Christian Parpart 0fd1db533e yul: adds reindent() function to reindent yul source code and makes use of it in IRGenerator.
This function does count curly and round braces and reindents
accordingly the beginning of each line.

It does consider line-comments (// and ///) but not multiline comments (/* ... */).
2019-06-24 12:53:50 +02:00

282 lines
9.3 KiB

This file is part of solidity.
solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with solidity. If not, see <>.
* @author Alex Beregszaszi
* @date 2017
* Component that translates Solidity code into Yul.
#include <libsolidity/codegen/ir/IRGenerator.h>
#include <libsolidity/codegen/ir/IRGeneratorForStatements.h>
#include <libsolidity/ast/AST.h>
#include <libsolidity/ast/ASTVisitor.h>
#include <libsolidity/codegen/ABIFunctions.h>
#include <libsolidity/codegen/CompilerUtils.h>
#include <libyul/AssemblyStack.h>
#include <libyul/Utilities.h>
#include <libdevcore/CommonData.h>
#include <libdevcore/Whiskers.h>
#include <libdevcore/StringUtils.h>
#include <liblangutil/SourceReferenceFormatter.h>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace dev;
using namespace dev::solidity;
pair<string, string> IRGenerator::run(ContractDefinition const& _contract)
string const ir = yul::reindent(generate(_contract));
yul::AssemblyStack asmStack(m_evmVersion, yul::AssemblyStack::Language::StrictAssembly, m_optimiserSettings);
if (!asmStack.parseAndAnalyze("", ir))
string errorMessage;
for (auto const& error: asmStack.errors())
errorMessage += langutil::SourceReferenceFormatter::formatErrorInformation(*error);
solAssert(false, ir + "\n\nInvalid IR generated:\n" + errorMessage + "\n");
string warning =
" * WARNING *\n"
" * Solidity to Yul compilation is still EXPERIMENTAL *\n"
" * It can result in LOSS OF FUNDS or worse *\n"
" *******************************************************/\n\n";
return {warning + ir, warning + asmStack.print()};
string IRGenerator::generate(ContractDefinition const& _contract)
solUnimplementedAssert(!_contract.isLibrary(), "Libraries not yet implemented.");
Whiskers t(R"(
object "<CreationObject>" {
code {
object "<RuntimeObject>" {
code {
t("CreationObject", creationObjectName(_contract));
t("memoryInit", memoryInit());
t("constructor", constructorCode(_contract));
t("deploy", deployCode(_contract));
// We generate code for all functions and rely on the optimizer to remove them again
// TODO it would probably be better to only generate functions when internalDispatch or
// virtualFunctionName is called - same below.
for (auto const* contract: _contract.annotation().linearizedBaseContracts)
for (auto const* fun: contract->definedFunctions())
t("functions", m_context.functionCollector()->requestedFunctions());
t("RuntimeObject", runtimeObjectName(_contract));
t("dispatch", dispatchRoutine(_contract));
for (auto const* contract: _contract.annotation().linearizedBaseContracts)
for (auto const* fun: contract->definedFunctions())
t("runtimeFunctions", m_context.functionCollector()->requestedFunctions());
return t.render();
string IRGenerator::generate(Block const& _block)
IRGeneratorForStatements generator(m_context, m_utils);
return generator.code();
string IRGenerator::generateFunction(FunctionDefinition const& _function)
string functionName = m_context.functionName(_function);
return m_context.functionCollector()->createFunction(functionName, [&]() {
Whiskers t(R"(
function <functionName>(<params>) <returns> {
for { let return_flag := 1 } return_flag {} {
t("functionName", functionName);
string params;
for (auto const& varDecl: _function.parameters())
params += (params.empty() ? "" : ", ") + m_context.addLocalVariable(*varDecl);
t("params", params);
string retParams;
for (auto const& varDecl: _function.returnParameters())
retParams += (retParams.empty() ? "" : ", ") + m_context.addLocalVariable(*varDecl);
t("returns", retParams.empty() ? "" : " -> " + retParams);
t("body", generate(_function.body()));
return t.render();
string IRGenerator::constructorCode(ContractDefinition const& _contract)
// TODO initialize state variables in base to derived order.
// TODO base constructors
// TODO callValueCheck if there is no constructor.
if (FunctionDefinition const* constructor = _contract.constructor())
string out;
if (!constructor->isPayable())
out = callValueCheck();
solUnimplementedAssert(constructor->parameters().empty(), "");
return move(out) + m_context.functionName(*constructor) + "()\n";
return {};
string IRGenerator::deployCode(ContractDefinition const& _contract)
Whiskers t(R"X(
codecopy(0, dataoffset("<object>"), datasize("<object>"))
return(0, datasize("<object>"))
t("object", runtimeObjectName(_contract));
return t.render();
string IRGenerator::callValueCheck()
return "if callvalue() { revert(0, 0) }";
string IRGenerator::creationObjectName(ContractDefinition const& _contract)
return + "_" + to_string(;
string IRGenerator::runtimeObjectName(ContractDefinition const& _contract)
return + "_" + to_string( + "_deployed";
string IRGenerator::dispatchRoutine(ContractDefinition const& _contract)
Whiskers t(R"X(
if iszero(lt(calldatasize(), 4))
let selector := <shr224>(calldataload(0))
switch selector
case <functionSelector>
// <functionName>
<assignToParams> <abiDecode>(4, calldatasize())
<assignToRetParams> <function>(<params>)
let memPos := <allocate>(0)
let memEnd := <abiEncode>(memPos <comma> <retParams>)
return(memPos, sub(memEnd, memPos))
default {}
t("shr224", m_utils.shiftRightFunction(224));
vector<map<string, string>> functions;
for (auto const& function: _contract.interfaceFunctions())
map<string, string>& templ = functions.back();
templ["functionSelector"] = "0x" + function.first.hex();
FunctionTypePointer const& type = function.second;
templ["functionName"] = type->externalSignature();
templ["callValueCheck"] = type->isPayable() ? "" : callValueCheck();
unsigned paramVars = make_shared<TupleType>(type->parameterTypes())->sizeOnStack();
unsigned retVars = make_shared<TupleType>(type->returnParameterTypes())->sizeOnStack();
templ["assignToParams"] = paramVars == 0 ? "" : "let " + m_utils.suffixedVariableNameList("param_", 0, paramVars) + " := ";
templ["assignToRetParams"] = retVars == 0 ? "" : "let " + m_utils.suffixedVariableNameList("ret_", 0, retVars) + " := ";
ABIFunctions abiFunctions(m_evmVersion, m_context.functionCollector());
templ["abiDecode"] = abiFunctions.tupleDecoder(type->parameterTypes());
templ["params"] = m_utils.suffixedVariableNameList("param_", 0, paramVars);
templ["retParams"] = m_utils.suffixedVariableNameList("ret_", retVars, 0);
templ["function"] = generateFunction(dynamic_cast<FunctionDefinition const&>(type->declaration()));
templ["allocate"] = m_utils.allocationFunction();
templ["abiEncode"] = abiFunctions.tupleEncoder(type->returnParameterTypes(), type->returnParameterTypes(), false);
templ["comma"] = retVars == 0 ? "" : ", ";
t("cases", functions);
if (FunctionDefinition const* fallback = _contract.fallbackFunction())
string fallbackCode;
if (!fallback->isPayable())
fallbackCode += callValueCheck();
fallbackCode += generateFunction(*fallback) + "() stop()";
t("fallback", fallbackCode);
t("fallback", "revert(0, 0)");
return t.render();
string IRGenerator::memoryInit()
// This function should be called at the beginning of the EVM call frame
// and thus can assume all memory to be zero, including the contents of
// the "zero memory area" (the position CompilerUtils::zeroPointer points to).
Whiskers{"mstore(<memPtr>, <generalPurposeStart>)"}
("memPtr", to_string(CompilerUtils::freeMemoryPointer))
("generalPurposeStart", to_string(CompilerUtils::generalPurposeMemoryStart))
void IRGenerator::resetContext(ContractDefinition const& _contract)
"Reset context while it still had functions."
m_context = IRGenerationContext(m_evmVersion, m_optimiserSettings);
m_utils = YulUtilFunctions(m_evmVersion, m_context.functionCollector());
for (auto const& var: ContractType(_contract).stateVariables())
m_context.addStateVariable(*get<0>(var), get<1>(var), get<2>(var));