Martin Blicha 5ca7a24896 [SMTChecker] Added support for precise modeling of external calls to this.
Modeling external calls to this, since we can trust these calls.

fixed problem with transaction data not being restored after trusted external call

update to the tests

additional tests

changelog entry

added tests for external getters of this
2020-11-13 11:49:09 +01:00

360 lines
15 KiB

This file is part of solidity.
solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with solidity. If not, see <>.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
* Encodes Solidity into SMT expressions without creating
* any verification targets.
* Also implements the SSA scheme for branches.
#pragma once
#include <libsolidity/formal/EncodingContext.h>
#include <libsolidity/formal/SymbolicVariables.h>
#include <libsolidity/formal/VariableUsage.h>
#include <libsolidity/ast/AST.h>
#include <libsolidity/ast/ASTVisitor.h>
#include <libsolidity/interface/ReadFile.h>
#include <liblangutil/ErrorReporter.h>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
namespace solidity::langutil
class ErrorReporter;
struct SourceLocation;
namespace solidity::frontend
class SMTEncoder: public ASTConstVisitor
SMTEncoder(smt::EncodingContext& _context);
/// @returns the leftmost identifier in a multi-d IndexAccess.
static Expression const* leftmostBase(IndexAccess const& _indexAccess);
/// @returns the key type in _type.
/// _type must allow IndexAccess, that is,
/// it must be either ArrayType or MappingType
static TypePointer keyType(TypePointer _type);
/// @returns the innermost element in a chain of 1-tuples if applicable,
/// otherwise _expr.
static Expression const* innermostTuple(Expression const& _expr);
/// @returns the FunctionDefinition of a FunctionCall
/// if possible or nullptr.
static FunctionDefinition const* functionCallToDefinition(FunctionCall const& _funCall);
static std::vector<VariableDeclaration const*> stateVariablesIncludingInheritedAndPrivate(ContractDefinition const& _contract);
static std::vector<VariableDeclaration const*> stateVariablesIncludingInheritedAndPrivate(FunctionDefinition const& _function);
static std::vector<VariableDeclaration const*> localVariablesIncludingModifiers(FunctionDefinition const& _function);
static std::vector<VariableDeclaration const*> modifiersVariables(FunctionDefinition const& _function);
/// @returns the SourceUnit that contains _scopable.
static SourceUnit const* sourceUnitContaining(Scopable const& _scopable);
// TODO: Check that we do not have concurrent reads and writes to a variable,
// because the order of expression evaluation is undefined
// TODO: or just force a certain order, but people might have a different idea about that.
bool visit(ContractDefinition const& _node) override;
void endVisit(ContractDefinition const& _node) override;
void endVisit(VariableDeclaration const& _node) override;
bool visit(ModifierDefinition const& _node) override;
bool visit(FunctionDefinition const& _node) override;
void endVisit(FunctionDefinition const& _node) override;
bool visit(PlaceholderStatement const& _node) override;
bool visit(IfStatement const& _node) override;
bool visit(WhileStatement const&) override { return false; }
bool visit(ForStatement const&) override { return false; }
void endVisit(VariableDeclarationStatement const& _node) override;
bool visit(Assignment const& _node) override;
void endVisit(Assignment const& _node) override;
void endVisit(TupleExpression const& _node) override;
bool visit(UnaryOperation const& _node) override;
void endVisit(UnaryOperation const& _node) override;
bool visit(BinaryOperation const& _node) override;
void endVisit(BinaryOperation const& _node) override;
bool visit(Conditional const& _node) override;
void endVisit(FunctionCall const& _node) override;
bool visit(ModifierInvocation const& _node) override;
void endVisit(Identifier const& _node) override;
void endVisit(ElementaryTypeNameExpression const& _node) override;
void endVisit(Literal const& _node) override;
void endVisit(Return const& _node) override;
bool visit(MemberAccess const& _node) override;
void endVisit(IndexAccess const& _node) override;
void endVisit(IndexRangeAccess const& _node) override;
bool visit(InlineAssembly const& _node) override;
void endVisit(Break const&) override {}
void endVisit(Continue const&) override {}
bool visit(TryCatchClause const& _node) override;
/// Do not visit subtree if node is a RationalNumber.
/// Symbolic _expr is the rational literal.
bool shortcutRationalNumber(Expression const& _expr);
void arithmeticOperation(BinaryOperation const& _op);
/// @returns _op(_left, _right) with and without modular arithmetic.
/// Used by the function above, compound assignments and
/// unary increment/decrement.
virtual std::pair<smtutil::Expression, smtutil::Expression> arithmeticOperation(
Token _op,
smtutil::Expression const& _left,
smtutil::Expression const& _right,
TypePointer const& _commonType,
Expression const& _expression
smtutil::Expression bitwiseOperation(
Token _op,
smtutil::Expression const& _left,
smtutil::Expression const& _right,
TypePointer const& _commonType
void compareOperation(BinaryOperation const& _op);
void booleanOperation(BinaryOperation const& _op);
void bitwiseOperation(BinaryOperation const& _op);
void bitwiseNotOperation(UnaryOperation const& _op);
void initContract(ContractDefinition const& _contract);
void initFunction(FunctionDefinition const& _function);
void visitAssert(FunctionCall const& _funCall);
void visitRequire(FunctionCall const& _funCall);
void visitCryptoFunction(FunctionCall const& _funCall);
void visitGasLeft(FunctionCall const& _funCall);
virtual void visitAddMulMod(FunctionCall const& _funCall);
void visitObjectCreation(FunctionCall const& _funCall);
void visitTypeConversion(FunctionCall const& _funCall);
void visitFunctionIdentifier(Identifier const& _identifier);
/// Encodes a modifier or function body according to the modifier
/// visit depth.
void visitFunctionOrModifier();
/// Inlines a modifier or base constructor call.
void inlineModifierInvocation(ModifierInvocation const* _invocation, CallableDeclaration const* _definition);
/// Inlines the constructor hierarchy into a single constructor.
void inlineConstructorHierarchy(ContractDefinition const& _contract);
/// Defines a new global variable or function.
void defineGlobalVariable(std::string const& _name, Expression const& _expr, bool _increaseIndex = false);
/// Handles the side effects of assignment
/// to variable of some SMT array type
/// while aliasing is not supported.
void arrayAssignment();
/// Handles assignments to index or member access.
void indexOrMemberAssignment(Expression const& _expr, smtutil::Expression const& _rightHandSide);
void arrayPush(FunctionCall const& _funCall);
void arrayPop(FunctionCall const& _funCall);
void arrayPushPopAssign(Expression const& _expr, smtutil::Expression const& _array);
/// Allows BMC and CHC to create verification targets for popping
/// an empty array.
virtual void makeArrayPopVerificationTarget(FunctionCall const&) {}
void addArrayLiteralAssertions(
smt::SymbolicArrayVariable& _symArray,
std::vector<smtutil::Expression> const& _elementValues
/// @returns a pair of expressions representing _left / _right and _left mod _right, respectively.
/// Uses slack variables and additional constraints to express the results using only operations
/// more friendly to the SMT solver (multiplication, addition, subtraction and comparison).
std::pair<smtutil::Expression, smtutil::Expression> divModWithSlacks(
smtutil::Expression _left,
smtutil::Expression _right,
IntegerType const& _type
void assignment(VariableDeclaration const& _variable, Expression const& _value);
/// Handles assignments to variables of different types.
void assignment(VariableDeclaration const& _variable, smtutil::Expression const& _value);
/// Handles assignments between generic expressions.
/// Will also be used for assignments of tuple components.
void assignment(
Expression const& _left,
smtutil::Expression const& _right,
TypePointer const& _type
/// Handle assignments between tuples.
void tupleAssignment(Expression const& _left, Expression const& _right);
/// Computes the right hand side of a compound assignment.
smtutil::Expression compoundAssignment(Assignment const& _assignment);
/// Maps a variable to an SSA index.
using VariableIndices = std::unordered_map<VariableDeclaration const*, int>;
/// Visits the branch given by the statement, pushes and pops the current path conditions.
/// @param _condition if present, asserts that this condition is true within the branch.
/// @returns the variable indices after visiting the branch.
VariableIndices visitBranch(ASTNode const* _statement, smtutil::Expression const* _condition = nullptr);
VariableIndices visitBranch(ASTNode const* _statement, smtutil::Expression _condition);
using CallStackEntry = std::pair<CallableDeclaration const*, ASTNode const*>;
void createStateVariables(ContractDefinition const& _contract);
void initializeStateVariables(ContractDefinition const& _contract);
void createLocalVariables(FunctionDefinition const& _function);
void initializeLocalVariables(FunctionDefinition const& _function);
void initializeFunctionCallParameters(CallableDeclaration const& _function, std::vector<smtutil::Expression> const& _callArgs);
void resetStateVariables();
/// Resets all references/pointers that have the same type or have
/// a subexpression of the same type as _varDecl.
void resetReferences(VariableDeclaration const& _varDecl);
/// Resets all references/pointers that have type _type.
void resetReferences(TypePointer _type);
/// @returns the type without storage pointer information if it has it.
TypePointer typeWithoutPointer(TypePointer const& _type);
/// @returns whether _a or a subtype of _a is the same as _b.
bool sameTypeOrSubtype(TypePointer _a, TypePointer _b);
/// Given two different branches and the touched variables,
/// merge the touched variables into after-branch ite variables
/// using the branch condition as guard.
void mergeVariables(std::set<VariableDeclaration const*> const& _variables, smtutil::Expression const& _condition, VariableIndices const& _indicesEndTrue, VariableIndices const& _indicesEndFalse);
/// Tries to create an uninitialized variable and returns true on success.
bool createVariable(VariableDeclaration const& _varDecl);
/// @returns an expression denoting the value of the variable declared in @a _decl
/// at the current point.
smtutil::Expression currentValue(VariableDeclaration const& _decl);
/// @returns an expression denoting the value of the variable declared in @a _decl
/// at the given index. Does not ensure that this index exists.
smtutil::Expression valueAtIndex(VariableDeclaration const& _decl, unsigned _index);
/// Returns the expression corresponding to the AST node.
/// If _targetType is not null apply conversion.
/// Throws if the expression does not exist.
smtutil::Expression expr(Expression const& _e, TypePointer _targetType = nullptr);
/// Creates the expression (value can be arbitrary)
void createExpr(Expression const& _e);
/// Creates the expression and sets its value.
void defineExpr(Expression const& _e, smtutil::Expression _value);
/// Adds a new path condition
void pushPathCondition(smtutil::Expression const& _e);
/// Remove the last path condition
void popPathCondition();
/// Returns the conjunction of all path conditions or True if empty
smtutil::Expression currentPathConditions();
/// @returns a human-readable call stack. Used for models.
langutil::SecondarySourceLocation callStackMessage(std::vector<CallStackEntry> const& _callStack);
/// Copies and pops the last called node.
CallStackEntry popCallStack();
/// Adds (_definition, _node) to the callstack.
void pushCallStack(CallStackEntry _entry);
/// Add to the solver: the given expression implied by the current path conditions
void addPathImpliedExpression(smtutil::Expression const& _e);
/// Copy the SSA indices of m_variables.
VariableIndices copyVariableIndices();
/// Resets the variable indices.
void resetVariableIndices(VariableIndices const& _indices);
/// Used when starting a new block.
virtual void clearIndices(ContractDefinition const* _contract, FunctionDefinition const* _function = nullptr);
/// @returns variables that are touched in _node's subtree.
std::set<VariableDeclaration const*> touchedVariables(ASTNode const& _node);
/// @returns the declaration referenced by _expr, if any,
/// and nullptr otherwise.
Declaration const* expressionToDeclaration(Expression const& _expr) const;
/// @returns the VariableDeclaration referenced by an Expression or nullptr.
VariableDeclaration const* identifierToVariable(Expression const& _expr) const;
/// @returns the MemberAccess <expression>.push if _expr is an empty array push call,
/// otherwise nullptr.
MemberAccess const* isEmptyPush(Expression const& _expr) const;
/// @returns true if the given identifier is a contract which is known and trusted.
/// This means we don't have to abstract away effects of external function calls to this contract.
static bool isTrustedExternalCall(Expression const* _expr);
/// Creates symbolic expressions for the returned values
/// and set them as the components of the symbolic tuple.
void createReturnedExpressions(FunctionCall const& _funCall);
/// @returns the symbolic arguments for a function call,
/// taking into account bound functions and
/// type conversion.
std::vector<smtutil::Expression> symbolicArguments(FunctionCall const& _funCall);
/// @returns a note to be added to warnings.
std::string extraComment();
struct VerificationTarget
enum class Type { ConstantCondition, Underflow, Overflow, UnderOverflow, DivByZero, Balance, Assert, PopEmptyArray } type;
smtutil::Expression value;
smtutil::Expression constraints;
smt::VariableUsage m_variableUsage;
bool m_arrayAssignmentHappened = false;
// True if the "No SMT solver available" warning was already created.
bool m_noSolverWarning = false;
/// Stores the instances of an Uninterpreted Function applied to arguments.
/// These may be direct application of UFs or Array index access.
/// Used to retrieve models.
std::set<Expression const*> m_uninterpretedTerms;
std::vector<smtutil::Expression> m_pathConditions;
/// Local SMTEncoder ErrorReporter.
/// This is necessary to show the "No SMT solver available"
/// warning before the others in case it's needed.
langutil::ErrorReporter m_errorReporter;
langutil::ErrorList m_smtErrors;
/// Stores the current function/modifier call/invocation path.
std::vector<CallStackEntry> m_callStack;
/// Returns true if the current function was not visited by
/// a function call.
bool isRootFunction();
/// Returns true if _funDef was already visited.
bool visitedFunction(FunctionDefinition const* _funDef);
/// Depth of visit to modifiers.
/// When m_modifierDepth == #modifiers the function can be visited
/// when placeholder is visited.
/// Needs to be a stack because of function calls.
std::vector<int> m_modifierDepthStack;
std::map<ContractDefinition const*, ModifierInvocation const*> m_baseConstructorCalls;
ContractDefinition const* m_currentContract = nullptr;
/// Stores the context of the encoding.
smt::EncodingContext& m_context;