2022-02-22 18:11:42 +01:00

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This file is part of solidity.
solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with solidity. If not, see <>.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
#pragma once
#include <libsolidity/interface/ImportRemapper.h>
#include <libsolidity/interface/ReadFile.h>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <map>
#include <set>
namespace solidity::frontend
/// FileReader - used for progressively loading source code.
/// It is used in solc to load files from CLI parameters, stdin, or from JSON and
/// also used in the solc language server where solc is a long running process.
class FileReader
using StringMap = std::map<SourceUnitName, SourceCode>;
using PathMap = std::map<SourceUnitName, boost::filesystem::path>;
using FileSystemPathSet = std::set<boost::filesystem::path>;
enum SymlinkResolution {
Disabled, ///< Do not resolve symbolic links in the path.
Enabled, ///< Follow symbolic links. The path should contain no symlinks.
/// Constructs a FileReader with a base path and sets of include paths and allowed directories
/// that will be used when requesting files from this file reader instance.
explicit FileReader(
boost::filesystem::path _basePath = {},
std::vector<boost::filesystem::path> const& _includePaths = {},
FileSystemPathSet _allowedDirectories = {}
void setBasePath(boost::filesystem::path const& _path);
boost::filesystem::path const& basePath() const noexcept { return m_basePath; }
void addIncludePath(boost::filesystem::path const& _path);
std::vector<boost::filesystem::path> const& includePaths() const noexcept { return m_includePaths; }
void allowDirectory(boost::filesystem::path _path);
FileSystemPathSet const& allowedDirectories() const noexcept { return m_allowedDirectories; }
/// @returns all sources by their internal source unit names.
StringMap const& sourceUnits() const noexcept { return m_sourceCodes; }
/// Resets all sources to the given map of source unit name to source codes.
/// Does not enforce @a allowedDirectories().
void setSourceUnits(StringMap _sources);
/// Adds the source code under a source unit name created by normalizing the file path
/// or changes an existing source.
/// Does not enforce @a allowedDirectories().
void addOrUpdateFile(boost::filesystem::path const& _path, SourceCode _source);
/// Adds the source code under the source unit name of @a <stdin>.
/// Does not enforce @a allowedDirectories().
void setStdin(SourceCode _source);
/// Receives a @p _sourceUnitName that refers to a source unit in compiler's virtual filesystem
/// and attempts to interpret it as a path and read the corresponding file from disk.
/// The read will only succeed if the canonical path of the file is within one of the @a allowedDirectories().
/// @param _kind must be equal to "source". Other values are not supported.
/// @return Content of the loaded file or an error message. If the operation succeeds, a copy of
/// the content is retained in @a sourceUnits() under the key of @a _sourceUnitName. If the key
/// already exists, previous content is discarded.
frontend::ReadCallback::Result readFile(std::string const& _kind, std::string const& _sourceUnitName);
frontend::ReadCallback::Callback reader()
return [this](std::string const& _kind, std::string const& _path) { return readFile(_kind, _path); };
/// Creates a source unit name by normalizing a path given on the command line and, if possible,
/// making it relative to base path or one of the include directories.
std::string cliPathToSourceUnitName(boost::filesystem::path const& _cliPath) const;
/// Checks if a set contains any paths that lead to different files but would receive identical
/// source unit names. Files are considered the same if their paths are exactly the same after
/// normalization (without following symlinks).
/// @returns a map containing all the conflicting source unit names and the paths that would
/// receive them. The returned paths are normalized.
std::map<std::string, FileSystemPathSet> detectSourceUnitNameCollisions(FileSystemPathSet const& _cliPaths) const;
/// Normalizes a filesystem path to make it include all components up to the filesystem root,
/// remove small, inconsequential differences that do not affect the meaning and make it look
/// the same on all platforms (if possible).
/// The resulting path uses forward slashes as path separators, has no redundant separators,
/// has no redundant . or .. segments and has no root name if removing it does not change the meaning.
/// The path does not have to actually exist.
/// @param _path Path to normalize.
/// @param _symlinkResolution If @a Disabled, any symlinks present in @a _path are preserved.
static boost::filesystem::path normalizeCLIPathForVFS(
boost::filesystem::path const& _path,
SymlinkResolution _symlinkResolution = SymlinkResolution::Disabled
/// Normalizes a root path by excluding, in some cases, its root name.
/// The function is used for better portability, and intended to omit root name
/// if the path can be used without it.
/// @param _path Path to normalize the root path.
/// @param _workDir Current working directory path, must be absolute.
/// @returns a normalized root path.
static boost::filesystem::path normalizeCLIRootPathForVFS(
boost::filesystem::path const& _path,
boost::filesystem::path const& _workDir = boost::filesystem::current_path()
/// @returns true if all the path components of @a _prefix are present at the beginning of @a _path.
/// Both paths must be absolute (or have slash as root) and normalized (no . or .. segments, no
/// multiple consecutive slashes).
/// Paths are treated as case-sensitive. Does not require the path to actually exist in the
/// filesystem and does not follow symlinks. Only considers whole segments, e.g. /abc/d is not
/// considered a prefix of /abc/def. Both paths must be non-empty.
/// Ignores the trailing slash, i.e. /a/b/c.sol/ is treated as a valid prefix of /a/b/c.sol.
static bool isPathPrefix(boost::filesystem::path const& _prefix, boost::filesystem::path const& _path);
/// If @a _prefix is actually a prefix of @p _path, removes it from @a _path to make it relative.
/// @returns The path without the prefix or unchanged path if there is not prefix.
/// If @a _path and @_prefix are identical, the result is '.'.
static boost::filesystem::path stripPrefixIfPresent(boost::filesystem::path const& _prefix, boost::filesystem::path const& _path);
/// @returns true if the specified path is an UNC path.
/// UNC paths start with // followed by a name (on Windows they can also start with \\).
/// They are used for network shares on Windows. On UNIX systems they do not have the same
/// functionality but usually they are still recognized and treated in a special way.
static bool isUNCPath(boost::filesystem::path const& _path);
/// If @a _path starts with a number of .. segments, returns a path consisting only of those
/// segments (root name is not included). Otherwise returns an empty path. @a _path must be
/// absolute (or have slash as root).
static boost::filesystem::path absoluteDotDotPrefix(boost::filesystem::path const& _path);
/// @returns true if the path contains any .. segments.
static bool hasDotDotSegments(boost::filesystem::path const& _path);
/// Base path, used for resolving relative paths in imports.
boost::filesystem::path m_basePath;
/// Additional directories used for resolving relative paths in imports.
std::vector<boost::filesystem::path> m_includePaths;
/// list of allowed directories to read files from
FileSystemPathSet m_allowedDirectories;
/// map of input files to source code strings
StringMap m_sourceCodes;