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This file is part of solidity.
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it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
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but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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* Dialects for Wasm.
#include <libyul/backends/wasm/WasmDialect.h>
#include <libyul/Exceptions.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace solidity::yul;
YulString i64 = "i64"_yulstring;
YulString i32 = "i32"_yulstring;
defaultType = i64;
boolType = i32;
types = {i64, i32};
for (auto t: types)
for (auto const& name: {
// TODO: div_s
// TODO: rem_s
// TODO: shr_s
// TODO: rotl
// TODO: rotr
addFunction(t.str() + "." + name, {t, t}, {t});
for (auto t: types)
for (auto const& name: {
// TODO: lt_s
// TODO: gt_s
// TODO: le_s
// TODO: ge_s
addFunction(t.str() + "." + name, {t, t}, {i32});
addFunction("i32.eqz", {i32}, {i32});
addFunction("i64.eqz", {i64}, {i32});
for (auto t: types)
for (auto const& name: {
addFunction(t.str() + "." + name, {t}, {t});
addFunction("i32.wrap_i64", {i64}, {i32});
addFunction("i64.extend_i32_u", {i32}, {i64});
addFunction("i32.store", {i32, i32}, {}, false);
m_functions["i32.store"_yulstring].sideEffects.invalidatesStorage = false;
addFunction("i64.store", {i32, i64}, {}, false);
m_functions["i64.store"_yulstring].sideEffects.invalidatesStorage = false;
// TODO: add i32.store16, i64.store8, i64.store16, i64.store32
addFunction("i32.store8", {i32, i32}, {}, false);
m_functions["i32.store8"_yulstring].sideEffects.invalidatesStorage = false;
addFunction("i64.store8", {i32, i64}, {}, false);
m_functions["i64.store8"_yulstring].sideEffects.invalidatesStorage = false;
addFunction("i32.load", {i32}, {i32}, false);
m_functions["i32.load"_yulstring].sideEffects.invalidatesStorage = false;
m_functions["i32.load"_yulstring].sideEffects.invalidatesMemory = false;
m_functions["i32.load"_yulstring].sideEffects.sideEffectFree = true;
m_functions["i32.load"_yulstring].sideEffects.sideEffectFreeIfNoMSize = true;
addFunction("i64.load", {i32}, {i64}, false);
m_functions["i64.load"_yulstring].sideEffects.invalidatesStorage = false;
m_functions["i64.load"_yulstring].sideEffects.invalidatesMemory = false;
m_functions["i64.load"_yulstring].sideEffects.sideEffectFree = true;
m_functions["i64.load"_yulstring].sideEffects.sideEffectFreeIfNoMSize = true;
// TODO: add i32.load8, i32.load16, i64.load8, i64.load16, i64.load32
// Drop is actually overloaded for all types, but Yul does not support that.
// Because of that, we introduce "i32.drop" and "i64.drop".
addFunction("i32.drop", {i32}, {});
addFunction("i64.drop", {i64}, {});
addFunction("nop", {}, {});
addFunction("unreachable", {}, {}, false);
m_functions["unreachable"_yulstring].sideEffects.invalidatesStorage = false;
m_functions["unreachable"_yulstring].sideEffects.invalidatesMemory = false;
m_functions["unreachable"_yulstring].controlFlowSideEffects.terminates = true;
m_functions["unreachable"_yulstring].controlFlowSideEffects.reverts = true;
addFunction("datasize", {i64}, {i64}, true, {true});
addFunction("dataoffset", {i64}, {i64}, true, {true});
BuiltinFunction const* WasmDialect::builtin(YulString _name) const
auto it = m_functions.find(_name);
if (it != m_functions.end())
return &it->second;
return nullptr;
BuiltinFunction const* WasmDialect::discardFunction(YulString _type) const
if (_type == "i32"_yulstring)
return builtin("i32.drop"_yulstring);
yulAssert(_type == "i64"_yulstring, "");
return builtin("i64.drop"_yulstring);
BuiltinFunction const* WasmDialect::equalityFunction(YulString _type) const
if (_type == "i32"_yulstring)
return builtin("i32.eq"_yulstring);
yulAssert(_type == "i64"_yulstring, "");
return builtin("i64.eq"_yulstring);
WasmDialect const& WasmDialect::instance()
static std::unique_ptr<WasmDialect> dialect;
static YulStringRepository::ResetCallback callback{[&] { dialect.reset(); }};
if (!dialect)
dialect = make_unique<WasmDialect>();
return *dialect;
void WasmDialect::addEthereumExternals()
// These are not YulStrings because that would be too complicated with regards
// to the YulStringRepository reset.
static string const i64{"i64"};
static string const i32{"i32"};
static string const i32ptr{"i32"}; // Uses "i32" on purpose.
struct External
string name;
vector<string> parameters;
vector<string> returns;
ControlFlowSideEffects controlFlowSideEffects = ControlFlowSideEffects{};
static vector<External> externals{
{"getAddress", {i32ptr}, {}},
{"getExternalBalance", {i32ptr, i32ptr}, {}},
{"getBlockHash", {i64, i32ptr}, {i32}},
{"call", {i64, i32ptr, i32ptr, i32ptr, i32}, {i32}},
{"callDataCopy", {i32ptr, i32, i32}, {}},
{"getCallDataSize", {}, {i32}},
{"callCode", {i64, i32ptr, i32ptr, i32ptr, i32}, {i32}},
{"callDelegate", {i64, i32ptr, i32ptr, i32}, {i32}},
{"callStatic", {i64, i32ptr, i32ptr, i32}, {i32}},
{"storageStore", {i32ptr, i32ptr}, {}},
{"storageLoad", {i32ptr, i32ptr}, {}},
{"getCaller", {i32ptr}, {}},
{"getCallValue", {i32ptr}, {}},
{"codeCopy", {i32ptr, i32, i32}, {}},
{"getCodeSize", {}, {i32}},
{"getBlockCoinbase", {i32ptr}, {}},
{"create", {i32ptr, i32ptr, i32, i32ptr}, {i32}},
{"getBlockDifficulty", {i32ptr}, {}},
{"externalCodeCopy", {i32ptr, i32ptr, i32, i32}, {}},
{"getExternalCodeSize", {i32ptr}, {i32}},
{"getGasLeft", {}, {i64}},
{"getBlockGasLimit", {}, {i64}},
{"getTxGasPrice", {i32ptr}, {}},
{"log", {i32ptr, i32, i32, i32ptr, i32ptr, i32ptr, i32ptr}, {}},
{"getBlockNumber", {}, {i64}},
{"getTxOrigin", {i32ptr}, {}},
{"finish", {i32ptr, i32}, {}, ControlFlowSideEffects{true, false}},
{"revert", {i32ptr, i32}, {}, ControlFlowSideEffects{true, true}},
{"getReturnDataSize", {}, {i32}},
{"returnDataCopy", {i32ptr, i32, i32}, {}},
{"selfDestruct", {i32ptr}, {}, ControlFlowSideEffects{true, false}},
{"getBlockTimestamp", {}, {i64}}
for (External const& ext: externals)
YulString name{"eth." + ext.name};
BuiltinFunction& f = m_functions[name];
f.name = name;
for (string const& p: ext.parameters)
for (string const& p: ext.returns)
// TODO some of them are side effect free.
f.sideEffects = SideEffects::worst();
f.controlFlowSideEffects = ext.controlFlowSideEffects;
f.isMSize = false;
f.sideEffects.invalidatesStorage = (ext.name == "storageStore");
void WasmDialect::addFunction(
string _name,
vector<YulString> _params,
vector<YulString> _returns,
bool _movable,
std::vector<bool> _literalArguments
YulString name{move(_name)};
BuiltinFunction& f = m_functions[name];
f.name = name;
f.parameters = std::move(_params);
yulAssert(_returns.size() <= 1, "The Wasm 1.0 specification only allows up to 1 return value.");
f.returns = std::move(_returns);
f.sideEffects = _movable ? SideEffects{} : SideEffects::worst();
f.isMSize = false;
if (!_literalArguments.empty())
f.literalArguments = std::move(_literalArguments);