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synced 2023-10-03 13:03:40 +00:00
- Currently many files have .sol extension because originally the test script required it but this has changed some time ago.
118 lines
3.8 KiB
118 lines
3.8 KiB
======= evm_to_wasm/input.yul (Ewasm) =======
Pretty printed source:
object "object" {
code { { sstore(0, 1) } }
Translated source:
object "object" {
code {
function main()
let _1 := 0
mstore_internal(0:i32, _1, _1, _1, _1)
mstore_internal(32:i32, _1, _1, _1, 1)
eth.storageStore(0:i32, 32:i32)
function endian_swap_16(x) -> y
y := i64.or(i64.and(i64.shl(x, 8), 0xff00), i64.and(i64.shr_u(x, 8), 0xff))
function endian_swap_32(x) -> y
let hi := i64.shl(endian_swap_16(x), 16)
y := i64.or(hi, endian_swap_16(i64.shr_u(x, 16)))
function endian_swap(x) -> y
let hi := i64.shl(endian_swap_32(x), 32)
y := i64.or(hi, endian_swap_32(i64.shr_u(x, 32)))
function mstore_internal(pos:i32, y1, y2, y3, y4)
i64.store(pos, endian_swap(y1))
i64.store(i32.add(pos, 8:i32), endian_swap(y2))
i64.store(i32.add(pos, 16:i32), endian_swap(y3))
i64.store(i32.add(pos, 24:i32), endian_swap(y4))
Binary representation:
Text representation:
(import "ethereum" "storageStore" (func $eth.storageStore (param i32 i32)))
(memory $memory (export "memory") 1)
(export "main" (func $main))
(func $main
(local $_1 i64)
(block $label_
(local.set $_1 (i64.const 0))
(call $mstore_internal (i32.const 0) (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1))
(call $mstore_internal (i32.const 32) (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1) (local.get $_1) (i64.const 1))
(call $eth.storageStore (i32.const 0) (i32.const 32))
(func $endian_swap_16
(param $x i64)
(result i64)
(local $y i64)
(block $label__1
(local.set $y (i64.or (i64.and (i64.shl (local.get $x) (i64.const 8)) (i64.const 65280)) (i64.and (i64.shr_u (local.get $x) (i64.const 8)) (i64.const 255))))
(local.get $y)
(func $endian_swap_32
(param $x i64)
(result i64)
(local $y i64)
(local $hi i64)
(block $label__2
(local.set $hi (i64.shl (call $endian_swap_16 (local.get $x)) (i64.const 16)))
(local.set $y (i64.or (local.get $hi) (call $endian_swap_16 (i64.shr_u (local.get $x) (i64.const 16)))))
(local.get $y)
(func $endian_swap
(param $x i64)
(result i64)
(local $y i64)
(local $hi i64)
(block $label__3
(local.set $hi (i64.shl (call $endian_swap_32 (local.get $x)) (i64.const 32)))
(local.set $y (i64.or (local.get $hi) (call $endian_swap_32 (i64.shr_u (local.get $x) (i64.const 32)))))
(local.get $y)
(func $mstore_internal
(param $pos i32)
(param $y1 i64)
(param $y2 i64)
(param $y3 i64)
(param $y4 i64)
(block $label__4
(i64.store (local.get $pos) (call $endian_swap (local.get $y1)))
(i64.store (i32.add (local.get $pos) (i32.const 8)) (call $endian_swap (local.get $y2)))
(i64.store (i32.add (local.get $pos) (i32.const 16)) (call $endian_swap (local.get $y3)))
(i64.store (i32.add (local.get $pos) (i32.const 24)) (call $endian_swap (local.get $y4)))