/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see . */ /** * @author Federico Bond * @date 2016 * Static analyzer and checker. */ #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace dev; using namespace langutil; using namespace dev::solidity; /** * Helper class that determines whether a contract's constructor uses inline assembly. */ class dev::solidity::ConstructorUsesAssembly { public: /// @returns true if and only if the contract's or any of its bases' constructors /// use inline assembly. bool check(ContractDefinition const& _contract) { for (auto const* base: _contract.annotation().linearizedBaseContracts) if (checkInternal(*base)) return true; return false; } private: class Checker: public ASTConstVisitor { public: Checker(FunctionDefinition const& _f) { _f.accept(*this); } bool visit(InlineAssembly const&) override { assemblySeen = true; return false; } bool assemblySeen = false; }; bool checkInternal(ContractDefinition const& _contract) { if (!m_usesAssembly.count(&_contract)) { bool usesAssembly = false; if (_contract.constructor()) usesAssembly = Checker{*_contract.constructor()}.assemblySeen; m_usesAssembly[&_contract] = usesAssembly; } return m_usesAssembly[&_contract]; } map m_usesAssembly; }; StaticAnalyzer::StaticAnalyzer(ErrorReporter& _errorReporter): m_errorReporter(_errorReporter) { } StaticAnalyzer::~StaticAnalyzer() { } bool StaticAnalyzer::analyze(SourceUnit const& _sourceUnit) { _sourceUnit.accept(*this); return Error::containsOnlyWarnings(m_errorReporter.errors()); } bool StaticAnalyzer::visit(ContractDefinition const& _contract) { m_library = _contract.isLibrary(); m_currentContract = &_contract; return true; } void StaticAnalyzer::endVisit(ContractDefinition const&) { m_library = false; m_currentContract = nullptr; } bool StaticAnalyzer::visit(FunctionDefinition const& _function) { if (_function.isImplemented()) m_currentFunction = &_function; else solAssert(!m_currentFunction, ""); solAssert(m_localVarUseCount.empty(), ""); m_constructor = _function.isConstructor(); return true; } void StaticAnalyzer::endVisit(FunctionDefinition const&) { if (m_currentFunction && !m_currentFunction->body().statements().empty()) for (auto const& var: m_localVarUseCount) if (var.second == 0) { if (var.first.second->isCallableOrCatchParameter()) m_errorReporter.warning( var.first.second->location(), "Unused " + string(var.first.second->isTryCatchParameter() ? "try/catch" : "function") + " parameter. Remove or comment out the variable name to silence this warning." ); else m_errorReporter.warning(var.first.second->location(), "Unused local variable."); } m_localVarUseCount.clear(); m_constructor = false; m_currentFunction = nullptr; } bool StaticAnalyzer::visit(Identifier const& _identifier) { if (m_currentFunction) if (auto var = dynamic_cast(_identifier.annotation().referencedDeclaration)) { solAssert(!var->name().empty(), ""); if (var->isLocalVariable()) m_localVarUseCount[make_pair(var->id(), var)] += 1; } return true; } bool StaticAnalyzer::visit(VariableDeclaration const& _variable) { if (m_currentFunction) { solAssert(_variable.isLocalVariable(), ""); if (_variable.name() != "") // This is not a no-op, the entry might pre-exist. m_localVarUseCount[make_pair(_variable.id(), &_variable)] += 0; } else if (_variable.isStateVariable()) { set structsSeen; if (structureSizeEstimate(*_variable.type(), structsSeen) >= bigint(1) << 64) m_errorReporter.warning( _variable.location(), "Variable covers a large part of storage and thus makes collisions likely. " "Either use mappings or dynamic arrays and allow their size to be increased only " "in small quantities per transaction." ); } return true; } bool StaticAnalyzer::visit(Return const& _return) { // If the return has an expression, it counts as // a "use" of the return parameters. if (m_currentFunction && _return.expression()) for (auto const& var: m_currentFunction->returnParameters()) if (!var->name().empty()) m_localVarUseCount[make_pair(var->id(), var.get())] += 1; return true; } bool StaticAnalyzer::visit(ExpressionStatement const& _statement) { if (_statement.expression().annotation().isPure) m_errorReporter.warning( _statement.location(), "Statement has no effect." ); return true; } bool StaticAnalyzer::visit(MemberAccess const& _memberAccess) { if (MagicType const* type = dynamic_cast(_memberAccess.expression().annotation().type)) { if (type->kind() == MagicType::Kind::Message && _memberAccess.memberName() == "gas") m_errorReporter.typeError( _memberAccess.location(), "\"msg.gas\" has been deprecated in favor of \"gasleft()\"" ); else if (type->kind() == MagicType::Kind::Block && _memberAccess.memberName() == "blockhash") m_errorReporter.typeError( _memberAccess.location(), "\"block.blockhash()\" has been deprecated in favor of \"blockhash()\"" ); else if (type->kind() == MagicType::Kind::MetaType && _memberAccess.memberName() == "runtimeCode") { if (!m_constructorUsesAssembly) m_constructorUsesAssembly = make_unique(); ContractType const& contract = dynamic_cast(*type->typeArgument()); if (m_constructorUsesAssembly->check(contract.contractDefinition())) m_errorReporter.warning( _memberAccess.location(), "The constructor of the contract (or its base) uses inline assembly. " "Because of that, it might be that the deployed bytecode is different from type(...).runtimeCode." ); } } if (_memberAccess.memberName() == "callcode") if (auto const* type = dynamic_cast(_memberAccess.annotation().type)) if (type->kind() == FunctionType::Kind::BareCallCode) m_errorReporter.typeError( _memberAccess.location(), "\"callcode\" has been deprecated in favour of \"delegatecall\"." ); if (m_constructor) { auto const* expr = &_memberAccess.expression(); while(expr) { if (auto id = dynamic_cast(expr)) { if (id->name() == "this") m_errorReporter.warning( id->location(), "\"this\" used in constructor. " "Note that external functions of a contract " "cannot be called while it is being constructed."); break; } else if (auto tuple = dynamic_cast(expr)) { if (tuple->components().size() == 1) expr = tuple->components().front().get(); else break; } else break; } } return true; } bool StaticAnalyzer::visit(InlineAssembly const& _inlineAssembly) { if (!m_currentFunction) return true; for (auto const& ref: _inlineAssembly.annotation().externalReferences) { if (auto var = dynamic_cast(ref.second.declaration)) { solAssert(!var->name().empty(), ""); if (var->isLocalVariable()) m_localVarUseCount[make_pair(var->id(), var)] += 1; } } return true; } bool StaticAnalyzer::visit(BinaryOperation const& _operation) { if ( _operation.rightExpression().annotation().isPure && (_operation.getOperator() == Token::Div || _operation.getOperator() == Token::Mod) ) if (auto rhs = dynamic_cast( ConstantEvaluator(m_errorReporter).evaluate(_operation.rightExpression()) )) if (rhs->isZero()) m_errorReporter.typeError( _operation.location(), (_operation.getOperator() == Token::Div) ? "Division by zero." : "Modulo zero." ); return true; } bool StaticAnalyzer::visit(FunctionCall const& _functionCall) { if (_functionCall.annotation().kind == FunctionCallKind::FunctionCall) { auto functionType = dynamic_cast(_functionCall.expression().annotation().type); solAssert(functionType, ""); if (functionType->kind() == FunctionType::Kind::AddMod || functionType->kind() == FunctionType::Kind::MulMod) { solAssert(_functionCall.arguments().size() == 3, ""); if (_functionCall.arguments()[2]->annotation().isPure) if (auto lastArg = dynamic_cast( ConstantEvaluator(m_errorReporter).evaluate(*(_functionCall.arguments())[2]) )) if (lastArg->isZero()) m_errorReporter.typeError( _functionCall.location(), "Arithmetic modulo zero." ); } if ( m_currentContract->isLibrary() && functionType->kind() == FunctionType::Kind::DelegateCall && functionType->declaration().scope() == m_currentContract ) m_errorReporter.typeError( _functionCall.location(), SecondarySourceLocation().append( "The function declaration is here:", functionType->declaration().scope()->location() ), "Libraries cannot call their own functions externally." ); } return true; } bigint StaticAnalyzer::structureSizeEstimate(Type const& _type, set& _structsSeen) { switch (_type.category()) { case Type::Category::Array: { auto const& t = dynamic_cast(_type); return structureSizeEstimate(*t.baseType(), _structsSeen) * (t.isDynamicallySized() ? 1 : t.length()); } case Type::Category::Struct: { auto const& t = dynamic_cast(_type); bigint size = 1; if (!_structsSeen.count(&t.structDefinition())) { _structsSeen.insert(&t.structDefinition()); for (auto const& m: t.members(nullptr)) size += structureSizeEstimate(*m.type, _structsSeen); } return size; } case Type::Category::Mapping: { return structureSizeEstimate(*dynamic_cast(_type).valueType(), _structsSeen); } default: break; } return bigint(1); }