
63 lines
1.9 KiB

"component": "general",
"errorCode": "1218",
"formattedMessage": "Warning: CHC: Error trying to invoke SMT solver.
--> A:7:15:
7 | \t\t\t\t\t\treturn (a / b, a % b);
| \t\t\t\t\t\t ^^^^^
"message": "CHC: Error trying to invoke SMT solver.",
"severity": "warning",
"end": 182,
"file": "A",
"start": 177
"type": "Warning"
"component": "general",
"errorCode": "1218",
"formattedMessage": "Warning: CHC: Error trying to invoke SMT solver.
--> A:7:22:
7 | \t\t\t\t\t\treturn (a / b, a % b);
| \t\t\t\t\t\t ^^^^^
"message": "CHC: Error trying to invoke SMT solver.",
"severity": "warning",
"end": 189,
"file": "A",
"start": 184
"type": "Warning"
"component": "general",
"errorCode": "5840",
"formattedMessage": "Warning: CHC: 2 verification condition(s) could not be proved. Enable the model checker option \"show unproved\" to see all of them. Consider choosing a specific contract to be verified in order to reduce the solving problems. Consider increasing the timeout per query.
"message": "CHC: 2 verification condition(s) could not be proved. Enable the model checker option \"show unproved\" to see all of them. Consider choosing a specific contract to be verified in order to reduce the solving problems. Consider increasing the timeout per query.",
"severity": "warning",
"type": "Warning"
"id": 0