contract C { function f() public { payable(this).transfer(1); require(payable(this).send(2)); selfdestruct(payable(this)); (bool success,) = address(this).delegatecall(""); require(success); (success,) = address(this).call(""); require(success); } function g() pure public { bytes32 x = keccak256("abc"); bytes32 y = sha256("abc"); address z = ecrecover(bytes32(uint256(1)), uint8(2), bytes32(uint256(3)), bytes32(uint256(4))); require(true); assert(true); x; y; z; } receive() payable external {} } // ---- // Warning 5159: (122-134): "selfdestruct" has been deprecated. The underlying opcode will eventually undergo breaking changes, and its use is not recommended.