/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see . */ /** * Unit tests for Solidity's test expectation parser. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace dev::test; namespace dev { namespace solidity { namespace test { using fmt = ExecutionFramework; using Mode = FunctionCall::DisplayMode; vector parse(string const& _source) { istringstream stream{_source, ios_base::out}; TestFileParser parser{stream}; return parser.parseFunctionCalls(0); } void testFunctionCall( FunctionCall const& _call, FunctionCall::DisplayMode _mode, string _signature = "", bool _failure = true, bytes _arguments = bytes{}, bytes _expectations = bytes{}, u256 _value = 0, string _argumentComment = "", string _expectationComment = "", vector _rawArguments = vector{}, bool _isConstructor = false, bool _isLibrary = false ) { BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(_call.expectations.failure, _failure); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(_call.signature, _signature); ABI_CHECK(_call.arguments.rawBytes(), _arguments); ABI_CHECK(_call.expectations.rawBytes(), _expectations); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(_call.displayMode, _mode); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(_call.value, _value); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(_call.arguments.comment, _argumentComment); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(_call.expectations.comment, _expectationComment); if (!_rawArguments.empty()) { BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(_call.arguments.parameters.size(), _rawArguments.size()); size_t index = 0; for (Parameter const& param: _call.arguments.parameters) { BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(param.rawString, _rawArguments[index]); ++index; } } BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(_call.isConstructor, _isConstructor); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(_call.isLibrary, _isLibrary); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE(TestFileParserTest) BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(smoke_test) { char const* source = R"()"; BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(parse(source).size(), 0); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_succees) { char const* source = R"( // success() -> )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 1); testFunctionCall(calls.at(0), Mode::SingleLine, "success()", false); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(non_existent_call_revert_single_line) { char const* source = R"( // i_am_not_there() -> FAILURE )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 1); testFunctionCall(calls.at(0), Mode::SingleLine, "i_am_not_there()", true); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_arguments_success) { char const* source = R"( // f(uint256): 1 // -> )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 1); testFunctionCall(calls.at(0), Mode::MultiLine, "f(uint256)", false, fmt::encodeArgs(u256{1})); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_arguments_comments_success) { char const* source = R"( // f(uint256, uint256): 1, 1 // # Comment on the parameters. # // -> // # This call should not return a value, but still succeed. # // f() // # Comment on no parameters. # // -> 1 // # This comment should be parsed. # )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 2); testFunctionCall( calls.at(0), Mode::MultiLine, "f(uint256,uint256)", false, fmt::encodeArgs(1, 1), fmt::encodeArgs(), 0, " Comment on the parameters. ", " This call should not return a value, but still succeed. " ); testFunctionCall( calls.at(1), Mode::MultiLine, "f()", false, fmt::encodeArgs(), fmt::encodeArgs(1), 0, " Comment on no parameters. ", " This comment should be parsed. " ); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(simple_single_line_call_comment_success) { char const* source = R"( // f(uint256): 1 -> # f(uint256) does not return a value. # // f(uint256): 1 -> 1 )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 2); testFunctionCall( calls.at(0), Mode::SingleLine, "f(uint256)", false, fmt::encodeArgs(1), fmt::encodeArgs(), 0, "", " f(uint256) does not return a value. " ); testFunctionCall(calls.at(1), Mode::SingleLine, "f(uint256)", false, fmt::encode(1), fmt::encode(1)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(multiple_single_line) { char const* source = R"( // f(uint256): 1 -> 1 // g(uint256): 1 -> )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 2); testFunctionCall(calls.at(0), Mode::SingleLine, "f(uint256)", false, fmt::encodeArgs(1), fmt::encodeArgs(1)); testFunctionCall(calls.at(1), Mode::SingleLine, "g(uint256)", false, fmt::encodeArgs(1)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(multiple_single_line_swapped) { char const* source = R"( // f(uint256): 1 -> // g(uint256): 1 -> 1 )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 2); testFunctionCall(calls.at(0), Mode::SingleLine, "f(uint256)", false, fmt::encodeArgs(1)); testFunctionCall(calls.at(1), Mode::SingleLine, "g(uint256)", false, fmt::encodeArgs(1), fmt::encodeArgs(1)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(non_existent_call_revert) { char const* source = R"( // i_am_not_there() // -> FAILURE )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 1); testFunctionCall(calls.at(0), Mode::MultiLine, "i_am_not_there()", true); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_revert_message) { char const* source = R"( // f() -> FAILURE, hex"08c379a0", 0x20, 6, "Revert" )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 1); testFunctionCall( calls.at(0), Mode::SingleLine, "f()", true, fmt::encodeArgs(), fromHex("08c379a0") + fmt::encodeDyn(string{"Revert"}) ); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_expectations_empty_single_line) { char const* source = R"( // _exp_() -> )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 1); testFunctionCall(calls.at(0), Mode::SingleLine, "_exp_()", false); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_expectations_empty_multiline) { char const* source = R"( // _exp_() // -> )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 1); testFunctionCall(calls.at(0), Mode::MultiLine, "_exp_()", false); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_comments) { char const* source = R"( // f() # Parameter comment # -> 1 # Expectation comment # // f() # Parameter comment # // -> 1 # Expectation comment # )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 2); testFunctionCall( calls.at(0), Mode::SingleLine, "f()", false, fmt::encodeArgs(), fmt::encodeArgs(1), 0, " Parameter comment ", " Expectation comment " ); testFunctionCall( calls.at(1), Mode::MultiLine, "f()", false, fmt::encodeArgs(), fmt::encodeArgs(1), 0, " Parameter comment ", " Expectation comment " ); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_arguments) { char const* source = R"( // f(uint256), 314 ether: 5 # optional ether value # // -> 4 )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 1); testFunctionCall( calls.at(0), Mode::MultiLine, "f(uint256)", false, fmt::encodeArgs(5), fmt::encodeArgs(4), 314, " optional ether value " ); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_arguments_bool) { char const* source = R"( // f(bool): true -> false )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 1); testFunctionCall( calls.at(0), Mode::SingleLine, "f(bool)", false, fmt::encodeArgs(true), fmt::encodeArgs(false) ); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(scanner_hex_values) { char const* source = R"( // f(uint256): "\x20\x00\xFf" -> )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 1); testFunctionCall(calls.at(0), Mode::SingleLine, "f(uint256)", false, fmt::encodeArgs(string("\x20\x00\xff", 3))); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(scanner_hex_values_invalid1) { char const* source = R"( // f(uint256): "\x" -> )"; BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(parse(source), langutil::Error); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(scanner_hex_values_invalid2) { char const* source = R"( // f(uint256): "\x1" -> )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 1); testFunctionCall(calls.at(0), Mode::SingleLine, "f(uint256)", false, fmt::encodeArgs(string("\x1", 1))); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(scanner_hex_values_invalid3) { char const* source = R"( // f(uint256): "\xZ" -> )"; BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(parse(source), langutil::Error); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(scanner_hex_values_invalid4) { char const* source = R"( // f(uint256): "\xZZ" -> )"; BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(parse(source), langutil::Error); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_arguments_hex_string) { char const* source = R"( // f(bytes): hex"4200ef" -> hex"ab0023" )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 1); testFunctionCall( calls.at(0), Mode::SingleLine, "f(bytes)", false, fromHex("4200ef"), fromHex("ab0023") ); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_arguments_hex_string_lowercase) { char const* source = R"( // f(bytes): hex"4200ef" -> hex"23ef00" )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 1); testFunctionCall( calls.at(0), Mode::SingleLine, "f(bytes)", false, fromHex("4200EF"), fromHex("23EF00") ); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_arguments_string) { char const* source = R"( // f(string): 0x20, 3, "any" -> )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 1); testFunctionCall( calls.at(0), Mode::SingleLine, "f(string)", false, fmt::encodeDyn(string{"any"}) ); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_hex_number) { char const* source = R"( // f(bytes32, bytes32): 0x616, 0x1042 -> 1 )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 1); testFunctionCall( calls.at(0), Mode::SingleLine, "f(bytes32,bytes32)", false, fmt::encodeArgs( fromHex("0x616"), fromHex("0x1042") ), fmt::encodeArgs(1) ); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_return_string) { char const* source = R"( // f() -> 0x20, 3, "any" )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 1); testFunctionCall( calls.at(0), Mode::SingleLine, "f()", false, fmt::encodeArgs(), fmt::encodeDyn(string{"any"}) ); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_arguments_tuple) { char const* source = R"( // f((uint256, bytes32), uint256) -> // f((uint8), uint8) -> )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 2); testFunctionCall(calls.at(0), Mode::SingleLine, "f((uint256,bytes32),uint256)", false); testFunctionCall(calls.at(1), Mode::SingleLine, "f((uint8),uint8)", false); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_arguments_left_aligned) { char const* source = R"( // f(bytes32, bytes32): 0x6161, 0x420000EF -> 1 // g(bytes32, bytes32): 0x0616, 0x0042EF00 -> 1 )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 2); testFunctionCall( calls.at(0), Mode::SingleLine, "f(bytes32,bytes32)", false, fmt::encodeArgs( fromHex("0x6161"), fromHex("0x420000EF") ), fmt::encodeArgs(1) ); testFunctionCall( calls.at(1), Mode::SingleLine, "g(bytes32,bytes32)", false, fmt::encodeArgs( fromHex("0x0616"), fromHex("0x0042EF00") ), fmt::encodeArgs(1) ); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_arguments_tuple_of_tuples) { char const* source = R"( // f(((uint256, bytes32), bytes32), uint256) // # f(S memory s, uint256 b) # // -> )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 1); testFunctionCall( calls.at(0), Mode::MultiLine, "f(((uint256,bytes32),bytes32),uint256)", false, fmt::encodeArgs(), fmt::encodeArgs(), 0, " f(S memory s, uint256 b) " ); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_arguments_recursive_tuples) { char const* source = R"( // f(((((bytes, bytes, bytes), bytes), bytes), bytes), bytes) -> // f(((((bytes, bytes, (bytes)), bytes), bytes), (bytes, bytes)), (bytes, bytes)) -> )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 2); testFunctionCall( calls.at(0), Mode::SingleLine, "f(((((bytes,bytes,bytes),bytes),bytes),bytes),bytes)", false ); testFunctionCall( calls.at(1), Mode::SingleLine, "f(((((bytes,bytes,(bytes)),bytes),bytes),(bytes,bytes)),(bytes,bytes))", false ); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_arguments_mismatch) { char const* source = R"( // f(uint256): // 1, 2 // # This only throws at runtime # // -> 1 )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 1); testFunctionCall( calls.at(0), Mode::MultiLine, "f(uint256)", false, fmt::encodeArgs(1, 2), fmt::encodeArgs(1), 0, " This only throws at runtime " ); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_multiple_arguments) { char const* source = R"( // test(uint256, uint256): // 1, // 2 // -> 1, // 1 )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 1); testFunctionCall( calls.at(0), Mode::MultiLine, "test(uint256,uint256)", false, fmt::encodeArgs(1, 2), fmt::encodeArgs(1, 1) ); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_multiple_arguments_mixed_format) { char const* source = R"( // test(uint256, uint256), 314 ether: // 1, -2 // -> -1, 2 )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 1); testFunctionCall( calls.at(0), Mode::MultiLine, "test(uint256,uint256)", false, fmt::encodeArgs(1, -2), fmt::encodeArgs(-1, 2), 314 ); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_signature_array) { char const* source = R"( // f(uint256[]) -> // f(uint256[3]) -> // f(uint256[3][][], uint8[9]) -> )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 3); testFunctionCall(calls.at(0), Mode::SingleLine, "f(uint256[])", false); testFunctionCall(calls.at(1), Mode::SingleLine, "f(uint256[3])", false); testFunctionCall(calls.at(2), Mode::SingleLine, "f(uint256[3][][],uint8[9])", false); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_signature_struct_array) { char const* source = R"( // f((uint256)[]) -> // f((uint256)[3]) -> // f((uint256, uint8)[3]) -> // f((uint256)[3][][], (uint8, bool)[9]) -> )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 4); testFunctionCall(calls.at(0), Mode::SingleLine, "f((uint256)[])", false); testFunctionCall(calls.at(1), Mode::SingleLine, "f((uint256)[3])", false); testFunctionCall(calls.at(2), Mode::SingleLine, "f((uint256,uint8)[3])", false); testFunctionCall(calls.at(3), Mode::SingleLine, "f((uint256)[3][][],(uint8,bool)[9])", false); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_signature_valid) { char const* source = R"( // f(uint256, uint8, string) -> FAILURE // f(invalid, xyz, foo) -> FAILURE )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 2); testFunctionCall(calls.at(0), Mode::SingleLine, "f(uint256,uint8,string)", true); testFunctionCall(calls.at(1), Mode::SingleLine, "f(invalid,xyz,foo)", true); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_raw_arguments) { char const* source = R"( // f(): 1, -2, -3 -> )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 1); testFunctionCall( calls.at(0), Mode::SingleLine, "f()", false, fmt::encodeArgs(1, -2, -3), fmt::encodeArgs(), 0, "", "", {"1", "-2", "-3"} ); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_builtin_left_decimal) { char const* source = R"( // f(): left(1), left(0x20) -> left(-2), left(true) )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 1); testFunctionCall( calls.at(0), Mode::SingleLine, "f()", false, fmt::encodeArgs( fmt::encode(toCompactBigEndian(u256{1}), false), fmt::encode(fromHex("0x20"), false) ), fmt::encodeArgs( fmt::encode(toCompactBigEndian(u256{-2}), false), fmt::encode(bytes{true}, false) ) ); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_builtin_right_decimal) { char const* source = R"( // f(): right(1), right(0x20) -> right(-2), right(true) )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 1); testFunctionCall( calls.at(0), Mode::SingleLine, "f()", false, fmt::encodeArgs(1, fromHex("0x20")), fmt::encodeArgs(-2, true) ); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_arguments_hex_string_left_align) { char const* source = R"( // f(bytes): left(hex"4200ef") -> )"; BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(parse(source), langutil::Error); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_arguments_hex_string_right_align) { char const* source = R"( // f(bytes): right(hex"4200ef") -> )"; BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(parse(source), langutil::Error); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_newline_invalid) { char const* source = R"( / )"; BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(parse(source), langutil::Error); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_invalid) { char const* source = R"( / f() -> )"; BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(parse(source), langutil::Error); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_signature_invalid) { char const* source = R"( // f(uint8,) -> FAILURE )"; BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(parse(source), langutil::Error); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_arguments_tuple_invalid) { char const* source = R"( // f((uint8,) -> FAILURE )"; BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(parse(source), langutil::Error); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_arguments_tuple_invalid_empty) { char const* source = R"( // f(uint8, ()) -> FAILURE )"; BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(parse(source), langutil::Error); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_arguments_tuple_invalid_parantheses) { char const* source = R"( // f((uint8,() -> FAILURE )"; BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(parse(source), langutil::Error); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_ether_value_expectations_missing) { char const* source = R"( // f(), 0)"; BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(parse(source), langutil::Error); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_arguments_invalid) { char const* source = R"( // f(uint256): abc -> 1 )"; BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(parse(source), langutil::Error); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_arguments_invalid_decimal) { char const* source = R"( // sig(): 0.h3 -> )"; BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(parse(source), langutil::Error); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_ether_value_invalid) { char const* source = R"( // f(uint256), abc : 1 -> 1 )"; BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(parse(source), langutil::Error); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_ether_value_invalid_decimal) { char const* source = R"( // sig(): 0.1hd ether -> )"; BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(parse(source), langutil::Error); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_ether_type_invalid) { char const* source = R"( // f(uint256), 2 btc : 1 -> 1 )"; BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(parse(source), langutil::Error); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_signed_bool_invalid) { char const* source = R"( // f() -> -true )"; BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(parse(source), langutil::Error); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_signed_failure_invalid) { char const* source = R"( // f() -> -FAILURE )"; BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(parse(source), langutil::Error); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_signed_hex_number_invalid) { char const* source = R"( // f() -> -0x42 )"; BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(parse(source), langutil::Error); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_arguments_colon) { char const* source = R"( // h256(): // -> 1 )"; BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(parse(source), langutil::Error); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_arguments_newline_colon) { char const* source = R"( // h256() // : // -> 1 )"; BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(parse(source), langutil::Error); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_arrow_missing) { char const* source = R"( // h256() FAILURE )"; BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(parse(source), langutil::Error); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(call_unexpected_character) { char const* source = R"( // f() -> ?? )"; BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(parse(source), langutil::Error); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(constructor) { char const* source = R"( // constructor() )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 1); testFunctionCall( calls.at(0), Mode::SingleLine, "constructor()", false, {}, {}, 0, "", "", {}, true ); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(library) { char const* source = R"( // library: L )"; auto const calls = parse(source); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(calls.size(), 1); testFunctionCall( calls.at(0), Mode::SingleLine, "L", false, {}, {}, 0, "", "", {}, false, true ); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END() } } }