metadataLiteralSources);
/// Sets whether and which hash should be used
/// to store the metadata in the bytecode.
/// @param _metadataHash can be IPFS, Bzzr1, None
void setMetadataHash(MetadataHash _metadataHash);
/// Select components of debug info that should be included in comments in generated assembly.
void selectDebugInfo(langutil::DebugInfoSelection _debugInfoSelection);
/// Sets the sources. Must be set before parsing.
void setSources(StringMap _sources);
/// Adds a response to an SMTLib2 query (identified by the hash of the query input).
/// Must be set before parsing.
void addSMTLib2Response(util::h256 const& _hash, std::string const& _response);
/// Parses all source units that were added
/// @returns false on error.
bool parse();
/// Imports given SourceUnits so they can be analyzed. Leads to the same internal state as parse().
/// Will throw errors if the import fails
void importASTs(std::map<std::string, Json::Value> const& _sources);
/// Performs the analysis steps (imports, scopesetting, syntaxCheck, referenceResolving,
/// typechecking, staticAnalysis) on previously parsed sources.
/// @returns false on error.
bool analyze();
/// Perform the analysis steps of legacy language mode.
/// @returns false on error.
bool analyzeLegacy(bool _noErrorsSoFar);
/// Perform the analysis steps of experimental language mode.
/// @returns false on error.
bool analyzeExperimental();
/// Parses and analyzes all source units that were added
/// @returns false on error.
bool parseAndAnalyze(State _stopAfter = State::CompilationSuccessful);
/// Compiles the source units that were previously added and parsed.
/// @returns false on error.
bool compile(State _stopAfter = State::CompilationSuccessful);
/// Checks whether experimental analysis is on; used in SyntaxTests to skip compilation in case it's ``true``.
/// @returns true if experimental analysis is set
bool isExperimentalAnalysis() const
return !!m_experimentalAnalysis;
/// @returns the list of sources (paths) used
std::vector<std::string> sourceNames() const;
/// @returns a mapping assigning each source name its index inside the vector returned
/// by sourceNames().
std::map<std::string, unsigned> sourceIndices() const;
/// @returns the previously used character stream, useful for counting lines during error reporting.
langutil::CharStream const& charStream(std::string const& _sourceName) const override;
/// @returns the parsed source unit with the supplied name.
SourceUnit const& ast(std::string const& _sourceName) const;
/// @returns the parsed contract with the supplied name. Throws an exception if the contract
/// does not exist.
ContractDefinition const& contractDefinition(std::string const& _contractName) const;
/// @returns a list of unhandled queries to the SMT solver (has to be supplied in a second run
/// by calling @a addSMTLib2Response).
std::vector<std::string> const& unhandledSMTLib2Queries() const { return m_unhandledSMTLib2Queries; }
/// @returns a list of the contract names in the sources.
std::vector<std::string> contractNames() const;
/// @returns the name of the last contract. If _sourceName is defined the last contract of that source will be returned.
std::string const lastContractName(std::optional<std::string> const& _sourceName = std::nullopt) const;
/// @returns either the contract's name or a mixture of its name and source file, sanitized for filesystem use
std::string const filesystemFriendlyName(std::string const& _contractName) const;
/// @returns the IR representation of a contract.
std::string const& yulIR(std::string const& _contractName) const;
/// @returns the IR representation of a contract AST in format.
Json::Value const& yulIRAst(std::string const& _contractName) const;
/// @returns the optimized IR representation of a contract.
std::string const& yulIROptimized(std::string const& _contractName) const;
/// @returns the optimized IR representation of a contract AST in JSON format.
Json::Value const& yulIROptimizedAst(std::string const& _contractName) const;
/// @returns the assembled object for a contract.
evmasm::LinkerObject const& object(std::string const& _contractName) const;
/// @returns the runtime object for the contract.
evmasm::LinkerObject const& runtimeObject(std::string const& _contractName) const;
/// @returns normal contract assembly items
evmasm::AssemblyItems const* assemblyItems(std::string const& _contractName) const;
/// @returns runtime contract assembly items
evmasm::AssemblyItems const* runtimeAssemblyItems(std::string const& _contractName) const;
/// @returns an array containing all utility sources generated during compilation.
/// Format: [ { name: string, id: number, language: "Yul", contents: string }, ... ]
Json::Value generatedSources(std::string const& _contractName, bool _runtime = false) const;
/// @returns the string that provides a mapping between bytecode and sourcecode or a nullptr
/// if the contract does not (yet) have bytecode.
std::string const* sourceMapping(std::string const& _contractName) const;
/// @returns the string that provides a mapping between runtime bytecode and sourcecode.
/// if the contract does not (yet) have bytecode.
std::string const* runtimeSourceMapping(std::string const& _contractName) const;
/// @return a verbose text representation of the assembly.
/// @arg _sourceCodes is the map of input files to source code strings
/// Prerequisite: Successful compilation.
std::string assemblyString(std::string const& _contractName, StringMap const& _sourceCodes = StringMap()) const;
/// @returns a JSON representation of the assembly.
/// @arg _sourceCodes is the map of input files to source code strings
/// Prerequisite: Successful compilation.
Json::Value assemblyJSON(std::string const& _contractName) const;
/// @returns a JSON representing the contract ABI.
/// Prerequisite: Successful call to parse or compile.
Json::Value const& contractABI(std::string const& _contractName) const;
/// @returns a JSON representing the storage layout of the contract.
/// Prerequisite: Successful call to parse or compile.
Json::Value const& storageLayout(std::string const& _contractName) const;
/// @returns a JSON representing the contract's user documentation.
/// Prerequisite: Successful call to parse or compile.
Json::Value const& natspecUser(std::string const& _contractName) const;
/// @returns a JSON representing the contract's developer documentation.
/// Prerequisite: Successful call to parse or compile.
Json::Value const& natspecDev(std::string const& _contractName) const;
/// @returns a JSON object with the three members ``methods``, ``events``, ``errors``. Each is a map, mapping identifiers (hashes) to function names.
Json::Value interfaceSymbols(std::string const& _contractName) const;
/// @returns the Contract Metadata matching the pipeline selected using the viaIR setting.
std::string const& metadata(std::string const& _contractName) const { return metadata(contract(_contractName)); }
/// @returns the CBOR-encoded metadata matching the pipeline selected using the viaIR setting.
bytes cborMetadata(std::string const& _contractName) const { return cborMetadata(_contractName, m_viaIR); }
/// @returns the CBOR-encoded metadata.
/// @param _forIR If true, the metadata for the IR codegen is used. Otherwise it's the metadata
/// for the EVM codegen
bytes cborMetadata(std::string const& _contractName, bool _forIR) const;
/// @returns a JSON representing the estimated gas usage for contract creation, internal and external functions
Json::Value gasEstimates(std::string const& _contractName) const;
/// Changes the format of the metadata appended at the end of the bytecode.
void setMetadataFormat(MetadataFormat _metadataFormat) { m_metadataFormat = _metadataFormat; }
static MetadataFormat defaultMetadataFormat()
return VersionIsRelease ? MetadataFormat::WithReleaseVersionTag : MetadataFormat::WithPrereleaseVersionTag;
/// The state per source unit. Filled gradually during parsing.
struct Source
std::shared_ptr<langutil::CharStream> charStream;
std::shared_ptr<SourceUnit> ast;
util::h256 mutable keccak256HashCached;
util::h256 mutable swarmHashCached;
std::string mutable ipfsUrlCached;
void reset() { *this = Source(); }
util::h256 const& keccak256() const;
util::h256 const& swarmHash() const;
std::string const& ipfsUrl() const;
/// The state per contract. Filled gradually during compilation.
struct Contract
ContractDefinition const* contract = nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<Compiler> compiler;
std::shared_ptr<evmasm::Assembly> evmAssembly;
std::shared_ptr<evmasm::Assembly> evmRuntimeAssembly;
evmasm::LinkerObject object; ///< Deployment object (includes the runtime sub-object).
evmasm::LinkerObject runtimeObject; ///< Runtime object.
std::string yulIR; ///< Yul IR code.
std::string yulIROptimized; ///< Optimized Yul IR code.
Json::Value yulIRAst; ///< JSON AST of Yul IR code.
Json::Value yulIROptimizedAst; ///< JSON AST of optimized Yul IR code.
util::LazyInit<std::string const> metadata; ///< The metadata json that will be hashed into the chain.
util::LazyInit<Json::Value const> abi;
util::LazyInit<Json::Value const> storageLayout;
util::LazyInit<Json::Value const> userDocumentation;
util::LazyInit<Json::Value const> devDocumentation;
util::LazyInit<Json::Value const> generatedSources;
util::LazyInit<Json::Value const> runtimeGeneratedSources;
mutable std::optional<std::string const> sourceMapping;
mutable std::optional<std::string const> runtimeSourceMapping;
void createAndAssignCallGraphs();
void findAndReportCyclicContractDependencies();
/// Loads the missing sources from @a _ast (named @a _path) using the callback
/// @a m_readFile
/// @returns the newly loaded sources.
StringMap loadMissingSources(SourceUnit const& _ast);
std::string applyRemapping(std::string const& _path, std::string const& _context);
bool resolveImports();
/// Store the contract definitions in m_contracts.
void storeContractDefinitions();
/// Annotate internal dispatch function Ids
void annotateInternalFunctionIDs();
/// @returns true if the source is requested to be compiled.
bool isRequestedSource(std::string const& _sourceName) const;
/// @returns true if the contract is requested to be compiled.
bool isRequestedContract(ContractDefinition const& _contract) const;
/// Assembles the contract.
/// This function should only be internally called by compileContract and generateEVMFromIR.
void assembleYul(
ContractDefinition const& _contract,
std::shared_ptr<evmasm::Assembly> _assembly,
std::shared_ptr<evmasm::Assembly> _runtimeAssembly
/// Compile a single contract.
/// @param _otherCompilers provides access to compilers of other contracts, to get
/// their bytecode if needed. Only filled after they have been compiled.
void compileContract(
ContractDefinition const& _contract,
std::map<ContractDefinition const*, std::shared_ptr<Compiler const>>& _otherCompilers
/// Generate Yul IR for a single contract.
/// The IR is stored but otherwise unused.
void generateIR(ContractDefinition const& _contract);
/// Generate EVM representation for a single contract.
/// Depends on output generated by generateIR.
void generateEVMFromIR(ContractDefinition const& _contract);
/// Links all the known library addresses in the available objects. Any unknown
/// library will still be kept as an unlinked placeholder in the objects.
void link();
/// @returns the contract object for the given @a _contractName.
/// Can only be called after state is CompilationSuccessful.
Contract const& contract(std::string const& _contractName) const;
/// @returns the source object for the given @a _sourceName.
/// Can only be called after state is SourcesSet.
Source const& source(std::string const& _sourceName) const;
/// @param _forIR If true, include a flag that indicates that the bytecode comes from IR codegen.
/// @returns the metadata JSON as a compact string for the given contract.
std::string createMetadata(Contract const& _contract, bool _forIR) const;
/// @returns the metadata CBOR for the given serialised metadata JSON.
/// @param _forIR If true, use the metadata for the IR codegen. Otherwise the one for EVM codegen.
bytes createCBORMetadata(Contract const& _contract, bool _forIR) const;
/// @returns the contract ABI as a JSON object.
/// This will generate the JSON object and store it in the Contract object if it is not present yet.
Json::Value const& contractABI(Contract const&) const;
/// @returns the storage layout of the contract as a JSON object.
/// This will generate the JSON object and store it in the Contract object if it is not present yet.
Json::Value const& storageLayout(Contract const&) const;
/// @returns the Natspec User documentation as a JSON object.
/// This will generate the JSON object and store it in the Contract object if it is not present yet.
Json::Value const& natspecUser(Contract const&) const;
/// @returns the Natspec Developer documentation as a JSON object.
/// This will generate the JSON object and store it in the Contract object if it is not present yet.
Json::Value const& natspecDev(Contract const&) const;
/// @returns the Contract Metadata matching the pipeline selected using the viaIR setting.
/// This will generate the metadata and store it in the Contract object if it is not present yet.
std::string const& metadata(Contract const& _contract) const;
/// @returns the offset of the entry point of the given function into the list of assembly items
/// or zero if it is not found or does not exist.
size_t functionEntryPoint(
std::string const& _contractName,
FunctionDefinition const& _function
) const;
ReadCallback::Callback m_readFile;
OptimiserSettings m_optimiserSettings;
RevertStrings m_revertStrings = RevertStrings::Default;
State m_stopAfter = State::CompilationSuccessful;
bool m_viaIR = false;
langutil::EVMVersion m_evmVersion;
std::optional<uint8_t> m_eofVersion;
ModelCheckerSettings m_modelCheckerSettings;
std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string>> m_requestedContractNames;
bool m_generateEvmBytecode = true;
bool m_generateIR = false;
std::map<std::string, util::h160> m_libraries;
ImportRemapper m_importRemapper;
std::map<std::string const, Source> m_sources;
std::optional<int64_t> m_maxAstId;
std::vector<std::string> m_unhandledSMTLib2Queries;
std::map<util::h256, std::string> m_smtlib2Responses;
std::shared_ptr<GlobalContext> m_globalContext;
std::vector<Source const*> m_sourceOrder;
std::map<std::string const, Contract> m_contracts;
langutil::ErrorList m_errorList;
langutil::ErrorReporter m_errorReporter;
std::unique_ptr<experimental::Analysis> m_experimentalAnalysis;
bool m_metadataLiteralSources = false;
MetadataHash m_metadataHash = MetadataHash::IPFS;
langutil::DebugInfoSelection m_debugInfoSelection = langutil::DebugInfoSelection::Default();
State m_stackState = Empty;
CompilationSourceType m_compilationSourceType = CompilationSourceType::Solidity;
MetadataFormat m_metadataFormat = defaultMetadataFormat();